Cllr I Macalpine-Leny (Chairman); Cllr S Rowland (Vice-chairman); Cllr G Beale;
Cllr A Bryant; Cllr A North; Cllr G Patrick
1 Roll call and apologies for absence
The meeting opened at 6.30pm. Cllrs I Macalpine-Leny (chairing), S Rowland, G Beale, A Bryant and G Patrick were present, together with one member of the public and District Councillor Mrs Wells. Advance apologies were received from Cllr A North and accepted by the Council
2 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations
3 Minutes of September meeting and matters arising
Resolved: the minutes of the 5th September 2011 meeting were accepted as an accurate record
Matters arising:
Sept minute 6.3: A car boot sale was seen at Whisby Garden Centre on 9th October. A log of these events is being kept
Sept minute 9.3: Cllr G Patrick will try to ascertain the bridge strength
Sept minute 10.2: Cllr G Patrick has signed the bank mandate; the Clerk will check all is now operative
Sept minute 14: Cllr G Patrick is thanked for his extensive work in undergrowth clearance
4 Police report
A written report listed criminal damage to a window in Doddington; the theft of a vehicle from Doddington, vehicle later recovered; and the theft of overhead copper cable at Whisby Moor
5 Public forum
The member of the public, Mrs Liz Taylor, described the Parish Event as a good opportunity for people to get together without being too formal, and hoped it will be yearly. She learned about the existence of the neighbourhood watch scheme at the event. Mrs Wells said it was well supported and a very good idea, and did not know of anything similar in the district
6 Correspondence
6.1Whisby Nature Park and Steering Board Constitution
A copy of the constitution approved July 2011 is in the Circulation File
6.2Localism in Practice
A leaflet produced by Globe Consultants explains some of the repercussions of localism
6.3Lincs Alert
A new interactive website has been created by Lincolnshire Police to facilitate the flow of information on crime and neighbourhood watch schemes. Cards are in the Infopack giving details of how to register
6.4Planning applications
A publication by CPRE is in the Circulation Folder. It gives detailed suggestions on how to respond to planning applications
6.5Review of Constituencies
A letter from the Boundary Commission outlines the steps in hand to realign the Parliamentary constituencies of England. The website shows very little change to Lincolnshire
6.6Offer of dog / litter warden services
The Circulation File contains a letter from a private individual offering to provide dog / litter warden services
6.7Car boot sales
Cllr Tony North reports that car boots have taken place every weekend since the last meeting. He is away 4th – 12th October inclusive so unable to monitor weekend 8/9th October.
7Clerk’s report
7.1Highways matters
7.1.1B1190 drainage
Highways advises work rescheduled for next financial year due to lack of funds
7.1.1Grit bins
One new bin has been installed at the corner of Kennel Lane. There is no possibility of the others requested, as they are on main gritting routes
7.1.2Eagle Moor Road
A reminder has been sent that the work remains outstanding
7.1.3Road sign in ditch at Skellingthorpe crossroads
The sign has been retrieved and reinstated
7.1.4Black Lane extension
The continuation of Black Lane is currently in a very bad state and constitutes a safety hazard. A report has been made to Highways
7.2 Authorised correspondence and privileged information
A recent experience elsewhere has highlighted the need to be aware of rules governing correspondence and privileged information. To avoid difficulties, Councillors should ensure that any correspondence on behalf of the Council (written and verbal) should be authorised first by the Council. Also, any information that comes into the possession of Councillors by virtue of their position is considered privileged information, and should not be discussed with the public, unless it is already in the public domain (e.g. a planning application) or it has previously been authorised by the Council
8 Planning
8.1Holly Farm accommodation conversion 11/0682/LBC
Recent requests for replies to correspondence met with very belated reaction, and the Chairman made a complaint to a senior manager at NKDC. After investigation, the manager replied with apologies and assurances that there would be no repeat and that the views of the Parish Council are very much valued
8.2 Petroleum extraction, Whisby PL/0137/11
The exact location was identified; the Council has no comments, the District Council to be advised
8.3Moor Farm holiday chalets 11/0978/FUL
A site visit by Cllrs G Beale, A Bryant and G Patrick was agreed for 12th October, who will report back to the Clerk, who will relay any adverse findings to District Councillor Mrs Wells
The previous application, which the Parish Council rejected, to be located and the reasons circulated
District Councillor Mrs Wells left the meeting at 7.10pm
8.4 The Dees, 11/1004/VARCON
The noise survey is assumed to facilitate the sale of the dwellings adjacent to the industrial installations. The Council has no comments, the District Council to be advised
The Clerk spoke of another, similar project, where the public consultation included a public presentation of the plans with opportunities for discussions with the developer and architect and lawyer. The Chairman urged the Clerk to be more proactive in such cases by alerting him to such possibilities, so that the public and Council can be better informed
9B1190 committee
9.1Traffic survey
Two surveys have been carried out, on 14th September and 3rd October, logging the number and types of vehicles on two working days at suitable locations in Doddington village and on Whisby Road, Doddington. Data will be examined at the next meeting of the B1190 committee
9.2Meeting with Martin Hollingsworth
The Chairman reported that a meeting took place with Highways manager Mr Martin Hollingsworth on 14th September and was felt to be a useful exercise which, among other outcomes, highlighted the fact that any expensive improvements are squarely linked to relevant safety issues; the number of fatalities is a critical criterion for approval of expenditure. The full report will be discussed at the next meeting of the B1190 committee
9.3Date for use of SID
Two more surveys will be carried out, in Doddington Village and on the Whisby Road, on 19th and 26th October respectively to record the speed of vehicles by means of the Speed Indicator Device. Data will be analysed at the next meeting of the B1190 committee. It was commented that the repeater 30mph signs through Doddington are not consistently placed. A padlock for securing the SID to be procured
The Council did not consider it necessary to involve the insurance company in these events
9.4Date of next meeting
The next meeting of the B1190 committee is scheduled for 6.30pm on 19th October at the Games Room, the Old rectory, Doddington.
10Finance and payment of accounts
10.1Financial reports, year to date
Reports circulated earlier by e-mail were accepted
10.2Payment of accounts
10.2.1Clerk (September salary and expenses) £176.43, cheque no. 674
10.2.2E.ON (energy) £17.06, cheque no. 675
10.2.3E.ON (maintenance) £32.69, cheque no. 676
10.2.4Ian Macalpine-Leny (Parish Event expenses) £129.92, cheque no. 677
Resolved: the foregoing payments to be made
11Parish Event – feedback
The consensus was that the event was a success with a turnout that exceeded expectations and the momentum created should continue with another event next year. Costs were well within reasonable bounds. Positive outcomes included volunteers for projects, e-mail contact addresses and a candidate for an extra Councillor. Some suggestions were made for improvement:
- Someone at the door to meet and greet
- Fewer tables, to improve circulation of guests
- Opportunity for questions (not accepted by all, since one person can monopolise the entire meeting)
- Tables dedicated to topics, e.g. traffic surveys, litter picks, neighbourhood watch
- Food can be less elaborate, people had already eaten
12Quality Council accreditation
12.1Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Not discussed
12.2Reference book ‘Local Council Administration’
The Clerk advised that his training for the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) had already begun and he will be submitting a portfolio of work over the next few months. The certificate is obligatory if the Council is to gain Quality Council accreditation and the reference book is essential support for his studies and for normal Council activities
Resolved: the Clerk is to buy the reference book on behalf of the Council
13Service level agreement
13.1Funding for dog warden
The warden’s duties, which are the responsibility of the Chairman, include dealing with strays, giving advice, and serving FP Notices. An NKDC survey form to be completed and returned to the Clerk
13.2Funding for litter picking and litter pick feedback
A survey form concerning litter picking in the Parish was completed and is to be sent to NKDC for evaluation
Long-reach pick up devices are needed to clear refuse from ditches, prices to be investigated
14Council’s website
The website is not current and Cllr S Rowland offered to dedicate some time to bringing it up to a good standard, but that entails starting again from scratch, since the site is not easy to manipulate
Information about a comparative site to be obtained and circulated to the Council
15Urgent business
The Chairman requested that the e-mail list for known parish addresses be created. The Clerk produced the list, which contains 67 addresses, out of a Parish of 134 houses with 260 inhabitants
16Future agenda items
16.1LCC Community Wildlife Grant
This project will be retained until April, when a suitable subject can be discussed
16.2Budget for 2012/12
A draft budget will be produced and circulated prior to the next meeting of the Council, when the Precept will be agreed
16.3Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations
Antony Jarvis of Doddington Hall has made an application to have an official beacon located in the Hall grounds; the Parish Council supports the application. There are plans to incorporate the Coach House in the celebrations on 4th June 2012, which could be part of another Parish Event
17Circulation file
The October file was handed to the Council
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.44pm
Date of next meeting: Monday 14th November 2011 at 6.30pm in the Games Room, the Old Rectory, Doddington