Generations Working Together
Recognition Awards 2016
Nomination Form
Nominators Contact Information:
Job Title:
Telephone No.
Mobile No.
Email Address
Which of the following categories does your project/person fit?
New Intergenerational Project (less than 12 months)Established Intergenerational Project (Greater than 1 Year)
Young Person Contributing to intergenerational work
Older Person Contributing to intergenerational work
Building Successful Partnerships through intergenerational work
Please provide some basic information about your Intergenerational Project:
Project Name(as wish to be printed on certificate)
When did the project start and how long has it been operational?
Lead contact name
Lead contact address
Lead contact telephone
Lead contact email
Number of Young People involved in your project
Number of older people involved in your project
Partners involved
Please tell us a little about your Intergenerational project (What is your project, its aims & objectives, why was it set up, which groups do you work with etc.) (Max 250 words)
Tell us about the interesting features of your project and any successes or achievements over the past year? (Max 250 words)
Can you provide any evidence of your projects success? (e.g. outcomes for participants, changes observed in volunteers, indications of progress) (Max 250 words)
What changes have there been since your Intergenerational project began and what lessons have you learned? (Max 250 words)
Did you use any other tools to measure the impact/success of your project? If yes, please tell us which tools you used. (Max 200 words)
Yes ☐ No ☐Young person contributing to intergenerational work
Which Young Person deserves special recognition? Please give us their name and why they deserve to be recognised. (Max 200 words)
Nominated Young Person:Name will appear on certificate/trophy so please check your spelling
Older person contributing to intergenerational work
Which Older Person deserves special recognition? Please give us their name and why they deserve to be recognised. (Max 200 words)
Nominated Older Person:Name will appear on certificate/trophy so please check your spelling
Building successful partnerships through intergenerational work
Has your project built successfulnew working partnershipswhilst developing an intergenerational project? Please detail the names of the groups and organisations and explain how you built and supported the relationships to develop. Please state your relationship with the partner before you started your project. (Max 200 words)
Nominated project:Name will appear on certificate/trophy so please check your spelling
Photographs, information and materials submitted with this application may be used by Generations Working Together for Publicity and Promotional Purposes. Please check the box to signify that you understand and agree with this policy. ☐
ON FRIDAY 5th February 2016
Submit your completed forms to: or post to
Generations Working Together, 3rd Floor Brunswick House, 51 Wilson Street, Glasgow, G1 1UZ.
Thank you for completing this application for the GWT Intergenerational Recognition Awards 2016. You will receive a confirmation email informing you that your form has been received, within 5 working days of the receipt of your form.
We cannot accept award applications after5pm on Friday 5th February 2016. All received forms will be sent to our awards assessment panel. The winners will be announced at our Conference on Wednesday 2nd March 2016 at Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, 99 George Street, Glasgow.
If you have any questions or need to amend your application, please contact Cheryl Ewing on 07860455059 or email the above address.
Best of luck with your application!
Generations Working Together is a Scottish Charity Incorporated Organisation (SCIO)
Charity Number SC045851