30 Aug 2012

LOCATION: DCO virtual meeting - 1300 EST

  1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1300 EST by Col Knight.

Members Present:

Col Kenneth “Mid” KnightPresident

Col Alden “Hoss” HiltonVice President/Pres-Elect

Col Rick BachmannScientific Committee Chair

Col J. Karen “K-12” KlingenbergerAir National Guard Component

Col Andy “Stickboy” MarchiandoElected Member

Lt Col Cheryl “Skid” LowryElected Member

Lt Col Robert “MOBBIC” YorkElected Member/Webmaster

Lt Col Tess “Feelin” GoodmanSecretary

Lt Col Devin “Grunt” BeckstrandNominations Committee Chair

Lt Col Mark “Gyro” NassirConstitution and By-Laws Committee

Maj David “Dirty” MillerExecutive Officer

Members Absent:

Lt Gen Tom Travis Honorary Board Advisor/Past President

Maj Gen Douglas Robb Honorary Board Advisor/Past President

Maj Gen Byron HepburnHonorary Board Advisor

Maj Gen Mark EdigerHonorary Board Advisor

BGEN Timothy JexPast President

Col Timothy RobinettePast President

Col Margaret MataresePast President

Col Dave “Basic” CockrumElected Member

Col Mark “Mav” MavityElected Member

Col Sarady “Toucan” TanElected Member

Col Tom ClarkeElected Member

Col Mark “Goose” CoakwellResolutions Committee Chair

Col Joel BognerAF Reserve Component

Lt Col Mark “Sparky” MatthewsTreasurer

Lt Col Kathy “FOG” HughesAwards Committee Chair

Lt Col Christopher “Dozer” BorchardtReinartz Committee Chair

Lt Col Duncan “Slash” HughesProgram Committee Chair

Lt Col Jeff LawsonMerchandising Chair

Lt Col JB “Nasty” NastMembership Chair

Capt Jason “Dexter” CromarHistory and Archives Committee Chair

  1. REVIEW OF MINUTES – May 2012 minutes, reviewed. Col Coakwell recommended a few changes which will be incorporated. Col Robinette and Lt Col K. Hughes emailed change to May minutes to discuss the Society’s vote to reclaim the Olsen-Wegner award. The minutes will be amended to reflect this oversight.
  1. SECRETARY REPORT – Lt Col Goodman requested assistance in reconciling the new BoG members list.
  1. TREASURER REPORT – (Treasurer was not present at meeting but sent in the following comments) Lt Col Walter Matthews succeeded Col Sarady Tan as SoUSAFFS Treasurer as of 14 May 2012. Currently, for CY12, the SoUSAFFS revenue ($11,034.52) has exceeded expenses ($5,778.39) by $5,256.13. This represents an operating margin of 48%. As of 31 August 2012, the financial status of SoUSAFFS is healthy with a current account balance of $30,490.78.
  1. AWARDS COMMITTEE – Lt Col Hughes was unavailable for the meeting. She provided clarification for the Olsen Wagner award to incorporate into the May minutes.
  1. CONSTITUTION and BY-LAWS COMMITTEE – Lt Col Nassir, discussed proposed by-law changes:
  2. Request change to have SoUSAFFS committee chairs serve as members of the parent AsMA committee. Col Knight agreed but suggested that the wording be for committee chairs to offer to be on the parent AsMA committee. The members present agreed and this will be incorporated for vote during the annual meeting.
  3. Request change to allow for electronic voting for resolution changes by the membership so that by-laws could be changed more frequently than annually. The members present agreed and this will be incorporated for vote during the annual meeting.
  4. There was discussion about allowing for a small amount of discretionary spending for the incoming president (suggested $250). Col Hilton felt that this was not indicated as there are other ways to access funds. This item was not fully worked out during the meeting and may need to be represented at the next BoG for vote for incorporation into changes for the entire membership to vote.
  5. Lt Col Nassir discussed the recommendation to develop a “Policy and Procedures Manual.” This would allow for enduring guidance as well as more flexibility outside of the by-laws to run the BoG. Col Bachman discussed the Manual of Operations (MOO) from previous SoUSAFFS days. He felt it should be easy to convert the MOO to the Policy and Procedures Manual. He also felt that this is consistent with what AsMA is doing. Multiple members present agreed with this. Col Knight tasked LtCol Nassir to work the changes and tasked LtCol Goodman to work the actual PPM to submit to the membership.
  1. HISTORY and ARCHIVES COMMITTEE – Capt Cromar was unavailable for the meeting – There was nothing reported from this committee.
  1. MEMBERSHIP – Lt Col Justin Nast was unable to attend this meeting. Maj Miller informed the BoG that LtCol Nast is looking for assistance in the “how to” of the membership committee. LtCol Goodman will work with him to discuss the committee.
  1. PROGRAM COMMITTEE – Lt Col Duncan Hughes was unable to attend. Lt Col Lowry discussed that Maj Pankey will be helping LtCol Hughes with the Program this year. Currently, Harry Caray’s Sport’s Bar is being looked at as a potential venue for the social. Col Bachman suggested that Dave Schall (Regional FS based in Chicago) might be able to help suggest locations. Col Knight also brought up the need to identify a speaker for the Annual SoUSAFFS Luncheon. He recommended Gen Travis. Members present for the meeting agreed that this was a great nomination and voted to send the invitation to the new SG to be the speaker.
  2. REINARTZ EDUCATION and TRAINING – LtCol Borchardt was not present for the BoG. He is expected to return from deployment soon.
  3. RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE – Col Coakwell was not present for the meeting but sent changes for the May Minutes. Col Coakwell also emailed that there was nothing significant to report from the Resolutions Committee.
  1. NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE – Lt Col Beckstrand reported that AsMA will have several vacancies - 3 advisory committee plus at least 1 VP to make recommendations for. Suggested that SoUSAFFS committee send nominations to him via email. Ideally, AsMA nominations should represent our best and brightest. He has been working with ASAMS nomination member to get more leverage on USAF representation. SoUSAFFS nominations can wait until a little later.
  1. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE – Col Bachmann requested proposals for the theme/topic for the SoUSAFFS sponsored AsMA panel. Dr. Beckstrand suggested a pilot physician panel about their aircraft. Col Hilton agreed and said that it would support the SG’s desire to open a pipeline for FS to attend UPT.
  1. MERCHANDISING SUBCOMMITTEE – LtCol Jeff Lawson was not present for the meeting.
  1. WEBMASTER – LtCol Rob York discussed that he has re-engineered the data base which should make things easier. He is working on updates to PayPal and merchandising links and final improvements should be online in approximately 2 weeks.
  1. AF RESERVE COMPONENT – Col Bogner was unable to attend the meeting.
  1. AIR NATIONAL GUARD – Col Klingenberger had nothing significant to report and had to leave the meeting early.
  1. BUSINESS EDITOR – Maj Miller discussed that the Flightlines editors were still being worked out. More to follow as the new RAM residents get settled.
  1. FLIGHTLINES: Same as above. Below were the proposed editors.
  2. Executive Editor – Maj David Miller (also SoUSAFFS Exec)
  3. Flightlines Editors Maj David Miller

Capt Peter Baldwin

Lt Col Steph Davis

c. Flightlines Business Report – LtCol Steph Davis


Status of tax filing - Still being worked. OPR - Lt Col “Sparky” Matthews

21. NEW BUSINESS: See discussion under “Constitution and By-Laws” committee.

a. Col Knight discussed the possibility of sponsoring some international students to AsMA. Multiple members discussed that they thought that might already be taken care of. LtCol Lowry suggested discussing with Col Hadley Reed and LtCol Nassir discussed that the by-laws require a vote of a quorum of BoG for expenditure of more than 25% of unobligated funds in treasury. This item was deferred for more information.

b. Reconciled list of BoG members after the 2012 election.

President and Chairman Col Kenneth 'Mid' Knight

Vice-President Col Alden 'Hoss' Hilton

Secretary Lt Col Tess 'Feelin' Goodman

Treasurer Lt Col Walter M. 'SPARKY' Matthews

Executive Officer Maj David 'Dirty' Miller

Air Force National GuardCol J. Karen 'K-12' Klingenberger

Air Force Reserve RepCol Joel Bogner

Honorary Board Advisors , Lt Gen Tom Travis,

Maj Gen Douglas Robb, Maj Gen Byron Hepburn, Maj Gen Mark Ediger

Past PresidentsCol Timothy Robinette, Col Margaret Matarese, Brig Gen Timothy Jex

Elected MembersCol Dave 'Basic' Cockrum, Col Andy Marchiando, Col Sarady Tan, Col Tom Clarke, Col Mark Mavity, Lt Col Cheryl 'Skid' Lowry

Awards Lt Col Kathy Hughes

Program Lt Col Duncan Hughes

Membership Lt Col JB 'Nasty' Nast

Nominating Lt Col Devin Beckstrand

Resolutions Col Mark 'Goose' Coakwell

History and Archives Capt Jason 'Dexter' Cromar

Constitution/Bylaws Lt Col Mark Nassir

Reinartz Ed & Training Lt Col Christopher 'Dozer' Borchardt

Information Sys/Web guruLt Col Robert York

Scientific Chair Col Richard Bachmann

MerchandisingLt Col Jeff Lawson

MEETING ADJOURNED at 1400 EST. Recommendation for next meeting in November.