Family Confirmation – Lesson Twenty-Five (continued)page 1
Name: ______Date: ______
Family Confirmation Program
Lesson Twenty-Five
Paul's Letters to the Church
Memory Work -- Romans 1:16
Opening Prayer
- Read Romans, chapter 1, verse 17
a)What is the key word in this verse? (Catechism, Sec #298) ______
b)What Old Testament verse does Paul quote to back up his point? (Catechism, Sec.88) ______
c)How do we receive this special relationship with God? (Ephesians 2:8-10) ______
d)How was Abraham saved? (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:3 and following) ______
e)What does this tell you about the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament when it comes to the way that people are saved? ______
- Read the following verses and answer the questions
a)Romans 1:4Who is Jesus Christ, according to this verse? ______
b)Romans 1:12 What does Paul want Christian people to do for one another? ______
c)Romans 1:16How does Paul define the Gospel in this verse? ______
d)Romans 1:18How does God respond to "godlessness" and "wickedness"? ______
e)Romans 1:25Which of the Ten Commandments is being broken by the people described in this verse? ______
f)Romans 1:27Which sin is being described here? ______
- Check the outline for the book of First Corinthians found in your Concordia Self-Study Bible.
a)Write down the six basic areas that Paul discusses, not including the introduction and the conclusion: ______
b)From the topics discussed in the outline of First Corinthians, what was Paul trying to accomplish with this book? ______
c)Where do Christians today get this kind of information? ______
- Read the following references and answer these questions
a)1 Corinthians 1:23 Who or what did Paul preach? ______
b)1 Corinthians 1:31 What kind of boasting is acceptable for Christians? ______
c)1 Corinthians 2:14 What is a person without the Holy Spirit not able to do? (Catechism, Sec.82) ______
d)What do the things of God seem like to a person without the Holy Spirit? ______
e)1 Corinthians 3:6,7What is our job with the seed? (the Word of God)? ______
f)What is the Holy Spirit's job? ______
g)1 Corinthians 6:18 What does Paul advise Christian people to do when they are tempted by sexual immorality?(See Catechism, Sec. 56, 57) ______
h)1 Corinthians 12:12 What word picture does Paul use here to describe the church? ______
i)1 Corinthians 13:1-13 What is it that Paul considers most important in the Christian life? ______
j)How does 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 relate to the Catechism, Sec. 62? ______
k)1 Corinthians 16:1-4 What is Paul talking about here? ______
l)At what age do you believe young people should begin setting something aside for the Lord? ______
Why? ______
- Check the outline to the book of Galatians as found in your Study Bible.
What three basic areas did Paul deal with in this book? (Sec.II, III, &IV) ______
- Read the following references and answer the questions
a)Galatians 1:6 What were some of the Christians in Galatia doing that upset Paul? ______
b)Galatians 1:12 How did Paul receive the Gospel? ______
c)Galatians 1:23 How did people describe Paul? ______
d)Galatians 3:6 What did Paul say about Abraham? ______
e)Are we saved the same way as Abraham was? ______
Why? ______
f)Galatians 5:1 What does Christ want us to enjoy? ______
g)Galatians 6:1 What one word here describes how Christians are to deal with a fellow Christian who has fallen into sin?(Catechism, Sec.279) ______
- Read the following references and answer the questions:
a)Colossians 1:3 What does Paul do when he thinks of the Christian people he serves? ______
b)Colossians 1:6 What was the Gospel of Jesus Christ doing in Paul's day? ______
c)Is the same thing true today? ______
Why? (See Isaiah 55:10-11.) ______
d)Colossians 1:10 What does Paul pray for here? ______
e)Colossians 1:13 How does Paul describe Jesus' work for us in this verse?
(Catechism, Sec.213) ______
f)Colossians 1:15 - 20 Who is Jesus, according to verse 15? ______
i)According to verse 16, what did Jesus do? ______
ii)How is Jesus related to the church? (v.18) ______
g)Colossians 2:8 What warning does Paul give to Christian believers here?
(Catechism Sec #5) ______
Give a modern day example of what Paul is talking about. ______
h)Colossians 3:5 What should Christians "put to death"? ______
i)Colossians 3:12 What characteristics do we find in the lives of Christian people? ______
j)Colossians 3:16 What does Paul describe here that will help us grow in our knowledge of God's Word? (Catechism, Sec.40) ______
- Read the following references and answer these questions
a)1 Timothy 1:13 How does Paul describe himself before he became a Christian? ______
b)1 Timothy 1:15 Why did Jesus come into the world?(See John 3:17) ______
c)1 Timothy 4:1 What will happen in the last days, just before Christ returns to this earth, at the end of the age? ______
d)(Review) 1 Timothy 6:9-10 What does Paul say about money in these verses? ______
e)1 Timothy 6:12 How does Paul describe the Christian life?(Compare Ephesians 6:10 and following) ______
- Time spent on this study? ______With mom? ______With dad? ______
- Comments or questions ______
The “Roman Road”
God’s plan of salvation in one book…
Romans 3:10 ( sin
Romans 3:23 (
Romans 5:12 ( price
Romans 6:23 (
Romans 5:8 Jesus paid price
Romans 10: 9-13 Faith in Christ as Saviour.
- Closing Prayer
Revised March 18, 1996; October 05, 1996; Edited 10/18/2018