Book Week Scotland Author Fee Claim Form

Please fill out one form for each author/poet/storyteller etc. carrying out sessions. If an author carries out more than one session, you can amend the total below.

Scottish Book Trust will pay the author directly after the sessions have taken place. Please sign the form on the reverse and pass it to the author to enter payment details and sign.

Name of organisation:
Organisation nominated contact name:
Organisation telephone number:

Claiming for author fees and expenses

Name of author:
Telephone number:

Fee claim (agreed with the organiser)

Event session fee : £ / Total £

Travel claim (include receipts)

Rail £ / Car £ / Other £ / Total £

Accommodation & Subsistence claim (include receipts)

Total £
Total £
Subtotal £

Please use our ‘Invoices for Other Expenses’ form to claim for any other expenses – eg. stationery, hire of equipment, etc.

If VAT registered, show VAT number and calculate VAT against the whole of the subtotal

If you are VAT registered you must also submit a VAT invoice with your claim to ensure payment.

VAT amount: / £
Total with VAT: / £

I hereby confirm that the sessions named above took place as part of Book Week Scotland 2015 and ask Scottish Book Trust to reimburse expenses in full and pay the fee as detailed above.

Signature of organisation nominated contact:
Signature of writer/illustrator/storyteller:

This part to be completed by the writer/poet/storyteller/illustrator:

Are you registered on the Scottish Book Trust Live Literature Funding scheme?

Yes□No □

If yes, we have your details on our system.


If you are not registered for Live Literature Funding with Scottish Book Trust, you must enter your bank details so that we can make the payment to you.

Account name:
Sort code:
Account number:

Please return to: Frances Campbell, Scottish Book Trust, Sandeman House, 55 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1SR

We will pay the full fee and expenses directly to the author on receipt of this form. To claim expenses, you must provide all receipts for travel and subsistence.

Travel allowance: surface transport to be used where less expensive (rail: standard class fare; car: 45p per mile).

Subsistence allowance: please include all receipts for accommodation and subsistence claims. We will reimburse all subsistence costs per session.