Charge to Mass Ratio of the Electron

Lab format: this lab is a remote lab activity

Relationship to theory:This activity involves the investigation of how the motion of an electron is affected by the presence of a magnetic field.

Instructions for Instructors: This protocol is written under an open source CC BY license. You may use the procedure as is or modify as necessary for your class. Be sure to let your students know if they should complete optional exercises in this lab procedure as lab technicians will not know if you want your students to complete optional exercise.

Remote Resources: Primary –Helmholtz Coil, Secondary - None.

Instructions for Students: Read the complete laboratory procedure before coming to lab. Under the experimental sections, complete all pre-lab materials before logging on to the remote lab, complete data collection sections during your on-line period, and answer questions in analysis sections after your on-line period. Your instructor will let you know if you are required to complete any optional exercises in this lab.


  • Paper
  • Pencil/pen
  • Computer (access to remote laboratory)

Preparing to Use the Remote Web-based Science Lab (RWSL)

Click on this link to access the Installguide for the RWSL:

Follow all the directions on this webpage to get your computer ready for connecting to the remote lab.

Introduction to the Remote Equipment and Control Panel

Watch this short tutorial video to see how to use the RWSL control panel:

There are appendices at the end of this document that you can refer to during your lab if you need to remind yourself how to accomplish some of the tasks using the RWSL control panel.


Charge to Mass Ratio of the Electron


Preparing to Use the Remote Web-based Science Lab (RWSL)

Introduction to the Remote Equipment and Control Panel

Learning Objectives

Background Information


Experimental Procedure:

Pre-Lab Exercise

Exercise 1: Qualitative Observations

Exercise 2: e/m Measurement

Exercise 3: Data Analysis (can be done off-line if necessary)

Exercise 4 (Optional): Advanced Analysis

Appendix A: Using the Remote Lab Control Panel

Appendix B: Controlling the Power Supplies

Appendix C: Using the Cameras

Appendix D: Measuring the Electron Beam Diameter

Learning Objectives

  • Investigate how the motion of an electron is affected by the presence of a magnetic field.
  • Measure the ratio of the electron charge to the electron mass: e/m
  • Control power supplies to optimize conditions for making measurements ofe/m
  • Calculate e/m from individual data points and average
  • Graph the measurements to determine the value of e/m
  • Compare the value of e/m from the graph to e/m calculated from individual data
  • Compare the value of e/m from the graph to the accepted value of e/m
  • (OPTIONAL) Advanced Analysis
  • Determine the effect of Earth’s magnetic field on the path of an electron.
  • Relate the shape of an electron beam to its orientation in a magnetic field.

Background Information

(Adapted from materials created by the WASC project:

Many of the equations that we use when using physic to study the natural world rely on universal or physical constants. Many of these physical constants can be used to identify specific atomic and subatomic particles. For instance the charge to mass ratio of an electron is unique to only the electron. In fact the electron was the first atomic practical identified In 1897 J.J. Thomson for which he won the Nobel prize. In this lab you will be replicating his famous experiment. In this experiment, we will use a gas discharge tube and a pair of Helmholtz coils, as illustrated inFigure 1, to examine the motion of electrons in a magnetic field. The Helmholtz coils produce a nearly uniform magnetic field over the entire gas discharge tube. The gas discharge tube produces a stream of electrons that travel through a diffuse helium gas inside the tube. When excited by collisions with electrons, the helium gas in the discharge tube emits light so we can see the path of the electrons.

The electron path can be used to determine the charge to mass (e/m) ratio of the electron. Simply when a beam of electrons is travels through a constant magnetic field in a perpendicular direction its orbit will be circular. The reason for this circular orbit is the magnetic field imparting a force on the moving object. This is simply another application of Newton’s laws of motion. Using this information we can derive equations that allow us to calculate the e/m ratio of an electron. Specifically, when a charged particle, of charge q, mass m and velocity , enters a uniform magnetic field , a force on the charged particle is created by the magnetic field interacting with the moving electron (Figure 2). This force is given by


The force direction is perpendicular to both the charged particle velocity and the magnetic field.

The magnitude of the force is


where is the angle between velocity and the magnetic field.

In the case of an electron, charge , moving perpendicular to the magnetic field (θ=90°), this simplifies to


The sign of the force is ignored here because we are only interested in the magnitude.

We will assume that all other forces on the electron are negligible. An object under a net force that is perpendicular to its velocity will undergo circular motion with centripetal acceleration


In this case, the net force is so, substituting terms,


In this experiment, electrons pass through two parallel plates as they enter the gas discharge tube. The potential difference between the plates is V. Assuming kinetic energy of electrons before entering the plates is negligible, the kinetic energy of the electrons after passing through the plates is




We can rearrange equations (5) to isolate the velocity


and substitute this into the kinetic energy equation (7) to get


or, with a bit of work,


This shows that we can measure the ratio of the electron charge to the electron mass if we know the potential difference used to accelerate the electrons, the magnetic field strength, and the radius of the circular motion of the electron.

Depending on the magnetic field strength B and the accelerating potential V, the electrons can travel anywhere within the discharge tube. The Helmholtz coils produce a magnetic field that is constant to within 1%, and in the direction of the line joining the centers of the two coils, over the entire discharge tube. According to the manufacturer of the Helmholtz coil device we are using (NADA scientific), the magnitude of the Helmholtz coil magnetic field within the discharge tube is


where I is the coil current, N is the number of coils, and R is the radius of the coils, both of which are constants.

Now, we can combine equations 10 and 11 to get an equation that we can collect data to satisfy in the experiment we’re about to do:


Where C is the combination of all the constants from equation (11).


  1. Laboratory Manual for Principles of Physics I and II, 5th Edition 2004, prepared by Jason Diemer, North Island College.
  2. Nakamura e/m Apparatus Manual. NADA Scientific, N99-B10-7350

Experimental Procedure:

Read and understand these instructions BEFORE starting the actual lab procedure and collecting data. Feel free to “play around” a little bit and explore the capabilities of the equipment before you start the actual procedure. If you want to see the Helmholtz coils and discharge bulb, ask the Lab Technicians to remove the cover for you before you start the experiment. They will have to replace the cover before you begin the experimental procedure, however.

Summary of Experimental Procedure:

You will control the settings of an experimental apparatus similar to that depicted in Figure 1 to collect data with which you can solve for the charge/mass ratio of the electron using equation (10). The goal is to find a combination of voltage and current that will produce the best value of e/m.

  1. The electron emitter in the gas discharge tube must be heated for it to work optimally. The control won’t allow the application of the acceleration potential until the emitter is sufficiently heated, so turn the heater on first.
  2. Once you have turned on the pre-heater power supply, there will be a 100-second time delay before you can turn on the accelerating voltage power supply.
  3. You will be able to control the amperage sent to the Helmholtz coils and the accelerating voltage for the electron beam.
  4. The discharge from the gas in the tube is rather faint, so the camera views the discharge tube through a darkened cardboard tube.
  5. Once established, the electron ring will look like this:

  1. Once you establish a ring of electrons in the discharge tube, you will use the scale on the control panel to measure the diameter of the electron ring.
  2. Measure the outside edge of the glowing plasma ring produced by the electrons.
  3. There is a glass rod inside the discharge bulb with a cm scale on it, but it is difficult to see, so use the scale with moveable slider that is on the control panel.
  4. Use a square piece of paper or something similar to line up with the top edge of the control panel on your computer screen and the outside edge of the left side of the plasma ring.
  5. Move the slider on the scale under the video panel to coincide with the edge of your piece of paper. This will be the diameter of the electron beam.
  6. Ensure that each of your lab partners gets a chance to collect at least one set of data.

Pre-Lab Exercise

  1. The accepted value of the charge/mass ratio of an electron is 1.758820088 x 1011 Coulomb/kg (National Institute of Standards and Technology: How close do you think your result from this experiment will be to that value?
  2. What are the sources of uncertainty (error) in this experiment? How will they impact your result?
  3. Here are values you will need for your calculations. Calculate the value of C from equation (12), and estimate the total uncertainty contributed by these values:
  4. N: 130 turns of wire
  5. R: 0.0150 +/- 0.0005 meters
  6. Electrons are sub-microscopic, so how are you able to see them in this experiment?

Exercise 1: Qualitative Observations

  1. Set the electron acceleration potential difference to something between 250 and 400 V, and raise the Helmholtz coil current in steps. What happens to the electron beam? Does this make sense with respect to equation (10)?
  2. Set the Helmholtz coil current to between 1.0 and 2.0 A, and raise the electron acceleration potential difference in steps. What happens to the electron beam? Does this make sense with respect to equation (10)?

Exercise 2: e/m Measurement

  1. Set the accelerating potential difference to between 200 and 500 V. Record this value andestimate its uncertainty.
  2. Adjust the Helmholtz coil current so the electron beam forms a circular path within the
    discharge tube. Measure the outside diameter of the electron beam. Record your measurements along with the coil current and the associated estimated uncertainties.
  3. Repeat step 8 for six different Helmholtz coil currents.
  4. Let another student take control of the control panel, change the accelerating potential difference by at least 50 V, and repeat steps 8 and 9for another set of radius measurements.
  5. Other students should repeat step 10 for at least two more sets of data at different accelerating potential voltages between 200 and 500 V.
  6. Make sure that each student in the group collects at least one set of data.
  7. Make sure that each student records all the data sets that are collected. You will have at least 4 sets of data; one each for the 4 different accelerating potential settings.
  8. Turn off the discharge tube accelerating voltage, then the Helmholtz coil power supply, in that order.

Exercise 3: Data Analysis (can be done off-line)

Rewrite equation (12) with in terms of the other variables. We will treat as the dependent variable that depends on the independent variableI2. For each of your accelerating potential values use a spreadsheet application to create a graph of the date, plot on the vertical axis versus I2 on the horizontal axis. Use your spreadsheet application to calculatea best fit line (insert a Trendline in Excel) for each set of data.

  1. If is the y-variable, and I2 is the x-variable, what is the resulting expression for the slope of the best fit line?
  2. How are the slopes of the best fit lines related to the ratio of e/m?
  3. For the 4 accelerating potential data sets you collected in exercise 2 :
  4. Solve for e/m using equation (12) and the values for each data point
  5. Average the value of e/m from all 6 data points at each accelerating potential.
  6. Calculate e/m from the slope of the best fit line of those 6 data points.
  7. Do this for all the data sets that you have collected. You will end up with at least 4 averages and 4 slopes.
  8. Compare the values from d to the accepted value of e/m. Which value is closest to the accepted value? Does this make sense? Explain.
  9. Which accelerating voltage potential setting produced the most accurate value of e/m? Does this make sense based on the background material? Explain.

Exercise 4 (Optional): Advanced Analysis

  1. Using the t-test, analyze the averages from each of the acceleration potential voltage settings to see if they can be combined together to produce a grand average across all the voltage settings. If the averages can be combined, then average the results from the graphical approach as well. Which grand average is closest to the accepted value of e/m?
  2. In the analysis of this experiment, we ignored the magnetic field due to the Earth. Use the Internet to find an estimate of Earth’s magnetic field strength at the lab site (Denver, CO). Use this information to estimate how this affects a typical radius measurement. Estimate both the direction and magnitude of the affect.
  3. Describe the electron beam shape that would result if we rotate the gas discharge tube so the beam is emitted so thatsome component of its velocity vector is in the same direction as the magnetic field (instead of perpendicular to it).
  4. Describe the electron beam if it is emitted in the same direction as the magnetic field.
  5. In metric units, an Amp is a Coulomb/second, and a Volt is expressed as:

Using metric units, show that equation (12) results in units of Coulomb/kg.

Appendix A: Using the Remote Lab Control Panel

When you login to the RWSL and start the Helmholtz Coil app, you will see this control panel:

Figure 3 - Control Panel for Helmholtz Experiment

On the left side of the panel are the controls for the power supplies, and on the right side are the camera controls.

At the bottom of the screen are instructions for joining the voice conference that will allow you to talk with any other students who are doing the same experiment and also to the Lab Technicians who are there in the lab to assist you.

Appendix B: Controlling the Power Supplies

Figure 4 - Pre-Heating the Electrode

When you click on the “DC Power Out” button for the Pre-Heater Power Supply, you will see the message shown in the above screenshot and a blue progress bar will move from left to right.

When the electrode is ready, the message will disappear and the DC Power Out button for the Accelerating Voltage Power Supply will appear. It is now safe to turn on the accelerating voltage (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Pre-Heating is Complete

Click the DC Power Out buttons for both the Coil power supply and the Accelerating Voltage. Use the dials to set the current and voltage, use the “up down” arrows, or just type directly into the number boxes.

Appendix C: Using the Cameras

The right side of the control panel allows you to see what’s going on in the lab. Use the Pan-Tilt-Zoom controls to move the selected camera and see different parts of the apparatus.

Figure 7 - Camera Controls

Hovering over the Preset buttons will cause a text box to pop up that tells you what each button will show you.

This activity has two cameras connected to it. You can see Camera 2 at the right side of the screen. It is the one you will use to view the electron beam inside the discharge tube.

Appendix D: Measuring the Electron Beam Diameter

The Helmholtz coils and discharge tube are located inside the box on the right side of the apparatus. Camera 2 is looking down a tube directly at the device.