Elements of A Lessons / Guiding Questions / Lesson Plan / Time Allocated / Teacher Strategies/ResourcesEssential Questions /
- After referencing curriculum map, develop essential question that asks students what you want them to learn (broad concepts, how/why questions, etc. Have you addressed any of the 21st Centuryskills or literacies?
Collaboration with media coordinator
Collaboration within PLC
Vocabulary Journal
Thinking Maps
Cooperative Learning
Balanced Literacy
Nine Instructional Strategies (Marzano)
- Identifying similarities and differences
- Summarizing and note taking
- Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
- Homework and practice
- Nonlinguistic representation
- Cooperative Learning
- Setting objectives and providing feedback
- Generating and testing hypotheses
- Cues, questions, and advance organizers
Technology Tools and Resources:______
Goals and Objectivesfrom the NCSCOS:
Specific Skills: : (Which content skills are included? Which 21st Century skills are included?)
Focus and Review
(See Teacher Strategies/Res-sources) /
- Have you planned a warm up?
- How will you clear up any misconceptions?
Introduction of Information /
- Activities
- Strategies
- Materials
Guided Practice /
- Have you differentiated in content, process, and/or product?
- Have you considered the students’ readiness levels, interests, and learning styles?
- Is your lesson rigorous? Thought-provoking? Diverse? Authentic?
Independent Practice /
- Have you differentiated in content, process, and/or product?
- Have you considered the students’ readiness levels, interests, and learning styles?
- Is your lesson rigorous? Thought-provoking? Diverse? Authentic?
Assessment /
- Is the assessment formative? Or summative?
- Is the assessment aligned to Marzano’s Thinking Skills or Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (CTE only)?
- Is the assessment designed to give you quality feedback to measure mastery of skills?
- Is ClassScape an appropriate assessment for this lesson?
- What is an appropriate assessment for this lesson (open-ended, multiple choice, performance?)
- Did the work demonstrate student mastery of aligned curriculum (SCOS), on grade level work, essential learning?
- Did the student work connect to other disciplines and/or real life?
- Did the work demonstrate the use of complex 21st Century thinking skills?
- Was the student work product worth the time devoted to completion?
- How will you reteach and retest for mastery?
New Learning Targets /
- Have you established new learning goals based on assessment results?
- What will you do next?