Paper 2
July 2016
2 ¾ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 2
1) a) Differentiate the terms fishing and fisheries. (2 marks)
- Fishing is the exploitation and management of aquatic animals for commercial and subsistence purposes
- Fisheries refers to the water bodies that contain fish and other related resources eg.seas,rivers,lakes and dams.
b) Identify three traditional methods of fishing. (3 marks)
-Harpooning/ spears and arrows
-Lamps and nets
-Gill nets
2)a) Name three methods used in land reclamation. (3 marks)
-Irrigation of dry lands
-Drainage of swamps
-Tsetsefly control and clearing of jungles
-Afforestation. 3×1=3
b) Identify the two projects which were carried out to reclaim land in the
Netherlands (2 marks)
-The Zuyder Zee project
-The Delta Plan project
3)a) Name two exotic breeds of beef cattle reared in Kenya. (2 marks)
-Aberdene Angus
-Short horn
b) State three human factors favouring beef farming in Argentina.(3 marks)
-Availability of high quality breeds like short hornand Hereford that matures faster, have quality and quantity beef.
-Availability of alfalfa which matures faster and is more nutritious.
-Adequate capital that enables refrigeration of beef products.
-Well developed infrastructure like the railway network that is used to move beef cattle from ranches to factories and markets.
-Availability of large scale ranches which are well managed and mechanized.
-Availability of local markets in the country and external ones in the EU and the U.S.A
4)a) Define arable farming. (2 marks)
-This is crop farming
b) State three features of shifting cultivation. (3 marks)
-Involves growing of food crops to meet family’s needs.
-New plots are sited in virgin forest
-Involves clearing and burning of forest areas( slash and burn method)
-The plots are very small,scattered and separated by thick forest and bush.
-Involves use of very simple hand tools/ implements.
-There is use a lot of manual labour.
-Short periods of crop occupancy is alternated with long periods of fallowing.
-Farms are cultivated for 3-5 years and abandoned for new ones.
-Very little attention is given to crops after planting.
-Planting is staggered to ensure continuous food supply throughout the year.
-Mainly grow root crops like:cassava,sweet potatoes,cocoa –yams,grains like: rice ,beans,maize and millet and fruits like bananas.
-No use of animal manure.
-Use simple methods of harvesting like : hand picking,reaping using sickles etc
-Labour is provided by the immediate family members.
-Their diet is supplemented by hunting of wild animals,gathering and fishing.
5)a) Trade is the buying and selling or exchange of goods and services (1 mark)
b) -Exports are goods and services sold to other countries
-Imports are the goods and services bought from other countries
( 2×2=4)
6)The table below shows argentinabeef exports ( metric tones) in the year 2012
Destination / Quantity in tonesChile / 42,500
European union / 22,600
Brazil / 20,300
Others / 15,400
- )i) Draw a divided rectangular measuring 15cm by 3cm draw a divided rectangle to represent the beef experts in the year 2012 ( 8mks)
-the length of the rectangle is 15cm ,therefore ,15 cm represents 10,800tones of beef exports
Chile ______42,500 x 15 = 6.324cm
European union 22,600 x 15= 3.363cm
Brazil 20300 x15=3.02cm
Others ______15,400 x 15 = 2.29cm
A divided rectangle showing Argentina beef exports ( metric tones)in the year 2012
European Union
(ii) Calculate the range of the above data. (2marks)
42,500-15,400 = 27,100
(iii) What is the percentage of the Beef export with the highest tonnage?
( 2marks)
42,500 x 100= 42.163%
b) State two disadvantages of using a divided rectangle (2marks)
-Only one measurement can be used
-It is difficult to read the exact values of the individual components
c.) Name three breeds of beef cattle reared in Kenya. (3marks)
-Short horn
-Aberdeen Angus
d.) Explain four physical factors favouring beef farming in Argentina. (8marks)
-The pampas one fairly flat and rise gently wastewards, from the coast to the foot of Andes mountain .This provides good natural grazing land.
-Availability of fertile soils ( looss ) which support the growthof good quality pasture
-Adequate and well distributed rainfall of a bout 1000mm per year ensures a constant supply of pasture for the animals
-Average tempetations in the negian,forum the bleeding of beef animals
-Availability of natural grass,the pampas ,throughout the year encourages beef cattle hearing
7)a) What is eco-tourism? (2 marks)
-This refers to environmentally friendly tourism or
-Tourism emphasizing environmental conservation where tourists and local communities are involved in enjoying nature as well as conserving it.
b) State four characteristics of eco-tourism. (4 marks)
-Prohibits off road driving and travelling by foot.
-Discourages people from throwing cigarette remains on dry vegetation
-Allowing only particular types of vehicles .
-Discourages feeding of animals.
-Discourages mass tourism where large institutional groups of students or staff surround animals of interest interfering with their routine.
-Encourages soft or green tourism where planting of vegetation and introducing of animals is done.
-Encourages use of camping sites than building big hotels
-Encourages telescopic viewing of animals.
-Creates awareness among the local communities to understand and appreciate nature.
c) Explain the significance of domestic tourism. (6 marks)
-Creates unity
-Earns the government revenue
-Creates awareness of ones own country
-Compensates for the use of tourist facilities during the off-peak season
-Offers opportunities for recreation
-Increases investment in a country (3×2=6)
d) Identify three coastal tourist attractions in Kenya. (3 marks)
-Sunny beaches due to tropical location
-Beautiful natural sandy beaches
-Historical sites eg Fort Jesus,Gedi ruins, Vasco da Gama pillars, Slaves caves in Malindi and Shimoni.
-Coastal cultures (clothing ,songs ,dancing, handicrafts and shrines)
-Water sports eg Yatching, surfing and sport fishing. (3×1=3)
e) Compare and contrast tourism in Kenya and Switzerland. (10 marks)
-Both have glacial attraction
-Both have numerous waterfalls; Switzerland has hanging valleys while Kenya many rivers and waterfalls
-Both have national parks
-Both have springs which are considered health spas
-Both have international and domestic tourists
-Both have package tours
-Both experience political stability
-Both have good hotels,lodges and chalets for Switzerland which accommodate tourists (5×1=5)
Switzerland / Kenya-winter sports are present / -no winter sports
-few physical features / -numerous physical features
-has summers and winters / -lacks them/climate is warm throughout
-has no beaches (is landlocked) / -has good beaches for sports and sunbathing
-has no marine life since lacks seafront/beaches / -abundance of marine life
-lacks most of tropical flora and fauna / -has variety of flora and fauna
-has less variety of culture due to fewer ethnic communities / -rich in culture due to many ethnic groups
-has more visitors hence more revenue / -has less visitors hence less revenue
(any 5×1=5)
8)a) Define the term (3 marks)
-A continuous growth of trees and undergrowths covering large tract of land.
-Is the science of developing,cultivating and managing forests
-The practice of planting selected trees together with crops on the same piece of land
-Inter-cropping of various crops with trees
b) Explain three geomorphic factors influencing the distribution of
forests (6 marks)
-Aspect ( brighter,warmer and moist sun facing slopes in the higher
Latitudes are more favourable to tree growth than those slopes facing
-Gradient /slope steepness ( Gentler slopes have thick ,much water
Percolation hence good growth of trees while steep slopes have very
Soil erosion,thin soils and no nutrients hence no trees grow
-Altitude ( Inrease in altitude leads to fewer,shorter and less dense trees
-Mountains are barriers to wind hence windward sides have good forests
While leeward sides have scrub vegetation
- Zonations can also be seen
c) Discuss softwoods in Kenya under the following headings:
i) Tree species
Kenya – pine -African pencil-podo - cypress
-has both indigenous and exotic species / Canada – spruce, pine, douglas fir, and forg
-these are mainly indigenous species
( 4 marks)
ii) Transportation
Kenya uses track,lorries,tractors and trains / Canada uses-mobile steel bars with metal cables on steep slope
-skids them along ice-covered grounds
- floats them on rivers in summer
(4 marks)
d) Students of a school in Nakuru County made a field visit to a timber
i)Name any three wood products they saw. (3 marks)
Poles, lumber, plywood, chipboards, softboards
ii)Why would they need reconnaissance? (3 marks)
-To familiarize with the area of study (the industry)
-For introduction to industry authority
-To help decide on suitable methods of data collection
-To help identify possible problems
-To determine the route
-To estimate the cost
-To formulate study objectives
-To draw a work schedule
iii)What methods would they use to collect data? (2 marks)
- Questionnaires
-Oral/ direct interviews
9)a) Name any three types / varieties of maize. ( 3 marks)
-Sweet corn
-Dent corn
-Hybrid seeds
b) Name three areas in Kenya where large-scale maize growing is carried out ( 3 marks)
-Uasin Gishu
-Taita Taveta
c) Identify any two diseases that attack maize ( 2 marks)
- White-leaf blight
-Stalk rot
d) Discuss maize production under the following titles
- Physical requirement ( 5 marks)
-Warm temperature of above 15˚c/ Awarm moist growing season of 4 months
-low to high rainfall amounts of between 650mm – 2500mm
-Rich ,deep well drained light loam soils
-Altitude varying from low to high
-Undulating well drained topography
- Processing ( 5 marks)
-Sorting on trays to remove unwanted grains and cobs
-Sieving to remove tiny impurities
-Grinding in a milling machine
-Packing in packets and bags
(give full mark to first five properly arranged)
- Marketing ( 3 marks)
-National Cereals and Produce Board(NCPB)
-Individual farmers to neighbours
e) What efforts has the government made to improve maize production
in Kenya. ( 4 marks)
-Research by KARI to improve varieties
-Inspection and certifying of seeds by Kenya Seed Quality Control Service
-Subsidies given of farm inputs
-Subsidies on farm machinery
-Conducting of national performance trials which compares the newly
developed maize varieties with the existing ones
10) a) (i) Define energy crisis ( 2marks)
-This refers to the question of price and supply uncertainities and the rapid
depletion of fossil fuels
(ii) State three causes of energy crisis (3marks)
-over-reliance on petroleum and its products
-Economic and political sunctions
-Sky rocketing oil prices
-Exhaustion of wood fuel
-Depletion of coal
-Artificial shortages
-Mismanagement of energy
-The Middle East conflicts between Israel and Palestine
-Oil production limits set by OPEC countries
b) Apart from petroleum, name three other non – renewable source of
energy. (3 marks)
-natural gas
-nuclear energy
c) Explain three reasons why nuclear power is lacking in most of the
developing countries (6marks)
-Its construction requires a lot of money and expertise
-Its wastes are highly radioactive
-Its raw material uranium is non-renewable
-Is highly explosive if not well controlled
-They have high populations yet it needs spersely populated areas
d) i) Apart from Olkaria ,name three other potential sites in
Kenyawhere geothermal power could be harnessed. (3marks)
-Lake Turkana
-Lake Bogoria
-Lake Magadi
-Lake Baringo
-Suswa area
-Menengai Crater
ii)Give four reasons why Kenya has not been able to fully exploit her geothermal Potential. (4marks)
-inadequate capital
-lack of expertise
-poor demand for power by rural fork
-competition from HEP
(e) Use the map of Africa below to answer question below it
(f) Name the hydro-electric projects marked A, B, C, D. (4 mks)