Western Michigan University

Residence Life Student Staff Application

Applications are due January 17, 2003 by 5pm

to the Office of Residence Life- 3510 Faunce Student Services Building

***Please print or type***

General Information:

Name: ______________________________________ ID #________________________________

Local Address: ___________________________________________________________________

Local Phone #:____________________________________________________________________

Permanent (Summer) Address: _______________________________________________________

Permanent (Summer) Phone #________________________________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________

Would you object to living in a smoking environment? Y N

How many semesters have you lived in WMU’s residence halls (include current semester)? ______

Have you attended any other colleges/universities other than WMU? If yes, please list.


Did you live in their residence hall system? Y N

If yes, how many semesters? _________________________________________________

Have you ever been found responsible for violating the Student Code? Y N

If yes, please explain: _______________________________________________________

Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (other than minor traffic violations)? Y N

If yes, list date, charge, location, court, and action taken: ___________________________


Academic Information:

Major: ______________________________________ Overall GPA: ___________________

Expected Graduation Date: ______________________ Class Standing FR SO JR SR OTH

Work/Extracurricular Information:

List dates, supervisors and telephone numbers.

Previous Work Experiences:

Date Position Title Supervisor Telephone Number


Current/Most Recent Residence Life Staff Member:


(Name) (Position) (Phone Number)

Second Reference (Does not have to be a Residence Life staff member)


(Name) (Position) (Phone Number)

Building Preference:

Although we reserve the right to place you where we can best use your talents, please rank (with 1 being your first choice) your assignment preferences below.

___ Valleys (Please rank each valley)

___ Valley I: Ackley/Shilling, Britton/Hadley

___ Valley II: Eicher/LeFevre, Garneau/Harvey

___ Valley III: Harrison Stinson, Eldridge/Fox)

___ Little 3 (Zimmerman/French/Davis)

___ Big 3 (Hoekje, Bigelow, Henry)

___ Big 4 (Burnhams, Draper/Siedschlag)

___ No Preference

In have read the job description. I am aware of the department expectations and university rules and regulations and will abide by them as detailed if I am offered and accept a staff position. I certify that all of the information disclosed on this application is true and accurate and that any misrepresentation of facts may constitute cause for non-appointment or dismissal. I understand that as a condition of this application, my GPA, conduct records, and all past or current supervisors or Residence Life staff members may be contacted. I understand that employment at the University is conditional upon review of my criminal conviction records. I authorize the University to request and obtain, through the Michigan State Police, an investigation and report to determine the accuracy of my above answers about prior criminal conviction. Employment agreements are issued on a yearly basis and appointing officials are not obliged to extend employment for additional time based on performance review.

Applicant Signature ___________________________Date: ___________________


Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Please include dates and position titles when appropriate. You may use the back of this page if you need more room.

***Please print or type***

1. Please list any previous extracurricular activities, including leadership experience.

(examples: RHA, WSA, Student Organizations, Greek Organizations, Hall Involvement, etc.)

2. Please list any volunteer experience.

(examples: Red Cross, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Fall Into the Streets, ASB, AWB, etc.)

3. Please list any previous job related experience that may relate to the RA position.