Minutes of the December 2014 Parish Council Meeting
at the village hall, Swardeston
On Thursday 11th December 2014 at 7.30PM
Meeting 12/2014
Ian Francis David Rice Geoff Loades
Claire Jay Liz Brown Tarne Duffield
District Councillor Nigel Legg
County Councillor Colin Foulger
Carole Jowett – Clerk
4 members of the public attended
1 / To consider apologies for absence
Victoria Goff and had sent her apologies.
2 / To receive declaration of interests in items on agenda
There were no declarations of interest.
3 / Resolution to adjourn the meeting for public participation and District/County Councillor reports
Safer Neighbourhood Team
PCSO Sore reported that there had been no crimes reported since the last meeting and there had been no calls to the police in relation to noise nuisance or anti-social behaviour.
District Councillor update
Cllr Legg reported that the planning application for the development of 39 houses in Bobbins Way had been refused because it was outside the development boundary. The 5-year land supply had been satisfied therefore this cannot be used to circumvent the usual considerations of planning and applications are judged purely on their own merit.
He said that the council tax support grant would be shared with parish and town councils as last year but the amounts are not yet known but council tax support would protect disabled people.
County Councillor update
Cllr Foulger reported that he had spoken with highways about the flooding in Intwood lane and they had said it would be resolved within 4 weeks. Mr Francis confirmed that he had since met with the highways engineer who had agreed that the ditch needed to be dug out by approximately 9 – 12 inches on each side. There is a gas main that runs within 10 feet of the ditch and if it was a high pressure main the digging would need to be done by hand. The target clearance date was mid January.
Cllr Foulger said that he had met with the site engineer at Mangreen quarry who had explained that the initial depth for quarrying was not as good had been originally expected. Due to the high demand for aggregate for building houses in the locality they needed to keep production going to meet this demand.
They had originally wanted to tunnel beneath Mangreen Lane to use a conveyor belt to move the aggregate but the adjoining landowner had not agreed to this therefore the plan was to use two trucks, which would need to cross Mangreen Lane, but the number of crossings would not be high. The plan is to install traffic lights that would be permanently at green for road traffic and would only change to allow the trucks to cross when necessary. Mr Loades asked if signs would be put on the road to warn motorists and Cllr Foulger confirmed that highways would demand this. A planning application would be necessary although it would probably not be out for consultation.
Public participation (Nick Miller)
Mr Francis introduced Nick Miller to the meeting and thanked him for the work he had done in the memory of Edith Cavell and raising her profile around the world.
Mr Miller said that next year was the centenary of when Edith was shot and various events were being planned to commemorate this.
Mr Francis had circulated a paper outlining the events to the parish councillors and he asked Mr Miller if there were any decisions that the parish council would need to make.
The refurbishment of the tower at the church would enable it to be opened to the public and the Cavell room would be set up as an exhibition for the entire year. He asked if the parish council would be interested in a service of dedication.
A cycle path from Norwich Cathedral to Swardeston would be opened and a map would be posted on the noticeboard, he asked parish councillors to consider if they would want to join the Cathedral Chapter to do the walk.
He said that the World War 1 (WW1) combatants would also be included in the church exhibition.
Additional visitors would be expected in the village and this would amount to more than 3000 and therefore parking could be an issue. Visitors would arrive using the trail, some from history groups, schools etc. There were 31 parking places currently which could be an issue depending on other activities in the village such as the cricket and bowls clubs. There were plans to extend the car park however that was unlikely to be in time.
A festival was planned on 3rd and 4th october and Mr miller asked for any ideas for this to be sent to him. There were no plans to do anything on the 9th, 10th and 11th October but if there was a requirement for something this could be considered.
The loke from The Common to the church needed attention and Mr Miller was in talks with Lafarge Tarmac to resurface it.
Mr Loades suggested speaking to the owner of the old pallet farm, as there was concrete standing, which may be able to be used for additional car parking.
Mr Miller raised a concern about the condition of the village sign. Mr Francis asked for it to be on the agenda for February and asked for people to volunteer to help to do any work required.
The WWI war memorial was not in bad condition but needed some attention.
The trails would need to have signs and the intention would be to put stickers on existing street furniture and posts. Concerns were raised about the use of Intwood Lane for walkers and cyclists due to the nature of driving on the road in that location. It was advised that warning signs would be necessary to warn motorists about pedestrians and cyclists on the road.
An interpretation board would be a good idea to tell the story of Edith Cavell’s life; it was agreed that this would be discussed at the January meeting.
Cllr Foulger said that in his role as Mayor of Wymondham he was involved in a group looking into laying a foundation stone in memory of Harry Daniels VC a local war veteran and it would be laid on 12th March 2015. He said that the government were seeking other local people to commemorate this way.
Public participation
A question was asked about the likelihood of an appeal being made against the decision to refuse the development at Bobbins Way. Cllr Legg said that the applicant had 3 months to lodge an appeal but there would need to be grounds for an appeal.
Cllr Legg added that Local plan was not yet in place although the planning inspector had not raised any major concerns, there was likely to be another round of consultation before the plan was in place.
4 / To confirm minutes and review matters arising from 13th November 2014 meeting
The minutes were agreed and signed by the chairman.
Mr Loades had confirmed that it was the social club that was receiving the recycling credits.
Mr Francis said that The Commons meeting had been arranged for 5th January 2015.
Ms Duffield said that she would approach the Norwich Fringe to ask what work had been done on the common over the previous year.
The clerk would chase Gary Overland at highways for a meeting to ensure the partnership bid could be agreed at the next meeting.
The clerk had sent the letter to South Norfolk Council about the gate at the loke in Wood Lane; no response had been received.
The response had been sent to the change to planning application consultations although the preferred option had not been what the parish council had hoped for. / CJ
5 / To consider the repair of the damaged surfaces in the play area
Ms Duffield had looked at the website provided by Cllr Legg and found out about the materials required to repair the matting. The solution was to buy the necessary products but she would need to speak to someone at Mulbarton Parish Council about how they made the repairs. The clerk said she would provide Miss Duffield with the chairman’s contact details.
6 / To agree comments on planning application 2014/2400
Location 32 Cavell Close, Swardeston NR14 8DH
Proposal Two storey extension to side and rear and provide pitched roof over existing flat roof
The proposal was reviewed and discussed. It was agreed that the parish council would support the application, no specific comments were made.
7 / Finance
7.1 To review and agree financial statement to 11th December 2014
The accounts were reviewed and agreed.
7.2 To discuss and agree the level of support for the upkeep of the churchyard
This was adjourned to the February meeting.
7.3 To discuss and agree budget requirements for 2015/2016
The draft budget was reviewed and discussed; it would be agreed at the January meeting when the precept would be agreed. The clerk would forward the tax base on receipt from South Norfolk Council. The recently agreed pay award by the NJC was agreed to be paid in January and equated to £35.67 per annum and a one off payment of £9.00.
7.4 To agree invoices for payment in accordance with budget
Chq no 510 £82.27 C Jowett Clerks salary
Chq no 511 £54.40 HMRC PAYE
Chq no 512 £11.68 C Jowett Postage
The payments were agreed and the cheques signed.
8 / To consider correspondence received
There were no items of correspondence for consideration.
9 / To confirm and agree agenda items for the parish council meeting to be held on Thursday 8th January 2015 commencing 19:30 at Swardeston Village Hall
To consider and agree an interpretation board for the story of Edith Cavell
To consider and agree the budget for 2015-16
To consider and agree the precept for 2015-16
The meeting closed at 20:35
Signed: Mr I Francis
Chairman to Swardeston Parish Council
Swardeston Parish Council Meeting 12/2014 Version 1
Author: Carole Jowett December 2014 http://swardeston-parish-council.norfolkparishes.gov.uk/