Honoring Chief Mike Chitwood

An exquisite evening under the stars as we dine, enjoy music, and celebrate. We invite you to share a night of Lights…a night of Love…

a night of Literacy!

·  Black Tie Optional $600 – table for eight

·  Raffle/Silent Auction $175 – two tickets

·  Entertainment $100 – individual tickets

·  Recognition Awards $ 50 -- pre-gala VIP party

·  Sponsorship opportunities

Payment can be made by check to Volusia Literacy Council, calling in a credit card to 386-255-8723, or PayPal (click “Donate” at volusialiteracy.org).

If you cannot attend, please consider sponsoring a tutor to attend. Donations are also appreciated. Donors will be listed as a “Literacy Light” in the program

An exquisite evening under the stars as we dine, and celebrate those whom we have helped throughout the year. We invite you to share a night of Lights…a night of Love…a night of Literacy!

Sponsorship Opportunities

Event Sponsor……….$5,000

·  Benefits of Gold Sponsorship, plus:

·  Champagne at tables

·  Private pre-gala VIP party with guest of honor

Gold Sponsor……….$2,500

·  Benefits of Silver Sponsorship, plus:

·  Reserved seating in preferred area for 2 tables of 8

·  Company logo on all event collateral

·  Ad in program

A sponsorship at this level equates to 12 months of tutoring services to 8 students

Silver Sponsor……….$1,500

·  Reserved seating in preferred area for table of 8

·  Company logo on event signage and presentation materials

A sponsorship at this level equates to skill books and literacy materials to serve 15 students

Bronze Sponsor……….$250

·  Company signage featured

A sponsorship at this level equates to formal testing materials to serve 15 students

Additional Opportunities

·  $600 – table for eight

·  $175 – two tickets

·  $100 – individual tickets

If one can’t attend, please consider sponsoring a tutor to attend or donations are appreciated. Donors will be listed as a “Literacy Light” in the program.

Lights for Literacy Gala

Saturday, December 10th, 2016, 6:30pm

The Shores Resort & Spa

Please check all that apply:

_____ Yes, I/my company wish to purchase a table for $600.

_____ Yes, I/my company wish to be a sponsor. (Please circle sponsorship level at the bottom).

_____ Yes, I/my company wish to purchase 2 tickets for $175.

_____ Yes, I/my company wish to purchase 1 ticket for $100.

_____ Yes, I/my company wish to donate a gift to the Raffle/Silent Auction.

Individual/Company Name : ______

Address : ______

Contact Name : ______Phone number : ______

Email: ______

Payment can be made by check, calling in a credit card, or PayPal (click “Donate” at volusialiteracy.org)

ATTENDEES : 1.______2. ______

3.______4. ______5.______

6. ______7.______8. ______

SPONSORSHIPS : Circle the one that applies

Event Sponsor…..$5000 Gold Sponsor…..$2,500 Silver Sponsor…..$1,000 Bronze Sponsor…..$250

I am not able to attend, but please accept my donation of $_____. I will be listed as a “Literacy Light” in the program.