North Star Online School Enrollment Application

New to District Students

350 Hunter Lake Drive

Reno, Nevada 89509

(775) 353-6900

Thank you for your interest in North Star Online School for your student’s education choice. North Star Online School is a college preparatory school. Online School students typically are motivated, independent learners who generally can advocate for themselves. As the Majority of the curriculum is online, it is very important for the student to have a good reading comprehension level to be successful in an online school.

Students Living Outside of the Washoe County School District:

North Star Online School can accept students from outside of the Washoe County School District (WCSD). All students who live in Nevada are eligible to apply, as well as any students that live in a county in California that is adjacent to Washoe County. Students must submit a letter from their school district board of trustees approving the move and must also receive approval for the out of district variance from WCSD. The out of district variance process, outlined here must be followed, After receiving an out of district variance, the student and family must follow the standard North Star Online School application process, which includes attending an on campus information session.

Like all North Star students, out of district students enrolled at North Star are expected to comply with the North Star Student & Parent Success Contract. This includes the school’s transportation policy and testing policies for state and county.

Please read the entire application packet before beginning.

You will need the following turned in with yourapplication. Please use this checklist to ensure everything is included. Applications will be processed on a first come first serve basis and enrollment will be closed when capacity is met. Applications received after capacity is met will be placed on a waiting list for the next semester.

___North Star Application____Most Recent Attendance Print Out

___Essay____Standardized or Proficiency Test Scores

___Recommendation Form____Variance Form (if applicable)

___Signed Student/Parent Success Contract____Current Transcript

** Once a student is accepted for enrollment to North Star the legal parent/guardian must complete the Washoe County School District Online Registration and submit all required registration documents before enrollment can be completed. For a complete list and instructions for WCSD registration please go to .

All applicants are required to attend an information session with a parent or legal guardian. Please call our office at (775) 353-6900 to set up your appointment. Record date of your appointment in space provided.

Date of Information Session______Time: ______

Please take a moment to let us know how you heard about North Star Online School.

____Radio / Television ____ Current School

____Flyer / Newspaper ____ Other, Please specify ______

____Friend/Relative ____ School Counselor / Administration

Acceptance Criteria

Minimum Criteria:

Acceptance is based on a criteria set by the WCSD. All accepted students are provisionally accepted, dependent upon their final grades, attendance, credit accrual or minimum grade level expectations, state test scores, and behavior.

Acceptance criteria:

2.0 GPA, not credit deficient

Meets standards on state test reading and language arts sections

Regular school attendance (90%, all reasons included).If for any reason a student does not meet the minimum attendance expectations, please provide written documentation from an appropriate source and a letter of explanation.

Demonstrations of student motivation and self-advocacy for learning

Note: If for any reason a student does not meet the minimum expectations, please provide written documentation from an appropriate source and a letter of explanation.

Enrollment is a Privilege:

Acceptance is a privilege and enrollment will continue from semester to semester provided the student continues to meet the grade, credit, GPA and WCSD behavior requirements as stated. Students not meeting these requirements will be notified of probationary status and subsequent revocation of attendance privileges, if applicable.

All Students must log into all of their classes and complete work and assessments each week during the first four weeks of school to maintain full time status. Students who do not maintain the attendance requirements may be referred back to their zone school.


Students/families are responsible for providing transportation to and from North Star Online School as there is no District sponsored transportation. Students must come to North Star for all mandated testing and when attendance is requested by the teacher. If concurrently enrolled with their zoned school, students/families are responsible for all transportation to and from their zoned school.

Student Involvement in Zoned School:

Students may be concurrently enrolled in 1 to 2 classes in their zone school. Many students choose to participate in athletics, music, art, or theatre. Students may take electives at their zoned school that are not offered at North Star or classes that can provide educational support as needed due to an IEP, 504, or ELL services. Students will be expected to maintain attendance and grades at both schools as required by District policy or state law.

Students enrolled at North Star Online School concurrently with their zone school are considered full time North Star students. Graduates will earn their diploma from North Star and will be eligible to participate in the North Star graduation ceremony only, and not that of their zoned school.

Athletic Policy:

Student athletes attending North Star Online School are able to participate in any sanctioned sport offered at their zoned school. North Star is an NCAA eligible school. Students must abide by the regulations of enrollment which include:

Students must maintain full enrollment in the plan of study designated by North Star Online School and the zone school with which they are affiliated. Enrollment will be reevaluated each semester.

Student athletic participation in their zone school is limited to the sanctioned sports offered by the zone school.

Instructions to complete enrollment packet

Section 1 Enrollment form:

Please complete the enrollment form in its entirety. It is important we have current information for all parent/guardians as well as student. We must also have an email address for student and parent/guardian. Please also note application must be filled out using legal names and only a legal guardian may enroll a student.

Section 2 Essay Question:

Please attach essay hand writtenby student to application packet. A parent may complete the essay for K-3 students.

Topic of essay: Explain“Why you want to attend North Star Online School and why you think this school will help you achieve your academic goals”. Essay must be a minimum of 250 words.

Section 3 Recommendations:

A recommendation is required to be submitted with your application. The Recommendation should be completed by someone who currently works with the student and who knows them well enough to speak to the student’s interest and abilities. Teacher and counselor recommendation form is included in this packet. One recommendation is required per application.

Section 4 Student, Parent/Guardian Success Statement:

North Star Online School believes in student success and commits to support our students in every way we can. We also believe that it takes a commitment from both the student and parent/guardian(s) to achieve this success. Please read and sign the included agreement.

Submitting application:

Applications can be submitted to the school in any of the following ways. Applications will be processed on a first come first serve basis and enrollment will be closed when capacity is met. Applications received after capacity is met will be placed on a waiting list for the next semester.

  • Bring application to the school in person
  • Fax to school at 775-333-5189
  • Scan and email to
  • Mail to office at: North Star Online School, 350 Hunter Lake Drive, Reno, NV 89509

Students who require Special Education or 504 services:

North Star welcomes student with disabilities! If a student is on an IEP or 504 plan there are several steps for enrollment. The North Star Online School application packet should be completed and accepted prior to an IEP or 504 meeting. After the application has been accepted students on a 504 plan must first meet with their current counselor who must contact the North Star Online School Counselor.

For students on an IEP, a meeting must be called by the zone Program Consultant (PC) and Special Education Area Administrator (SEAA) in collaboration with North Star’s PC and SEAA. The IEP team will determine the acceptance and placement of students who require special education services and accommodations. This team will consist of the student’s zoned school IEP team, the North Star principal or designee, counselor and special education teacher/program facilitator. The following items will serve as basis for considering the student’s change of placement:

North Star Online School readiness criteria

Special education adaptations and modifications criteria

Student’s IEP goals

Student’s academic level and ability as determined by standardized tests

Input from the IEP team



Please Print


STUDENTS Last Name / First Name / Middle Name / Sex / Grade
Physical Address Apt # / City / State / Zip / Home Phone #
Mailing Address / City / State / Zip / Student Lives With
Nick Name / Birth Date / Birth City/State / Previous/Current School, state and District.
Student Email / Student Cell #


FATHER’S First Name/ Last Name / Natural _____
Guardian ____ Foster _____ / Have parental rights been revoked? YES NO
If yes supply documentation.
Physical Address Apt # / City / State / Zip / Home Phone #
Father’s Employer / Father’s Email / Work Phone # / Father’s Cell Phone #
MOTHER’S First Name/ Last Name / Natural _____
Guardian ____ Foster _____ / Have parental rights been revoked? YES NO
If yes supply documentation.
Physical Address Apt # / City / State / Zip / Home Phone #
MOTHER’S Employer / Mother’s Email / Work Phone # / Mother’s Cell Phone #

STEPPARENT (only Legal Stepparent using legal name)

STEPFATHER’S First Name/ Last Name / May Student be released to stepfather?
Stepfather’s Physical Address Apt # / City / State / Zip / Home Phone #
Stepfather’s Employer / Stepfather’s Email / Work Phone # / Stepfather’s Cell Phone #
STEPMOTHER’S First Name/ Last Name / May Student be released to stepmother?
Stepmother’s Physical Address Apt # / City / State / Zip / Home Phone #
STEPMOTHER’S Employer / Stepmother’s Email / Work Phone # / Stepmother’s Cell Phone #


Sibling Name / Siblings School / Grade Level
Sibling Name / Siblings School / Grade Level
Sibling Name / Siblings School / Grade Level

EMERGENCY CONTACT (do not list Parent/Guardian/Stepparent)

Local Emergency Contact Name / Relationship to student / Home Phone # / Cell Phone #
Local Emergency Contact Name / Relationship to student / Home Phone # / Cell Phone #

Does your student have designated support: _____IEP ____504 _____English Language Learner (ELL) _____ Multi- Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

______Gifted and Talented Program

I hereby certify that all the statements above are true and correct.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

North Star Online School Recommendation Form

Teacher or Counselor: This student is applying to North Star Online School for the next semester. Your response is valuable in helping us determine the candidates who will benefit from an online learning program. We greatly appreciate your prompt response. Please return this form in the school mail to North Star Online School, mail it to 350 Hunter Lake Drive, Reno, NV 89509 or fax to(775) 333-5189.

Student’s Name:______Current Grade:______


How long have you known the applicant?______

Your Name (Print):______Subject/Counselor:______

Your Signature:______Date:______

Request to be contacted by North Star?YesNoContact #:______

Does this student read and comprehend on grade level:yes______no______

Academic comments only: ______


Please evaluate the student’s current performance by checking one rating for each category:

Criteria / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Inconsistent
Works independently; manages time well (handles schedule and workload without close monitoring and assistance from adults)
Takes responsibility for organizing school work
Students at North Star are required to develop portfolios and exercise high degrees of independence. Has this student demonstrated such academic capability?
Demonstrated the capability of following written instructions and the ability to stay on schedule and pace themselves.
Completes homework assignments;
demonstrates consistent academic effort and pride in work
Seeks academic challenges; capable of handling a rigorous online curriculum
Demonstrates positive learning attitude through participation, cooperation and follow through
Shows potential for success in self-paced academic learning

Questions? Call North Star Online School at (775) 353-6900.

North Star Online School

Student & Parent Success Contract

Students/Parents (Guardians):

Must place Academic Success as the number one priority.

  1. Students must participate in online Live Lessons, scheduled meetings, conferences, and all district and state testing.
  2. Students must maintain academic integrity by adhering to the North Star Online School Academic Honesty policy in the Student Handbook.
  3. Parents and students check web mail and grade book daily, as communication is a vital part of our online school education.
  4. Students must maintain a minimum of a 2.0 overall GPA and a 2.5 semester GPA with no F's.
  5. Students must allocate a minimum of 4-6 hours each day for online schoolwork and study.

Are given more freedom and are expected to be responsible, mature, and self-motivated.

  1. Initiate a weekly check-in with Advisory Teacher via phone, web mail, or text where applicable.
  2. Maintain high speed internet access, computer, functioning headset with microphone, and a printer. Student must have access to working computer for a minimum of 5 hours daily.
  3. Must maintain all software updates as required with the program.
  4. Must add or drop classes within the District timing guidelines.

Must maintain open and frequent communication with North Star Online School.

  1. Are required to attend a North Star Orientation Session.
  2. Notify North Star Online School within 24 hours of any changes to phone numbers, email address, and/or physical address for both parents and students.

Are withdrawn from their zoned school and enrolled as full-time students in North Star. High school students will graduate from North Star Online School.

Must strictly adhere to all attendance, academic, and disciplinary requirements of Washoe County School District. Students may be asked to return to their zoned school for non-compliance in any area.

  1. Adhere to the North Star Attendance Policy by making progress in every class each week by completing daily lessons and communicating with teachers. Parents must call when students are not able to comply. It is understood that students not making progress will be required to come to the North Star computer lab to work until caught up on all lessons.
  2. Must have parents call, email, or fax in an absence excuse on the day of the absence or provide a written excuse within three days
  3. Adhere to the WCSD dress code when on campus.
  4. Adhere to all rules and regulations in North Star Student/Parent Handbook

May only voluntarily transfer back to zoned school at the semester break or end of the year.

NOTE: Students and parents acknowledge that if students:

drop, fail, or withdraw from courses;

don’t complete required coursework;

Or don’t inform their advisory teacher or counselor immediately if they’re not doing well in a class,

….the student would be in jeopardy of NOT graduating and/or NOT passing proficiency examinations.

Parent Involvement Policy:

Parents are an integral partner in the success of their students. Parents/Guardian are the home coach/educator. Parent involvement requires working with your student to make sure they are successfully completing all scheduled lessons, checking attendance, working with the teachers, and regularly communicating with the school.

Parent involvement time requirements are estimated as:

Grades K-6: three to six hours dailyGrades 7-8: One to four hours dailyGrades 9-12: Two to five hours weekly

Transition to online education is exciting but can be challenging. North Star maintains a Student Success Team to review student progress and monitor those who have difficulties while attending our online school. The committee’s first priority is to provide assistance; however, students may have to return to their zoned school if, despite assistance, they earn D and F grades, and/or demonstrate behavior or attendance problems. If the situation arises, North Star staff will facilitate the student’s transition to their zoned school or a program more suited to their needs.

My signature indicates that I have read and agree to all of the above guidelines and understand their importance to the student’s success at North Star Online School. I have also read and agree to follow the North Star Student/Parent Handbook. .

Student Signature: ______Date:______

Print Student Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Print Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Print Parent/Guardian Name: ______

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