Minutes – October 8, 2001
PUBLIC HEARING – REVISED SAMPLE SIGN REGULATIONS prepared by the Lancaster Inter-Municipal Committee
Mr. Pickard convened the public hearing and announced Ordinance No. 2001-05 is available for public inspection until November 12, 2001 when the Board will act on it. Mrs. Adams said it was an update and refinement of the previous ordinance with the most discussion concerning political signs. The maximum number of days they may be up is sixty. Mr. Allen noted there were more changes for rural areas than anywhere else. Lynn Stauffer, Director of Planning & Zoning, stated there were no great changes affecting Lancaster Township. Gordon Reed asked if organizational or POW flags are affected by this ordinance. Ms. Stauffer will check on that. With no further discussion, Mr. Pickard closed the hearing at 7:17PM.
The duly advertised Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors’ meeting was held on October 8, 2001 in the Township Building at 1240 Maple Avenue, Lancaster, PA. Chair Michael F. Pickard called the meeting to order at 7:17PM Vice Chair Helen S. Adams and Treasurer Anthony J. Allen were also present. Others in attendance included Township management staff and interested parties. Allegiance to the Flag was pledged. Mr. Pickard called for a moment of silence in memory of the September 11, 2001 victims and the military.
There were no comments.
Minutes of the September 10, 2001 Board of Supervisors’ meeting were approved by general consent.
Treasurer Allen presented the Treasurer's Report showing balances as of September 30, 2001:
General Fund $ 711,616.41
Parks and Open Space Fund 5,876.80
Capital Reserve Fund 919,594.83
Highway Aid Fund 344,125.01
TOTAL $ 1,981,213.05
Mr. Pickard stated the Treasurer's Report would be filed for audit.
On a motion by Mr. Allen, seconded by Mrs. Adams, the Board approved the payment of bills:
General Fund $ 251,226.81
Park and Open Space Fund .5,726.65
Capital Reserve Fund 49,929.43
Highway Aid Fund 3,443.94
TOTAL $ 310,327.83
A. Lafayette Fire Company: There were 15 runs to the East Township during September.
B. Lancaster Township Fire Department Report: Forty-two emergency calls were reported in the month of September for a year-to-date total of 346.
C. Police, Sewer, and Subsidiary Reports: These reports are available for public inspection before and after this meeting, as well as during regular business hours. At the September 2001 meeting Mrs. Adams had inquired about the time limit on the LCSWMA rebates the Township receives. A staff search found that unless the federal government changes its regulations, the rebates will continue.
D. Recycling Report: Report was not available.
E. Lancaster Inter-Municipal Committee: There was no new business to report.
F. Strategic Comprehensive Plan Quarterly Report: Mrs. Adams presented the report for July, August and September, 2001, a copy of which is attached as a permanent part of these minutes.
G. Questions & Comments for Community Officer: Officer Nelson Ramos informed residents that it is illegal to leave a key in the ignition of an unoccupied motor vehicle. In the cold weather, people sometimes leave the car running to warm it up. If stolen during that time, the insurance company could deny any claims.
A. Proclamation – Pornography Awareness Week
Mr. Joe Keating presented a white ribbon and poster to the Board. October 28 through November 4, 2001 was then declared as Pornography Awareness Week supporting opposition to pornography in any form.
B. Halloween Celebration Date
Halloween will be celebrated on Wednesday, October 31, 2001, 6:00-8:00PM as per agreement with the LIMC which encourages a uniform observance of Trick-or-Treat throughout Lancaster County.
C. Leaf Collection: October 8 through December 14, 2001
D. The next regular Board meeting will be held November 12, 2001, 7:00PM
(Workshop begins at 5:00PM)
The Lancaster Township Supervisors are committed to the goals
as established by the adoption of the Strategic Comprehensive Plan
and the following actions are consistent with the directives of that document
There was no old business to conduct.
A. LTPC #165 – Sterling Place, Lot #50
Mr. Allen moved, Mrs. Adams seconded, and the Board unanimously granted to the developers of Sterling Place, the following modifications of the Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance:
1. § 602.05.D, Right Angle Intersections
2. § 602.05.E, Alley Intersection Radii
3. § 602.05.G, Clear Sight Triangles with the addition of stop signs at alleys
4. § 602.06.A.4.b, Alley Horizontal and Vertical Alignment
B. Gable Park Woods, Section 5 – Reduction in Letter of Credit
Mrs. Adams moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the Board unanimously approved a reduction in Letter of Credit for Gable Park Woods, Section 5, from $93,478.35 to $-0 The owners will instead provide a Maintenance Guarantee in the amount of $37,250.00 for a period of eighteen (18) months.
C. Resolution No. 2001-11
Mr. Allen moved, Mrs. Adams seconded, and the Board unanimously approved the above-mentioned resolution, which accepts Gable Park Road as a part of the Lancaster Township public road system.
A. Lancaster Township Municipal Transportation Grant
Mrs. Adams moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the Board unanimously authorized execution of the above-mentioned agreement between Lancaster County and Lancaster Township for improvements to the intersection of Marietta Avenue and North President Avenue. This agreement provides $137,875.00 to add turning lanes on Marietta Avenue.
B. Recycling Development & Implementation Grant
Mr. Allen moved, Mrs. Adams seconded, and the Board unanimously authorized the execution of the above-mentioned Agreement between PA DEP and Lancaster Township for purchase of two leaf boxes and to develop a recycling educational flyer. PA DEP will provide $6,120 towards this project.
Karen O. Smith, S. School Lane, announced that because she is moving to Harrisburg she must regretfully resign as the representative to SLSA. Ms. Smith thanked the Township for its support during her tenure. The Board thanked her for an excellent job and concise reports. Everyone wished her good luck.Charles Collom, Wilson Drive, asked if any citations had been issued for pornography in Lancaster Township. Citations are issued by the police; however, if there is a zoning violation it falls under the Township’s jurisdiction. John Calcara, E. King Street, asked why he was denied a permit to build on Willis Lane where there is a well for water. Ms. Stauffer told him that commercial properties require public water. Alfred Scheib, Creek Drive, asked why public water wasn’t installed during sewer construction on Honeysuckle Lane. The Township would have preferred to have this done; however, the Township is not empowered to take such action. The Lancaster City Water Authority made the decision not to install public water. Mr. Scheib then asked about the Master Planner Course sponsored by the County. Mrs. Adams described the course and gave him a copy of a brochure. Mrs. Adams also mentioned the many marvelous sessions relating to municipal government offered by the County to the public at minimal or no cost.
With no further business brought forward, the meeting was adjourned at 8:02PM.
Respectfully submitted,
William L. Adams, Secretary