The CoCoCo admin/cataloguer interface: about

This document describes the admin/cataloguer interface and lists the main pages. Related documents include:

  • - how to change the content on the pages (for those setting up the site)
  • The CoCoCo admin interface: set metadata fields’ - how to set the collection parameters (for administrators)
  • ‘The CoCoCo admin/cataloguer interface: review/approve contribution’ – how to review and approve submitted contributions (for cataloguers)
  • ‘The CoCoCo contributor interface’ – description of the pages/interface (for those setting up site and/or contributors)
  • ‘How to make a contribution using CoCoCo’ - (for contributors)

About the interface

The admin/cataloguer interface is what users with admin or cataloguer status see. The look and feel of the CoCoCo application depends on where it is installed and how the project running it has chosen to design it, but the set-up and functionality is the same even if the interface looks different.

Figure 1.Sample CoCoCo Welcome page showing tabs for the Home, Contribute, Help, and Admin sections as well as Account and Sign out buttons (Woruldhord project).

The admin/cataloguer interface has three main sections plus pages for registration and sign in/sign out button. The three sections are available from any page by clicking on the relevant tabs at the top of the page:


The Welcome page with general information (varies between different projects). Same as the Welcome page contributors see.


Contributor dashboard where contributions made by the signed in administrator are listed. Same as the Contribute page contributors see.


Information about the interface and submission.


Used for managing submitted contributions (reviewing, accepting, rejecting), setting what information is collected about a submission (configuring the meta-data fields), and managing user accounts. It is only available to users with administrator or cataloguer roles. The display varies between administrators and cataloguers.

Figure 2.Sample CoCoCo Admin page showing Administrator view (Woruldhord project).

Contributions:Review and approve or reject contributions.

Searchable lists of all contributions that have been made (approved or pending approval). Cataloguers and administrators can approve, edit or delete the contributions.

Metadata fields:Configure the fields gathered during contributions.

(Administrators only) This is where the administrator can control the fields that contributors use. You can add new fields (and specify what kind of field it is), as well as edit, delete and change the display order of existing fields.

User accounts:Manage user accounts: administrators, cataloguers & contributors

(Administrators only) Page where all existing users are listed. The list can be filtered on user role by using the drop-down list at the top of the page. The administrator can edit (for example change role) or delete a user as well as add new users.