Recommended Statement of Work Sections for

FI$Cal Onboarding Business Transformation Services

With the approach of the 2017 Release, FI$Cal has developed a template for departments to use if they need to contract with outside vendors for FI$Cal Onboarding Business Transformation Services. This template was developed from research and communication with departments that previously issued solicitations and statements of work to accomplish the onboarding transformation required before their release.

This Template includes sample Statement of Work Sections and Staffing Qualifications.Within the Staffing Qualifications, there are examples for a PeopleSoft ERP Programmer Staff to assist with interfaces, configurations and how role assignments and workflows strategies affect how the FI$Cal System works.

Agencies or departments may choose to use all or parts of the Statement of Work (SOW) sections depending on their own contracts requirements, procurement method or special funding circumstances. The template cannot be used as a FI$Cal contract on behalf of the departments.

Recommended Statement of WorkSections
for FI$Cal Onboarding Business Transformation Services(1. Background, 2. Acronyms, 3. Scope and Description, and 4. Contractor Tasks):
[Expertise, Assistance, and Advisement to Replace/Interface Existing (Legacy) System(s) with the FI$Cal System including the redesign of business processes and all other activities, tasks, and products required to onboard to the FI$Cal System successfully]

Introduction and Instructions

These sample Statement of Work (SOW) sections (Background, Acronyms, Scope and Description, and Contractor Tasks) describe the expertise, assistance and advisement services that may be required to replace/interfaceexisting (legacy) system(s) with the FI$CalSystem. These services include: Project Management, Department Mobilization and Readiness, Configuration, Interfaces/Conversions, Role Mapping, Departmental Testing, Training,Deployment and Ongoing Support/Assistance. State agencies may insert these sample SOWsections in part or as a whole into their SOW templates. The Contractor Tasks reflect an option where (senior) Project Manager (PM)tasks are detailed to accommodate SOWs where PMsare required toactively participate in the tasks assigned to Contractor staff under them.

All examples or suggested staffing and Mandatory Staffing Qualifications (MSQs) included are “scalable”. Large Agencies with several Departments may want bigger or multiple teams from a Contractor, while single Departments may only need a few Contractor staff. The mandatory staffing qualifications for a multi-department agency may require “Senior” staff with seven (7) or more years of experience, while single Departments may only require five (5) years for their “Senior” staff. TheMSQ language options may be customized for each Agency or Department’s use.

[Blue Font Italic type] identifies instructional information for State agencies to delete when tailoring the document for a specific acquisition. [Red Font Normal type] identifies sample or notational information for State agencies or departments to replace or delete when tailoring the document for a specific acquisition. [Black Font Normal type] denotes standard or suggested language.

For questions regarding this template contact the Department of Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal) at .


[Sample Header and SOW sections 1-4)]

FI$Cal Onboarding Business Transformation Services
IT Consulting Services

This Statement of Work (SOW) reflects the services to be provided by <Contractor name>, hereinafter referred to as the“Contractor,” for the <State Agency [and/or] Department’s Name>, hereinafterreferred to as “<Agency/Department (DAcronym)>.”

This Agreement is for the Contractor to provide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) expertise to advise on strategies and complete the tasks set forth in the SOWfor successfully replacing an existing (legacy) system with the FI$Cal and to ensure the requirements and business objectives for DAcronym>are met. The <State Agency [and/or] Department’s Name>[or] DAcronym>refer(s) to this effort as theFI$CalOnboarding Business Transformation (OBT) Services.The goal of the DAcronym>FI$CalOnboarding Business Transformation is to prepare the DAcronym>organization(s) to meet the requirements of the FI$Cal OBT, through a redesigning of the business processes and all other activities, tasks and products required to onboard to the FI$Cal System successfully.


The Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal) is a:

  • major effort for California to modernize and reengineer the financial business operations of state government on an enterprise-wide basis;
  • partnership of the Department of Finance (DOF), State Controller's Office (SCO), State Treasurer's Office (STO), and the Department of General Services (DGS);
  • technology business transformation that enables the State of California to combine its accounting, budgeting, cash management, and procurement operations into a single integrated financial management system;
  • System that eliminates hundreds of independent legacy systems and department-specific applications that now support the State of California’s internal business operations. Because of the decentralized and antiquated nature of the State’s business operating systems, the State’s financial operations have become highly inefficient and challenging to manage.

Accenture, LLP is the System Integrator that provides the State of California with the centralized and integrated Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) ERP system.

Some of FI$Cal’s Hyperion and PeopleSoft Financial Functional Capabilities and the associated Work Efforts are depicted below:

Functional Capabilities:

Work Efforts:


BPR / Business Process Reengineering
BPW / Business Process Workshop
CALSTARS / California State Accounting and Reporting System
CA-PMF / California Project Management Framework
COTS / Commercial Off the Shelf
DGS / Department of General Services
DOF / Department of Finance
ERP / Enterprise Resource Planning
FI$Cal / Financial Information System for California
FSC / FI$Cal Service Center
LD / Labor Distribution
MDW / (FI$Cal) Master Department Workplan
OBT / Onboarding Business Transformation
ORF / Office Revolving Fund
PM / Project Manager or Project Management
PMBOK / Project Management Body of Knowledge
PMI / Project Management Institute
PO / Purchase Order
Q&A / Questions and Answers
SDLC / Software Development Life Cycle
SCO / State Controller’s Office
SME / Subject Matter Expert
SOW / Statement of Work
STO / State Treasurer’s Office
UAT / User Acceptance Testing

3.Scope and Description

[Insert the required Consultant staff designations](e.g., For Large State Agency: One (1) Senior Project Manager, two (2) Senior Technical Leads, one (1) PeopleSoft “Financial” (note the term Financial covers all PeopleSoft modules except Budgeting which is covered by Hyperion) ERP Programmer—to assist with interfaces, configurations and how role assignments and workflows strategies affect how FI$Cal works, and six (6) System Analysts that will serve as Business Process Redesign Analysts), are required to assist with the planning and execution of the project management disciplines, framework, and business process for the implementation of the new FI$Cal system. DAcronym> utilizes Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) as well as the state’s methodology, California Project Management Framework(CA-PMF), for managing the FI$Cal OBT.

The Contractor shall work collaboratively with the Agency’s/Department’s(s’) management and staff to accomplish the activities, goals, and tasksoutlined in this statement of work. This effort will be extensive and each department’sstaff will focus time and resources with the Contractor on achieving the goals of the FI$Cal OBT.

The[Insert the required Consultant staff designations from above]will be responsible for working with each identified [or]<DAcronym>’s Department staff to complete the following:

  • Project management (Communications to both internal and external stake holders, Stakeholder management, risk management including risk assessment and control processes, FI$Cal OBT Schedule, and document management of OBT artifacts), analysis, mobilization and readiness activities;
  • Organizational Change Management;
  • Policies, process and procedure development and reengineering—“AS-IS” and “TO-BE” processes and procedures required for the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) required for the OBT and workflow development;
  • Definition of configuration values (from the BPR and other sources) and activities to set up for the FI$Cal System;
  • Activities to process the conversion of data from DAcronym>’s existing (legacy) system(s) to the FI$Cal System;
  • Analysis of interfaces that may be required anddevelopment of interface to the FI$Cal System;
  • Role mapping to establish end users, user security authentication and working role(s) in the FI$Cal System;
  • Testing to validate DAcronym>data configuration and roles are functioning as required
    (e.g., User Acceptance Testing);
  • Review or assistance with User Training activities and documentation required to prepare the Users to work in the FI$Cal System;
  • Completion or assistance with completion of the FI$Cal Master Department Workplan (MDW) tasks;
  • Participation in FI$Cal Workshops;
  • Implementation and Deploymentactivities to complete the OBTand
  • Ongoing Support/Assistance.

[Following is sample language that may be considered for staffing strategy for Agencies with multiple departments or large Departments requiring multiple teams to onboard]<DAcronym>’s strategy is tocreate two (2) teams, under the leadership of one Project Manager. Each team will consist of one (1) Senior Technical Lead, one (1) PeopleSoft Financial ERP Programmer and three (3) Business Process Redesign System Analysts. These two (2) teams will work with two departments (one per team) in parallel to implement this OBT. All departments must be completed no later than [enter the Month and Year to be completed]Month of Year, to allow time for all departments to attend detailed training that will be provided.


All completed tasks, standards, processes, plans and applicable reference materials must be available to <DAcronym>upon request. <DAcronym>reserves the right to request an in-depth written and/or oral presentation of findings and/or recommendations put forth by the Contractor.

The following Task Table describes the tasks required for the Contractor Project Manager followed by those required for the Contractor staff under the Contractor Project Manager for the terms of this Agreement. All tasks below are required to be completed and delivered on or before the due dates in the table.

Task Group / Task Title / Task Description / Date Due
1 / Project Management / The Contractor (Senior) Project Manager (PM) shall provide oversight and management of the following:
1.1FI$Cal Readiness Project Management (PM)
Establish a group of approved Contractor and <DAcronym> management and staff to review, validate and assist in documenting the goals, objectives for the scope and functional priorities required for the Readiness Activities for onboarding to FI$Cal. Submit a written document listing all the potential members of the PM operation (Contractor Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and <DAcronym> Staff) for approval. / To Be Determined
1.2 Kick Off Activities and PM Structure
Define all team member roles and responsibilities for the appropriate resource communication infrastructure required to conduct the FI$Cal OBT. Submit a Report detailing the PM operation Staff infrastructure. / TBD
1.3 PM Documentation
Prepare and deliver the documentation of the basic protocols to be used for communication, organizational change management, configuration change, risks, issues and schedule management, and establishing quality standards. / TBD
1.4 FI$Cal OBT Readiness Schedule
Prepare and submit the <DAcronym> FI$Cal Readiness Schedule from the FI$Cal MDW establishing key milestones, tasks and communication activities including documentation of <DAcronym>’s inventory of conversion items and other assessments, completion of an initial training needs analysis and other baseline tasks. Submit updated MDW each week. / TBD
1.5 Organizational Change Management Activities
Prepare and submit the <DAcronym> FI$Cal Organizational Change Management Plan establishing key milestones, tasks and communication activities including documentation of <DAcronym>’s inventory of existing change management tools and other assessments required to build the <DAcronym>’s Change Management Organization.
1.5.1 Change Management Tasks and Schedule
PM prepare and deliver all tasks, meetings and/or sessions to identify, evaluate and understand, validate, prioritize, document and perform the requirements for the Organizational Change Management Activities and Tasks that lead to and are required for successful onboarding to the FI$Cal. / TBD
1.6 PM Assistance with As-Is Activities
Prepare and deliver the following subtasks the Contractor Staff under the Contractor PM is to provide.
1.6.1 PM Organization of Resource Materials
Project Management includes oversight and facilitation of meetings and/or design sessions to identify, evaluate and understand, validate, prioritize, and document specific requirements.
1.6.2 PM Advisement and Facilitation on Support Documentation and Artifacts for As-Is Policies, Processes and Procedures
Advise and facilitate with each departments’ [or] <DAcronym>’s Accounting, Budgets and Procurement teams to create documentation suitable for their use, including: policy documentation, process and procedure diagrams, supporting text for the process and procedure diagrams, as well as business, functional, and non-functional requirements for processes and procedures.
1.6.3 PM Coordination and Facilitation on As-Is Documentation
Coordinate and facilitate the training of <DAcronym> representatives from each of the Departments on the development of “As-Is” documentation and diagrams for policies, processes and procedures. / TBD
1.7 PM Assistance with To-Be Activities
Prepare and deliver the following subtasks the Contractor Staff under the Contractor PM is to provide.
1.7.1 PM FI$Cal-Sponsored To-Be Workshops Attendance
Attend FI$Cal-sponsored Workshops with subordinate Contractor staff to determine the specific <DAcronym> values that will be pre-set in a FI$Cal test environment for downstream department validation. Configuration values need to be set for each of the To-Be business workflows.
1.7.2 PM Facilitation of Process and Procedure Analysis
Facilitate Business Process and Procedure Analysis sessions with <DAcronym> [or] each of the Departments and assist with the review of each business process to ensure each process and procedure is accurately documented.
1.7.3 PM Review of Process Improvement Analysis
Review subordinate Contractor staff-gathered information related to business process improvement for review and analysis activities.
1.7.4 PM Review of To-Be Documentation and Diagrams
Review FI$Cal “To-Be” documentation and diagrams with the business units; identify changes to the “As-Is” processes and ensure the workflow documentation is updated accordingly.
1.7.5 PM Review of Mapping Created for As-Is to the
To-Be Workflow
Review the mapping completed for the “As-Is” to the
“To-Be” business process workflows.
1.7.6 PM Review of Identified Gaps Between As-Is
and To-Be
Review the gaps identified between the “As-Is” and the “To-Be” business processes, in the documented findings.
1.7.7 PM Review of Process Improvement Recommendations
Based on the process improvement information gathered previously, the business process mapping, and the final
“To-Be” business processes, review the document to be submitted for all proposed process improvement recommendations for each business unit.
1.7.8 PM Facilitation and Review of Updated Business Process Models
Upon completion of the mapping and the gap analysis, facilitate the review and update of each department’s business process models.
1.7.9 PM Review of Completed Business Process and Procedure Models and Workflows
Assist the business units with developing the updated business process and procedure models, including the workflows and text, to integrate and automate the defined FI$Cal solution. / TBD
1.8 PM Assistance with Configuration Activities
Prepare and deliver the following subtasks the Contractor Staff under the Contractor PM is to provide.
1.8.1 PM FI$Cal-Sponsored Configuration Workshops Attendance
Attend FI$Cal-sponsored Workshops with subordinate contractor staff to provide oversight of the determination of the specific configurations options allowed in the FI$Cal. Discuss the pre-set configurations, planned functionality, explanation of user roles, and conversion activities. Document and submit a report of the options for configurations.
1.8.2 PM Facilitation of Configuration Activities
Facilitate the determination of the configuration values required to be set for each of the To-Be business workflows. Review the set configuration values report for reviews/approvals.
Ensure configuration activities requested are completed. Review for submission the Final Report for approvals and the FI$Cal strategy for implementing the requested FI$Cal-approved configuration values.
1.8.3 PM Facilitation of Data Conversion Activities
Attend FI$Cal-sponsored Data Conversion Workshops to determine the specific conversion development options allowed in the FI$Cal. / TBD
1.9 PM Assistance with Data Conversion Activities
Prepare and deliver the following subtasks the Contractor Staff under the Contractor PM is to provide.
1.9.1 PM FI$Cal-Sponsored Conversion Workshops Attendance
Attend FI$Cal-sponsored Workshops with subordinate contractor staff to provide oversight of the determination of the specific conversion development options allowed in the FI$Cal.
1.9.2 PM Facilitation of Data Conversion Plan, Clean-up and Workaround Options
Facilitate the discussion of the pre-set configurations, planned functionality, explanation of user roles, including conversion plans, data clean up and workaround options.
1.9.3 PM Facilitation of Data Mapping
Facilitate the discussion for creation of the mapping of data from the existing system to the FI$Cal System.
1.9.4 PM Facilitation ofData Cleansing and Conversion Templates
Facilitate the discussion for creation of data cleansing and conversion templates. / TBD
1.10 PM Assistance with Interface Activities
Prepare and deliver the following subtasks the Contractor Staff under the Contractor PM is to provide.
1.10.1 PM Facilitation of Determine Required Interfaces
Facilitate and provide oversight of the determination of what interfaces will be necessary to ensure continuity of operations due to non-FI$Cal functions and interdepartmental functions that are not supported in the FI$Cal process model.
1.10.2 PM Facilitation of theDetermination of Any Unique Applications Used Daily or Underlying In-House System to Supplement the California State Accounting and Reporting System (CalSTARS)