Fylde Borough Council
Neighbourhood Planning Service Level Agreement
Fylde Council will make the following provision for advice and support for emerging Neighbourhood Plans:
Professional Advice to anInterested Party
At the request of an interested party, Fylde Council will:
- Provide initial information to assist the interested party and determine if the neighbourhood plan process is right for them;
- Assist the interested party in submitting the Neighbourhood Area application and/or Neighbourhood Forum application;
- Provide an appropriate map of the proposed Neighbourhood Area, in support of the Neighbourhood Area application, in regards to Regulation 5;
- Carry out the relevant consultation in regards to a Neighbourhood Area application under Regulation 6; and
- Advertise the said application on Fylde Council’s website.
Initial Professional Advice and Assistance
Following the designation of the Neighbourhood Area and/or Neighbourhood Forum, the qualifying body will be providedwith a named officer from Fylde Council as the first point of contact for advice and technical support.
The support officer will attend an initial meeting and provide an overview on the procedures and issues. The advice will cover:
- An overview of the Neighbourhood Planning process and procedures;
- The legal procedures;
- The requirements of other legislation such as Human Rights Act, the Habitats Regulations and Environmental Assessments; and
- Up to date information on any available grant funding.
Further Professional Advice and Assistance
Fylde Council will provide advice and support on request in regards to:
- Methods of community engagement and consultation;
- Contact details it holds for “consultation bodies”;
- Annual monitoring report data for the last 5 years, including housing and industrial land schedules;
- Any relevant Local Plan evidence base information, including links to relevant research data were available;
- Up to date information on the emerging Local Plan;
- Relevant OS base maps for the area;
- Advice on any requirement for Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment, including a screening opinion determination following a formal request; and
- For the Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (at Pre submission stage) Fylde Council will provide advice and assistance on the conformity of the Plan and whether in its opinion, the Plan meets the basic conditions.
Fylde Councilwill not offer advice or support in the following areas:
- The writing of documents;
- Undertaking survey work and research;
- Attend every meeting request;
- Attending every consultation event; and
- Direct financial support.
Forum/Parish/Town Responsibilities
Fylde Council will provide the above advice and support on condition your Parish/Town Council/Forum will:
- Establish a steering group to develop the Neighbourhood Development Plan with clear terms of reference;
- Convene as a group on a regular basis throughout the period of preparation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan and its examination;
- Provide quarterly progress updates against your project plan to Fylde Council via the named officer;and
- Provide your Plan to Fylde Council via the named officer, at least 2 weeks before consultation begins; and
- Provide a list of email contacts gathered at Regulation 14 Consultation and other consultation events held, upon submission of your Neighbourhood development Plan.
Forum/Parish/Town Neighbourhood Plan Representative
Planning Policy Manager