January 15, 2008 9:00 A.M.
Marshall County Boardroom
The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
Chairman Carlson called the meeting to order with the following present: Commissioners Sharon Bring, Gary Kiesow, Curtis Carlson, Kenneth Borowicz, LeRoy Vonasek, Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters, and Domita Taus.
Gary Donarski of D&B Construction addressed the Board to discuss a tax-forfeited property #59.0856.011; Lot 6, Block 2, Northwest Addition to the City of Warren. Mr. Donarski had a lien on the property and he would like to know how the lien is affected and what options he has now to protect his Company’s investment in this property. Mr. Peters explained the forfeiture process, issues with the house, and various options that would be available to Mr. Donarski.
Solid Waste Administrator Don Matz addressed the Board and received approval to advertise for bids for purchase of a crawler/dozer for the Demo Landfill. M/S/C- Bring, Vonasek
Social Service Director Jennifer Anderson addressed the Board.
The Board accepted the 2007 Christmas Projects Report. M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz
The following Social Services Personnel actions received Board approval:
1) Transfer Appointment – Re-Hire Jasmyne Ramariz-Olson, effective 1/18/08
2) Director’s Updated Position Description
3) Agency Updated Position Descriptions to Merit System for Classification
Audits, as warranted
M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow
The UCare Transportation Contract received Board approval. M/S/C – Kiesow, Borowicz
The Targeted Case Management Update was accepted. M/S/C – Vonasek, Borowicz
The Board accepted the Special Needs Basic Care (SNBC) Implementation Update. M/S/C – Kiesow, Bring
The Board accepted the County Performance Report. M/S/C – Bring, Kiesow
Case Activity, Bills, and Director Actions received Board approval. M/S/C – Vonasek, Borowicz
Highway Engineer Lon Aune addressed the Board. Mr. Aune indicated that the county shop building in Viking possibly can be sold to the city of Viking as requested, but he would like to get an opinion from County Attorney Williams on the process before moving forward. Mr. Aune distributed ‘Children at Play Policy’ information handouts with a proposed county policy for discussion. The Board approved County policy to not install ‘Children at Play’ signs for County roads. M/S/C – Vonasek, Kiesow A roll call vote was called: Aye-Vonasek, Kiesow, Carlson Nay-Bring, Borowicz
The January 15, 2008 meeting agenda was approved with additions. M/S/C – Kiesow, Bring
The Board approved the minutes of the January 8, 2008 regular meeting with corrections. M/S/C- Borowicz, Vonasek
Deb Benson addressed the Board and received approval for Board signature on the following grant application for playground equipment at the Marshall County Park by Florian:
BE IT RESOLVED that Marshall County Park Board act as legal sponsor for the project contained in the Regional Park Grant Program Application to be submitted on 31, March 2008 and that Debra Benson is hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Natural Resources for funding of this project on behalf of Marshall County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Marshall County Park Board has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and financial capability to meet the match requirement and ensure adequate construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its design life.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Marshall County Park Board has not incurred any development costs described on Item 5b and has not entered into a written purchase agreement to acquire the property described on Item 5a.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of its application by the state, Marshall County Park Board may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project, and that Marshall County Park Board certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as state in the grant agreement including dedicating the park property for outdoor recreation uses into perpetuity.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Debra Benson is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant.
M/S/C- Bring, Borowicz
Auditor-Treasurer Peters presented the following items in his report:
1. Examiner of Title resolution for Mike Williams.
2. Gopher Bounty information.
3. The Board set the Appeal and Equalization Meeting time and date for June 17th, 5:00 p.m. M/S/C - Bring, Kiesow
4. The Board reviewed 2007 actual expenditures in comparison to budgets.
5. The Five-year Financial Report was examined.
6. The 2008 Committee appointment list was presented for approval.
7. No action was taken on a tax-forfeited property in Warren until final review by the DNR on all forfeited parcels is received.
8. An updated tax-forfeited property list was shared.
The Board approved the following Committee Appointments:
18 County Water Planning Task Force Gary Kiesow, alternate (Curtis Carlson)
American Disability Administration Russell Elseth, Sharon Bring, Scott Peters,
Mike Williams or his designee
Area Agency on Aging Committee LeRoy Vonasek, Matt Edman
Ass’n of MN Counties Members Five Commissioners, County Auditor, County Engineer,
Director of Social Services
ATV Trails on Con Con Land Gary Kiesow, Randy Larson, Jack Beito, Tony Moe
Danny Haack
Bike Trail Committee Kenneth Borowicz, Sharon Bring, Ron Ueland, Tom Neibauer, Laura Clow, Mary Broten, Lon Aune, Troy Schroeder, Roger Hille, Shawnn Balstad
Building Committee Don Matz, Jennifer Anderson, LeRoy Vonasek, Lon Aune, Scott Peters, Russ Steer, Curtis Carlson, Fran Kuznia
CD#23 Advisory Board Orville Skadson, Don Larson, Sharon Bring, Jerome Potucek,
David Bakke
Civil Defense Gary Durand, John Novacek, LeRoy Vonasek
Committee on Health LeRoy Vonasek
Community Justice Advisory Committee Kenneth Borowicz, John Novacek
County Agency on Aging Sharon Bring, Joye Olson, Evangeline Teigen, Vernette Stokke, Donne Jelle, Carol Benitt, Marcie Kazmierczak, Irene Nowacki
County Extension Committee Sharon Bring, Ken Borowicz, Roberta Green, Mary Anderson, Scott Peters, Robert Dahl, Don Yutrzenka, Robin Johnson, Gary Satre
County Park Jan Gryskiewicz, John Deschene, Kurt Kaiser—terms expire 1/1/09,
Collette Voecks-term expires 1/1/10, Joey Benke—term expires 1/1/11
County Commissioners—Kenneth Borowicz, Sharon Bring
DNR/Land Issues Committee Scott Peters, Gary Kiesow, Kenneth Borowicz
Drug Task Force Scott Peters, Kenneth Borowicz, John Novacek, Jennifer Anderson, Mike Williams, Gail Larson
Employee Benefit Committee Kenneth Borowicz, Lon Aune, Tammy Johnson, Bev Lydeen,
Randy Olson, Rodney Teigen, Gary Kiesow, Dave Clark
Feedlot Committee Gary Kiesow, alternate (Sharon Bring)
Household Hazardous Waste Joint Powers Kenneth Borowicz, alternate (Curtis Carlson),
(Don Matz-ex Official)
Joint County Natural Resources Board Gary Kiesow
KaMaR Kenneth Borowicz, Curtis Carlson, alternate (Sharon Bring)
Kittson-Marshall Rural Waterusers Tom Peterson, Luther Johnson
Law Library Curtis Carlson, Jeremy Klinger
MST Watershed Advisory Committee LeRoy Vonasek, Curtis Carlson
Alternates (Sharon Bring, Kenneth Borowicz, Gary Kiesow)
Mar-Kit LeRoy Vonasek, Sharon Bring, Curtis Carlson, alternates (Kenneth Borowicz, Gary Kiesow)
Marshall-Beltrami JD 11 Gary Kiesow, Curtis Carlson, Kenneth Borowicz
Marshall-Beltrami JD 21 Gary Kiesow, Kenneth Borowicz
Marshall County Board of Health All Commissioners
Marshall County Board of Adjustment Jan Kaspari, Paul Anderson, Dale Hammerlund,
Brad Blawat, Wallace Bengston, Joseph Ose
Marshall County Family Service Collaborative Kenneth Borowicz, (Social Services),
LeRoy Vonasek (Corrections), Curtis Carlson (NW Mental Health Center)
Marshall County Con Con Land Commissioner Arnold Stanley
Marshall County Con Con Fund 20 Committee Scott Peters, Gary Kiesow, Sharon Bring
Marshall County Economic Development Scott Peters, Sharon Bring, Ken Borowicz, Dwight Anderson, Clayton Troske, Glen Bergeron, Betty Pikop, Loren Lusignan
Marshall County Nursing Advisory Board Curtis Carlson, LeRoy Vonasek
Marshall County Red River Basin Representative Curtis Carlson
Marshall County Safety Coordinator Don Matz
Marshall County Victim Services Board LeRoy Vonasek
Marshall-Pennington JD 30 Kenneth Borowicz, Gary Kiesow
Marshall-Polk Rural Waterusers Winton Knutson, Ron Abrahamson, Lawrence LaBine
Medical Examiner Dr. Mary Sens
Middle-Snake-Tamarac River Watershed Doug Sorenson, Alvin Nybladh,
Ben Kleinwachter, Elden Elseth, Loren Zutz, John Nelson
MN Rural Counties Caucus Sharon Bring, alternate (Gary Kiesow)
Northwest Community Action Gary Kiesow, Sharon Bring
Northwest Mental Health Center Curtis Carlson
Noxious Weeds Appeal Board Kenneth Borowicz, Virgil Wagner, Neil Kruger
NW MN Multi-County Housing & Development Authority Sally Gentry
NW MN Counties Joint Powers Board of the Red River Basin in MN Gary Kiesow
NW Regional Development Arts Council Betty Pikop, Amy Filpula
NW Regional Development Enterprise Fund LeRoy Vonasek
NW Regional Development Commissioner-Region 1 Gary Kiesow Alternate: Ken Borowicz
NW Regional Library Pam Abrahamson, Connie Moe, Darlene Bates, Pat Moen
NW Regional Radio Board Gary Kiesow
NW Regional Radio Advisory Committee Gary Durand, John Novacek
Pembina Trail RC&D LeRoy Vonasek, John Umber
Personnel Policy Committee Don Matz-Chairman, Curtis Carlson, LeRoy Vonasek, Bev Lydeen, Jennifer Anderson, John Novacek, Mike Williams, Scott Peters, Lon Aune
Recorder’s Compliance Committee Bev Lydeen, Joanne Kerian, Scott Peters, Curtis Carlson, Lon Aune
Quin County Advisory Board Gail Larson, Eunice Waterworth
Quin County Board of Health Kenneth Borowicz
Red Lake Watershed Arnold Stanley
Red River Valley Development Assn Gary Satre
Regional Development Transportation Advisory and Bridge Committee Lon Aune, Sharon Bring, Curtis Carlson
Regional Housing Development Committee Gary Kiesow
Regional Land of the Dancing Sky LeRoy Vonasek
Rural Life Outreach Curtis Carlson
Safety Committee Don Matz, Jim Duckstad, Joann Kerian, Brian Laymon, Deb Benson,
Mike Williams, Jeffrey Halvorson, Jennifer Anderson
Technology Committee Sharon Bring, Scott Peters, Jeff Radeke, Domita Taus, Joann Kerian, Bev Lydeen, David Lansing, Leanne Novacek, Amy Swanson, Jim Duckstad
Tri-Valley Opportunity Council LeRoy Vonasek, Jan Anderson, Marie Steffen, Terry Potucek, Curtis Halvorson
Veterans Service Officers Roy Nordby, Duane Neilson, Charles Dubore
Water Resources Advisory Committee Gary Kiesow, Kenneth Borowicz, Lon Aune, Don Matz, Julian Stusynski, Danny Thorstad, Cheryl Sistad, Larry Murphy, Nick Drees, Gwen Kappes, Larry Kuznia, Arnold Stanley, Howard Person, Norma Hanson, Mildred Klamar, Maggie Anderson, Randy Prachar, Chad Severts, Jim Corneya Advisors: Jan Kaspari, Corey Hanson
Wellness Committee Lisa Sorenson, Darlene Bates, Cindy Anderson
M/S/C- Bring, Vonasek
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that Michael D. Williams, Marshall County Attorney, is hereby appointed as Examiner of Titles and legal advisor to the Registrar of Title. M/S/C- Kiesow, Bring
BE IT RESOLVED, Marshall County officials are directed to cancel a lost warrant #109101 dated November 20, 2007 issued to Patricia Bubb, in the amount of $101.20.
The Board also approved to waive the furnishing of a bond and authorizes said office to reissue a new warrant in the above amount using a new warrant number. M/S/C- Bring, Borowicz
The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m.
State Legislator Dave Olin was present for discussion on state legislative issues and to offer the Board whatever assistance he can provide on the various issues. Mr. Olin stated that he is trying to get to all the locations he can in his district before the Legislature begins and discussed the state deficit, transportation issues, bonding bills, local government aid, alternative fuels, health care, Con Con issues, and highway projects. Also present for this discussion were Highway Engineer Lon Aune, Social Service Director Jennifer Anderson, and Dave Jameson from the Warren Sheaf.
RESOLUTION 01-15-05 Per Diems/Meals
The following Per Diems and Meals were approved:
Kenneth Borowicz $240.00
Curtis Carlson $120.00 $6.93
Gary Kiesow $240.00 $19.77
Leroy Vonasek $120.00
Darlene Bates $60.00
Debra Benson $60.00
John Walker $14.76
Totals $840.00 $41.46
M/S/C- Vonasek, Borowicz
RESOLUTION 01-15-06 Payment of Bills
BE IT RESOLVED, that after review of the following bills, authorization for payment of the same in the following total amounts, are hereby approved, with a detailed listing kept on file at the Auditor’s office.
Auditor bills:
December 21, 2007 $30,637.50
December 28, 2007 $51,873.34
January 2, 2008 $25,000.00
January 4, 2008 $53,284.58
January 11, 2008 $77,359.07
January 11, 2008 $6115.00
Ditch $18,346.83
Total $262,616.22
Commissioner bills:
January 15, 2008 $436,974.73
M/S/C- Kiesow, Borowicz
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 84A.51, Subd. 4 allows for 30% of the funds received by a County from the State Consolidated Account from State lands in a County’s Consolidated Conservation Area to be apportioned to a County Development Fund, which is created and expenditures from which are directed to the County Board for the rehabilitation and development of the portion of the County within the conservation area, and
WHEREAS, Marshall County accepts applications for disbursement of these funds anytime between January 1st through December 31st of a fiscal year and reviews all applications annually in January of the following year by a County established Con Con Committee, and
WHEREAS, the Con Con Committee reviews and makes funding recommendations to the County Board for consideration at the second regular meeting of the County Board.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following appropriations from the County Development Con Con Fund are hereby approved by the Marshall County Board
Marshall County Highway Department Holt Salt Shed $29,000.00
Moylan Township Road Improvements $2,000.00
Grygla Fire Department Equipment Upgrades $5,000.00
Grygla-Gatzke Rescue Squad Rescue Sled $2,000.00
Grygla-Gatzke Food Shelf Food Supplies $500.00
M/S/C- Kiesow, Bring
The following Commissioner/Committee Reports were shared:
Commissioner Meeting/Report
Borowicz KaMaR
Bring MarKit, MRCC
Carlson MarKit, KaMaR, NW Mental Health
Kiesow Agassiz/JD11
Vonasek MarKit, Tri-Valley
The Board approved to set the first December meeting from December 4th to December 2nd, 2008. M/S/C- Bring, Borowicz
The Board approved to adjourn the meeting at 3:50 p.m. M/S/C- Kiesow, Vonasek
January 8, 2008 9:00 A.M.
Marshall County Boardroom
The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
Deputy Auditor-Treasurer Renae Yutrzenka called the meeting to order with the following present: Commissioners Gary Kiesow, Sharon Bring, Curtis Carlson, LeRoy Vonasek, Kenneth Borowicz, and Recording Secretary Domita Taus. Also present were Dave Jameson from the Warren Sheaf and Nathan Sustad from the Messenger.
Deputy-Auditor Yutrzenka called for nominations for Board Chairman. Commissioner Bring nominated Commissioner Carlson for on BringBoard Chairman, with a second by Commissioner Kiesow. A unanimous vote was cast for Commissioner Carlson. M/S/C- Bring Kiesow