Digestive System Notes
What is digestion?
Where does digestion occur?
Label the organs of the digestive tract:
Which of the organs above are accessory organs (food does not pass through them)?
· Mechanical digestion-
· Chemical digestion-
MOUTH ( __________________________):
* Mechanical Digestion:
- Teeth break down food
- Tongue manipulates food against the _____________________ (________________________________) and contains bumps (____________________) What is the function of these bumps?
What is the frenulum?
* Chemical Digestion:
- _________________________________ that line the mouth produce saliva.
What are the functions of saliva?
- Saliva is a mixture of ___________________________________________________________________.
What is the function of the mucus?
What is the ball of food produced from digestion in the mouth?
3 Pairs of Salivary Glands:
What does the pharynx connect?
What are the 3 parts of the pharynx?
§ When food is swallowed it passes the _______________________ and into the esophagus.
§ The esophagus is a muscular tube approx. __________________ long.
§ What type of muscle lines the esophagus?
§ What is peristalsis?
At the end of the esophagus is the cardiac sphincter. What is its function?
What is a result when the cardiac sphincter does not work properly?
• The stomach is divided into the _______________, _______________, _____________, and ______________ regions.
Draw the stomach and label its parts below:
• Mechanical Digestion in Stomach:
- What lines the stomach?
- What are rugae? Include their function.
§ Chemical Digestion in Stomach:
- Innermost lining of the stomach is a _____________________ that has openings called ________________.
- Gastric pits are the openings through which secretions are released into the stomach.
- These secretions (called _____________________) include: ____________________________________________________________________
- What is the function of the mucus coating of the stomach?
- Food usually stays in the stomach for 3-4 hours.
- What is chyme?
§ What is the pyloric sphincter?
§ The lengthy small intestine receives secretions from the _________________ and ______________. What are the functions of the small intestine?
§ If stretched out, the small intestine is ______________ long!
§ What is mesentery?
§ The 3 parts of the small intestine include:
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§ Liver
- Large ________________________ organ to the right of the stomach
- Makes __________________________________________
§ Gall bladder
- _____________________________ made by the liver
- What is the path that bile makes from the liver to the gall bladder?
- When chyme is present in the small intestine (duodenum), the gall bladder releases bile through the ______________________ to the _________________________ which dumps into the small intestine at the ____________________________.
§ The pancreas secretes _______________________ into the _______________________. This helps breakdown the ________________.
§ What is the path that the pancreatic fluid takes when chyme is in the duodenum?
§ Digestion products are absorbed into the circulatory system through ______________and ______________________.
§ What lines the jejunum and ileum?
§ What is the purpose of villi?
§ Inside the villi are ________________________________________________.
§ What diffuse into lacteal?
§ What diffuse into capillaries?
What is celiac disease?
§ Once the remaining food enters the large intestine, it moves toward the anus by contractions of the smooth muscle in the lining of the large intestine. What is this process called?
§ What are the parts of the large intestine?
§ As the matter moves through the large intestine, _________________ is absorbed into the ___________________ in the lining. This makes the matter more solid.
§ The solid material is called ________________.
§ Feces is composed of __________________________________________________________________
§ The color of feces is due to the action of ________________________________________________.
§ The odor of feces is due to the action of ______________________.
What is diverticulitis?