ZSIII Water Meditation
Begin lying down on the floor, on your back, with a comfortable distance between your legs, and your arms down to the sides of the body, with the palms facing up.
Gently close your eyes. There is nowhere to go, there is nothing to do. Gently allow yourself to be fully present in your breath, your body, your mind and your spirit in this moment.
Allow the body to soften and surrender into gravity.
Feel your breath. Feel the river of your breath, (Pause) the waves of your heartbeat, (Pause) and the depth of your bones. (Pause) The rivers inside you are the gift of the Water phase.
Water is powerful, adaptable, flowing, nourishing, running deep and cleansing. We are created in water. Our strong, deep impulses and urges to procreate and become one with another through sexual union speaks to the deep river of desire to be one with all things.
Our quest for meaning and purpose and finding a personal philosophy which expresses our wisdom comes from the deep incubator in our soul.
Water runs deep. Breathe deeply into your body, breathe deeply into your bones. (Pause) Feel your bones – an active, frothy space at the center of each body part, feel them vibrating with potential and purpose. (Pause) Feel into the deep sea of your pelvis, down to the open space of the pelvic floor. Feel through the spinal column itself, an unbroken sea of fluid and space rising through you to the skull. Feel to the very vertex of the skull, and the small space that opens up to the heavens. Feel the column of energy from heaven to earth, through the opening of the pelvic floor and the tip of your tailbone rising up through the space and fluids of the spinal column through the top of your head (Pause).
Now feel deeply into your bones – the marrow, the river of Qi that creates the structure for the deepest tissues in the body. (Pause).
The DNA you received from your ancestors is programmed with your destiny - your place in the river of genealogy from your long ago ancestors through you and through your children - the destiny of your lineage which lives in your bones.
In this moment bathe your bones with love, with nurturing, nourishing love. (Pause).
Feel into the rich, cellular matrix which runs through your bones, the deep tissues of the body. (Pause).
Now feel into all the rivers of life flowing through you – the river of your breath (Pause), the river of your blood (Pause), the river of your bones (Pause). Feel the power inherent in these resources and gifts.
You are the river of life, the power of flow, the power of depth, the power of adaptability, the power of the inner life, the power of your inner world. These are the many gifts of the Water phase.
Allow yourself this day to flow with the deep rivers inside you and allow their wisdom to guide you.
When you are ready allow the movement of these rivers to bring you back into this day.