Harris/Engl. 101 LESSON PLANS SUMMER 2003
15 tu / Quiz: frequently misused words. Fragments exercise. Word choice. The War Game. Response paper 2. T / Ch. 13; 323-324. Bring draft and interview notes to class.From Thursday: Read the assigned chapters. Do exercises on pp. 302-303 and on 305, using the person that you interviewed to brainstorm descriptive and sensory details about. Conduct the interview, getting descriptive details about the person and the interview location. Also do the subordination exercise again, using a different kind of subordination. When going over the work, ask them to read both variations.
1. Call roll.
2. essay organization. Put outline on the board and talk briefly about each type of paragraph.
I. introduction
- attention getting device
- anecdote (ex. short story about own nuclear nightmare)
- question (ex. Do you like nukes or are you afraid of them?)
- controversial statement (the us should have used nukes to end the Korean and Vietnam wars.)
- background information: helps explain topic without duplicating material in body paragraphs. Ex. Might describe interview subject.
- Thesis: topic, attitude, development. Please underline it.
II. body
- 1st main point
- supporting specifics
- details
- reasons
- examples
- illustrations
III. conclusion
- restate thesis, summarize main points
- closing device
- anecdote
- call to action
- answer to question posed in introduction
1. practice quiz: no referring to notes allowed. Always read the entire essay before looking for the grammar errors, so that you understand the content. I can answer questions about content or define unknown terms, but I can’t answer a specific question about the error. (allow 15-20 minutes [ask who’s not finished after 15 minutes] to complete quiz, then discuss it. Ask if they want quiz today or Tuesday.
2. ten minute break.
3. watch The War Game. Check on length of video.
4. quiz: frequently misused words (Zora Neale Hurston), only if students feel ready. Always do quiz last.
Homework: conduct interview, prepare rough draft. Do readings on syllabus for today. Review student example. Will evaluate it as a class on Tuesday before breaking into evaluation groups.