Present: Cllrs: S. Young, D. Cartwright,G Budgen,J. Linsley,A. Claypole,

A Cropley; S. Womack;P. Holland; D. Kirkham;R Dickenson; C Lukey.

Mrs. A Harrison–Clerk (from 16/17/277)

In Attendance: 1member of the public, Martyn Attwood, Excel Parking. R Blake & K Fennelly.

Public Discussion Period

Matters raised included the public availability of working group notes and MSF Council funding.

16/17/271Receive Apologies and Approve Reasons for Absence

  1. West (away). G. Scott

16/17/272Receive Declarations of Interest (other than standing interests).

G. Budgen – Pecuniary interest -Item 8 Allotment fees (allotment holder).

16/17/273Agree Confidential Items


16/17/274Approval of the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of the 14thFebruary

Resolved: That the minutes of the 14th February be approved as an accurate record.

16/17/275Matters Arising from the Minutes

16/17/256 Re-ordering of toilet provision stickers at local establishments outstanding.

16/17/257 Cllr Lukey to provide the Clerk with locations of new litter/dog bins.

16/17/260 Events Working Group members to provide proposed termsof reference at next meeting.

16/17/261 Cllr Young had agreed submission of Bawtry Today newsletter on 15 March in order to cover tonight’s meeting.

16/17/262 Market Hill Working Group to consider provision of a defibrillator.

16/17/266 Chair will circulate “Enquiry” made to Heritage Lottery Fund to members.

Members agreed to bring forward Item 9 (Ward member report)Item 7b (Car park trial).

16/17/276Ward Member Report

-Update provided regarding school parking restrictions and the current vacancy for a school crossing patrol person.

-Golf Club Development (Hotel and Leisure complex) consultation with a public meeting on the 20th March.

-No update regarding installation of parking restrictions on Tickhill Road to date. Yellow lines requested for Church Walk outstanding for 2 years.

-Mayflower ship to return and be planted in Austerfield by 1st May.

-Any DHL vehicles in Bawtry to be reported as in breach of planning regs.

-Current crime and commercial break-ins noted. For April agenda.

16/17/277Market Hill 7(b) Car Park Trial

Martyn Attwood attended to discuss the trial with members. Concerns were expressed that it wasn’t clear if the drop in income was directly due to the trial or also in part due to the auction site closure. It was also not possible to see the daily figures from the information provided.

Excel considered that the auction site closure had little effect on income as, other than June, the monthly figures were up from April 2016 when it closed (compared to 2015). Audit tickets were being obtained and would be forwarded but these didn’t illustrate daily amounts. Cash pulls ran Sat-Tues and Wed-Fri.

Installation of new machines were discussed,which would record daily amounts,and could be undertakenif the area was resurfaced.

Monthly figures were compared with 2015. Excel considered the greater drop in December may have been due to the number of weekend bank holidays this year. Estimated gross income reduction appeared to be in the region of £12-16k (£6-8k for the Council for the trial period).

The Council to put forward details of any time limit for an extension to the trial if this is what members decided.

The trial is due to cease at the end of March. Martyn Attwood agreed that Excel would provide as much information as possible, within the next week, to assess the impact of free parking on Sundays & Bank Holidays with a view to an EGM being called on the 28th March. Members agreed to call an EGM

Mr. Attwood stated that Excel would require compensating for their loss of income if the trial was to continue or a permanent change made. The level of compensation required would be included in the information to be sent, with remote monitoring to be factored into this as an option.

16/17/278Financial Matters

a)Approve Monthly Accounts

Resolved:That the monthly accounts be approved.Additional invoices for hall hire and printing costs for the Neighbourhood Plan and forum leaflets were approved (schedule attached).

b)Approve Bank Reconciliation

Resolved: That the bank reconciliation to 31st January be approved

c)Budget monitoring to January

The budget monitoring schedule wasreceived.

d)Approve Pension Provider

ProActiv had provided a recommended pension provider based on the level of charges and taking into account the number of members to be auto enrolled

Resolved: That the Council take out a pension scheme with “The Peoples Pension” in accordance with the recommendation and the direct debit instruction be signed for contributions/fees.

e)Approve Council Risk Assessment

Resolved: That the Council risk assessment be approved

16/17/279Market Hill

a)Taxi rank– Further discussion with DMBC. A copy of the traffic regulation was still awaited but now appeared to be owned by BTC and therefore could be more readily amended.

c)Footpath Update-DMBC continued to maintain that the footpath was not their responsibility and currently would not fund any costs for unadopted roads. Although not the responsibility of the Town Council, repair costs were discussed. Further quotes to be obtained from DMBC and alternative providers in order that a repair scheme could be investigated with contributions from a number of sources being sought (e.g. BTC, Retailers, DMBC). Adoption of the repaired footpath by DMBCwould also need to be secured as part of any scheme.

Conservation issues had been raised at the recent meeting with DMBC butas planning permission was not required there would be little that conservation could enforce.

d)Market Provision-Market provision had been discussed with Sarah White who had organised markets previously. Criteria, costs, frequency and number of stalls had all been considered. Provision would still require agreement with Excel. Members agreed a market was desirable if this could be achieved and therefore would be investigated further.

16/17/280Recreational Issues

a)Cemetery - Consider fees for 2017-18

Resolved: That fees would be increased by 2% in accordance with inflation from April 2017.

b)Allotments- Consider fess for 2017-18

Resolved that fees remain at current levels this year but to be £25 and £40 from 2018-19, being the first rise in 5 years.

Members agreed that the Clerk arrange for waste removal and new fencing be installed by Ranskill Fencing in the sum of £676.

16/17/281Gainsborough Road Toilets – Update

The Clerk reported that DMBC was meeting this week regarding any transfer of the asset/lease and would revert to us in due course.

16/17/281Highways Issues

-Highway repairs on Doncaster Road but further repairs required.

-Highway adjacent to the China Rose (Retford side) required repair.

16/17/282Neighbourhood Plan- Update

Traffic issues had been discussed recently with DMBC.

The 2ndnewsletter had now been produced and was circulated to members which provided a brief summary of what the plan hoped to achieve.

16/17/283Parking Provision- Update

Further meeting had been undertaken with a local landowner. A site visit had been arranged on the 17th March to consider alternative parking provision at the bottling plant. New Hall Committee also to be approached further.

16/17/284BTC Initiative to Improve the Image of Bawtry- Update

Recent meeting with DMBC – details to be circulated to members.

16/17/285War Memorial Working Group - Update

CllrClaypole had circulated a brief report to members. Traffic management would be required and could be a significant cost. Further quotes would be obtained when the relocation site was confirmed. Grant funding would also be investigated when likely costs were established.

16/17/286Community Forum

Members advised of the current plans for the first meeting on the 3rd April at The Crown. A notice will appear in Bawtry Today & posters/flyers have been printed. The format was discussed with any final plans to be discussed at the March EGM.

16/17/287Planning Issues

a)Planning Applications

17/00325/FUL 6 Spring Gardens - Erection Detached Garage (retrospective)

17/00393/FUL 1 Carlton Drive

Proposed erection of a single storey rear extension to the front of an existing dwelling

17/00410/FUL 42 Ingham Road

Erection of single storey rear extension, raising of existing roof, erection of rear roof dormer, insertion of roof lights to front and side, erection of front porch following demolition of existing detached garage

17/00502/FUL Fairholme St Martins Avenue

Erection of 1st floor rear elevation and raising the roof of the single storey side projection.

No adverse comment on the above applications

b)Planning Determinations

16/02476/FUL Cogolin 4 High Meadow. Extension of 1st floor extension over existing garage/sun lounge ground floor ext’n to rear & ext’n to front- Granted

16/02615/FUL/ 16/02624/LBC Bawtry Hall South Parade. Listed building consent and Change of use for part of the existing building from A3 use (restaurants) to A1 use to form a hairdressing salon- Granted

16/02622/LBC 50 high Street Bawtry. Retention of internal alterations to ground and 1st floors, siting of a flue & the erection of a single storey infill extension-Granted

16/02621/FUL50 High Street Bawtry. Proposed conversion of first floor to A3/A4 use for licensed alcohol premises/restaurant and associated internal alterations, erection of single storey infill extension to the rear, and erection of railings (retrospective) - Granted

16/17/288Report on Meetings

MSF Committee- Completion date moved back to the 4th April 2017.

It was understood that a shortfall was expected for internal fit and flooring. No budget appeared to be allocated for CCTV. It was understood that the 18k contingency had been included in the projections and therefore this shortfallwas in addition. Further £20k envisaged for completion.

Concernswere expressed with the terms of reference and the actual role being given to the committee. It was also inaccurate that the Council was providing £9000 less than BARS anticipated, it was merely that BARS had overlooked that they had received this sum for architect fees from the Council allocation. The Council was therefore funding the project exactly as had been agreed.

BARS had requested the attendance of the Chairman at the April council meeting to discuss the project with members. Correspondence in reply to be drafted and circulated to members for comment before being provided to BARS.

Licensing - Chair to circulate brief report having attended the recent license watch invite

16/17/299To Receiveany Additional Correspondence- None noted.

16/17/290Items for Future Agenda and Next Meeting.

EGM on the 28th March and next meeting on the11thApril 2017

There being no further business the meeting ended at 10.10pm

Chair: ……………………………………………. Dated…………………………………………

BARS / Sports day donation / 1129 / 500.00
Npower / Mkt Hill electricity / DD / 1.00
Today Publications Ltd / Bawtry Today / DD / 114.00
Various / Salaries & allowances- Feb / 1130/34 / 2660.17
HMRC / Tax & NICS- Feb / 1135 / 572.75
Notts County Council / Stationery (inks/paper) / 1136 / 119.22
Angela Harrison / Reimburse post / 1137 / 17.88
Marshalls Garage Ltd / Handymen diesel / 1138 / 6.00
Sign of the Times / Boundary signs / 1139 / 8270.82
ProAktive Financial Services / Pension broker fees / 1140 / 625.00
Butts of Bawtry / Neighbourhood plan print fees / 1141 / 200.10
Butts of Bawtry / Community Forum print fees / 1142 / 81.60
The New Hall / Room hire fees (inc NP) / 1143 / 49.50