Patton Jr. High
Algebra 1Mrs. Blount
Course Objective and Description:
Students will explore concepts including Solving Equations and Inequalities, Linear Equations and Graphs, Systems of Equations and Inequalities, Exponents, Polynomials and Factoring, and Quadratic Equations. The Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards along with differentiation guide instruction in this course.
Classroom Expectations
1. Be on time and prepared.
2. Sit in assigned seat.
3. Respect the classroom, its contents, and its members. (If it’s not yours, don’t touch it.)
4. Save requests to leave the room until after the introduction of new material.
Course Materials:
· Course book
· Assignment
· Composition notebook / · Pencils
· Calculator
· Loose leaf paper
Grading Policy:
Grading Breakdown: / Grading Scale:
Semester Finals / 20%
10% of Semester Grade / 90%-100% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% = C
60%-69% = D
59% > = U
Incomplete, Late Work and Retesting Policy:
Incomplete Work:
If the teacher deems an assignment incomplete, it will be returned to the student. The student will have till the end of the following school day to complete the assignment. If the assignment is not completed and returned by the end of the following day the student may be assigned to Academic Recovery afterschool from 3:00–3:30.
Late Work:
Students will have 2 days from the due date to turn in missing assignments for partial credit. A failing grade will be entered on all missing assignments, and will remain a failing grade if not turned in prior to the deadline date.
Students who score below mastery may be required to retake assessments during advisory, before school, or after school. Retakes are to be completed within one week of the original test and may require extra practice and unit assignment completion as a prerequisite.
Assignment Grading Policy
Assignments are worth 10 points each. A student will be awarded 5 points if the assignment is complete and supporting work is shown. In addition, 5 questions identified by the teacher will be graded and points awarded based on accuracy.
District website
Subscribe to my page and your class to view announcements, assignments, and class recordings.
Online Textbook
For Math support and extra practice: