Aubrey J. Rodriguez, M.A.

Doctoral CandidatePre-Doctoral Psychology Intern

University of Southern CaliforniaSouthern Arizona VA Health Care System

Department of PsychologyMental Health Care Line, Building 90

Los Angeles, CA 90089-1061Tucson, AZ 85723


CurrentPh.D. Candidate in Psychology (degree conferral August 2016)

University of Southern California

Clinical Science, Child and Family Track

Faculty Advisor: Gayla Margolin

Dissertation: Parental military service and adolescent mental and behavioral health: The role of adolescent-civilian parent interactions

2010Master of Arts in Psychology

University of Southern California

Faculty Advisor: Gayla Margolin

Thesis: Couples’ neuroendocrine activity in response to family conflict discussions: The role of self-reported anger and previous marital aggression

2008Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, with Honors

Bachelor of Science in Family Studies & Human Development

University of Arizona

Honors Thesis Advisor: Matthias R. Mehl

Honors Thesis: Judgment of subclinical depression in private and public self-descriptions

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Arbel, R., Rodriguez, A. J., & Margolin, G. (Sept 7, 2015). Cortisol reactions during family conflict discussions: Influences of wives’ and husbands’ exposure to family-of-origin aggression.Psychology of Violence. Online first publication.

Rodriguez, A.J. & Margolin, G. (2015). Military service absences and family members' mental health: A timeline followback assessment.Journal of Family Psychology, 29, 642-648.

Rodriguez, A. J. & Margolin, G. (2015). Parental incarceration, transnational migration, and military deployment: Family process mechanisms of youth adjustment to temporary parent absence.Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 18, 24-49.

Saxbe, D.E., Ramos, M.C., Timmons, A.R., Rodriguez, A.J., & Margolin, G. (2014). A path modeling approach to understanding family conflict: Reciprocal patterns of parent coercion and adolescent avoidance. Journal of Family Psychology, 28, 45-420.

Saxbe, D.E., Margolin, G., Spies, L. A., Iturralde, E.M., Rodriguez, A.J., & Ramos, M.C. (2014). Relative influences: Patterns of HPA axis concordance during triadic family interaction. Health Psychology, 33, 273-281.

Rodriguez, A.J. & Margolin, G. (2013). Wives' and husbands' cortisol reactivity to proximal and distal dimensions of couple conflict. Family Process, 52, 555-569.

Saxbe, D.E., Rodriguez, A.J., & Margolin, G. (2012). Understanding family conflict: Theoretical frameworks and directions for future research. In M.A. Fine & F.D. Fincham (Eds.) Family theories: A content-based approach (pp. 169-189). New York: Routledge.

Rodriguez, A.J. & Margolin, G. (2011). Siblingsof military servicemembers: A qualitative exploration of individual and family systems reactions. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 42, 316-323.

Rodriguez, A.J., Holleran, S.E., & Mehl, M.R. (2010). Reading between the lines: The lay assessment of subclinical depression from written self-descriptions. Journal of Personality, 78, 575-598.

Papers Under Review and In Preparation

Cederbaum, J.A., Rodriguez, A.J., Gray, K., & Sullivan, K. (under review). Attitudes, norms and the effect of school-based social support on adolescent sexual risk intention.

Rodriguez, A. J.& Margolin, G. (in preparation). Stepping up, sticking together: Military adolescents’ support of their civilian parents and concurrent depression symptoms.

Rodriguez, A. J., Kellerman, I., Ramos, M. C., & Margolin, G. (in preparation). Parental depressive symptoms and communication with children: Across-spouse influences and contextual moderators.

Grants & Funding Received

11/2011-03/2015 National Institute of Mental Health

Pre-doctoral Individual Ruth Kirschstein National Research Service Award F31.

Grant F31MH094035 “Parental Military Deployment and Adolescent Mental/Behavioral Health” $113,565

05/2014 American Psychological Foundation

Randy Gerson Memorial Grant

“Temporary Parental Absence Due to Military Deployment: Family Emotion Process and Mental Health” $6,000

07/2012 Fahs-Beck Fund for Research and Experimentation

Doctoral Dissertation Grant $5,000

2011, 2013, 2014USC Department of Psychology

Conference Travel Grant

2010, 2011USC Department of Psychology

Summer Research Award $5,000

Selected Honors & Awards

2014USC Clinical Science Gerald C. Davison Writing Awardfor

“Wives' and husbands' cortisol reactivity to proximal and distal dimensions of couple conflict”

2013NCFR Families and Health Section Student/New Professional Paper Award for “Wives' and husbands' cortisol reactivity to proximal and distal dimensions of couple conflict”

2008University of Arizona Psychology Department Outstanding Senior

2008 Phi Beta Kappa Society

2006–2008 Psi Chi National Psychology Honorary

2005–2008 University of Arizona Dean’s List with Distinction

2004 National Merit Scholar

Conference Presentations

Cederbaum, J. A., Rodriguez, A.J., Gray, K., & Sullivan, K.(2014). Parent sex communication, support from other adults, and adolescent sex intentions. National Council on Family Relations Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Saxbe, D.E., Margolin, G., Shapiro, L. A. S., Rodriguez, A.J., & Ramos, M.C. (2014). Triadic coregulation of cortisol within parents and adolescents engaged in family conflict. Paper Symposium, Physiological Coregulation And Influences In Family Relationships. Association for Psychological Science Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Arbel, R., Rodriguez, A.J., & Margolin, G. (2014). Aggression in the family-of-origin and couples‘ physiological reactions to a family conflict. Paper symposium, Family Violence Exposure and Everyday Family Interactions: Behavioral, Neural, and Physiological Findings. Association for Psychological Science Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Saxbe, D., Ramos, M.C., Iturralde, E., Shapiro, L.S., Rodriguez, A.J., & Margolin, G. (2013). Conflict and synchrony: Understanding within-family patterns of HPA axis activation during family conflict. Paper symposium, Mechanisms and Moderators of the Relation between Family Conflict and Children’s Health. Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Seattle, WA.

Rodriguez, A.J., Saxbe, D. E., Spies, L.A., & Margolin, G. (2011). Coregulation of HPA axis responses in triadic family conflict. Paper symposium, Physiological linkage: What it is, when it occurs, and why it matters. Society for Psychophysiological Research Conference, Boston, MA.

Conference Posters

Rodriguez, A.J. & Margolin, G. (2015). Military service and family member mental health: Impacts of occupational hazard, cumulative absence, and contact on spouses and adolescents. Society for Research on Child Development Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Pettit, C., Rodriguez, A.J., & Margolin, G. (2015). Coping among military adolescents: Effects of mother-adolescent communication and deployment-related stressors. Society for Research on Child Development Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Ramos, M.C., Timmons, A., Rodriguez, A.J., & Margolin, G. (2015). Parent-youth coalitions during family conflict: A time-lagged model of antecedents, consequences & links with family aggression. Society for Research on Child Development Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Rodriguez, A.J., Kellerman, I., Ramos, M.C., & Margolin, G. (2014). Parental depression and criticism of children: Across-spouse influences and contextual moderators.Association for Psychological Science Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Letourneau, M., Rodriguez, A.J., & Margolin, G. (2014). Early adolescents’ perceptions of positive parenting predict positive conflict management at mid-adolescence.Association for Psychological Science Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Burgess, C., Bautista, R., Rodriguez, A.J., McArdle, J., & Margolin, G. (2014). Proximal and distal violence exposure’s effect on adolescent antisocial behaviors. Western Psychological Association Conference, Portland, OR.

Rodriguez, A.J., Ramos, M.C., Kellerman, I., Borofsky, L.A., & Margolin, M. (2014).Behavioral mechanisms of transmission of parental psychopathology to adolescents: Within- and across-parent pathways. Society for Researchon Adolescence Conference, Austin, TX.

Letourneau, M., Rodriguez, A.J., & Margolin, G. (2014).Military life: Effects of frequency of deployment and relocation on adolescents’ psychosocial symptoms and relationships with parents. Society for Researchon Adolescence Conference, Austin, TX.

Kellerman, I., Rodriguez, A.J., Ramos, M.C., Massoud, C, & Margolin, M. (2014).Dismissive communication patterns among family members: Links with adolescent internalizing symptoms. Society for Researchon Adolescence Conference, Austin, TX.

Ramos, M.C., Timmons, A., Rodriguez, A.J. & Margolin, M. (2014).Observed marital conflict and parent-adolescent coalitions during triadic interaction: Links with family violence history and later youth symptoms. Society for Researchon Adolescence Conference, Austin, TX.

Rodriguez, A.J., Massoud, C., Ramos, M.C., & Margolin, G. (2013). Parents’ depression and posttraumatic stress symptoms: Links to observed parent and adolescent behavior during family conflict. Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Seattle, WA.

Ramos, M.C., Rodriguez, A.J., & Massoud, C.M. (2012). Observed parent-adolescent behaviors during triadic family discussion: The role of cumulative family violence exposure. Society for Research in Adolescence Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Rodriguez, A.J., Ramos, M.C., Guran, E., Bennett, D., Schnaps, E., Kellerman, I., Borofsky, L.A., & Margolin, G. (2011). Observed parental behavior at middle adolescence, family aggression, and youth alcohol use from middle to late adolescence. Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Rodriguez, A.J. & Margolin, G.(2011). Couples’ neuroendocrine activity in response to family conflict discussions.Western Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Holleran, S.E., Rodriguez, A.J., & Mehl, M.R. (2009). Judgments of Sub-clinical Depression Based on Private and Public Self-Descriptions. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Tampa, FL.

Classroom Teaching Experience (USC)

04/8/2013Guest Lecturer, Culture and Mental Health (PSYC 462)

Lecture: “Military culture & military mental health”

12/8/2012Guest Lecturer,Psychology of Marriage and the Family (PSYC 464)

Lecture: “Military Families”

Fall 2011Teaching Assistant, Adolescent Development (PSYC 437)

Spring 2011Teaching Assistant, Research Methods (PSYC 314L)

2 laboratory sections

Fall 2010Teaching Assistant, Psychology of Marriage and the Family (PSYC 464)

11/18/2010Guest Lecturer,Psychology of Marriage and the Family (PSYC 464)

Lecture: “Military Families”

Fall 2009-Teaching Assistant, Psychology Department Subject Pool Coordinator

Spring 2010

Research Experience

2012 – presentUSC Military Families Study (dissertation research)

Principal Investigator/Interviewer

Faculty Mentors: Gayla Margolin and Ron Avi Astor

  • Designed, obtained funding, collected data, developed coding system/procedures
  • Conducted in-home interviews with 80 active-duty military families

2009 – presentUSC Family Studies Project

Graduate Student Experimenter

Faculty Advisor: Gayla Margolin

  • Assisted in two waves of longitudinal data collection, analyzed data
  • Created observational coding system for family discussions at mid-adolescence

2012-2013Building Capacity in Military Connected Schools

Graduate Student Researcher & Outreach Presenter

Faculty Advisor: Ron Avi Astor

  • Participated in biweekly research team meetings
  • DoDEA-funded school-based research and intervention consortium in Southern California military-connected schools
  • Provided research-based presentations on mental health and development topics to parent groups at consortium schools

2006-2008Health, Personality, and Social Relationships Lab

University of Arizona

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Faculty Advisor: Matthias R. Mehl

  • Coded, and analyzed data for studies using the Electronically-Activated Recorder to assess naturalistic language in individuals coping with rheumatoid arthritis and couples coping with breast cancer.
  • Completed independent research projects: social media music preference statements and music listening behavior, honors thesis project.

Research Supervisory Experience

08/2015- presentUSC Psychology Honors Thesis

Graduate Student Supervisor

Undergraduate Mentee: C. Pettit

Supervising completion of honors thesis utilizing dissertation data: influences of stressful life events and social support on military adolescent mental health.

05/2014-08/2014USC Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF)

Graduate Student Supervisor

Undergraduate Mentee: C. Pettit

Supervised poster submission and presentationat the 2015 Society for Research on Child Development Conference.

08/2013-05/2014Graduate Student Supervisor

Postbaccalaureate Mentee: M. Letourneau

Supervised poster submissions and presentationsat the 2014 Society for Research on Adolescence and Association for Psychological Science Conferences.

01/2014-05/2014Undergraduate Directed Biomedical Research (MEDS 490)

Graduate Student Supervisor

Undergraduate Mentee: N. Jariwalla

Supervised poster presentation for independent project based on coded data.

08/2011-12/2011Undergraduate Directed Psychology Research (PSYC 490)

Graduate Student Supervisor

Undergraduate Mentee: G. Montag

Supervised writing of critical literature review on effects of posttraumatic stress disorder on active-duty/veteran military couples.

Supervised Clinical Experience

07/2015 – presentSouthern Arizona VA Health Care System,

Pre-Doctoral Psychology Intern

Supervisors: D. Beil-Adaskin, H. Brister, N. Cole, S. Hitt, M. Moore

  • Rotations: General Mental Health (current, with emphasis on couple/family therapy); PTSD/Substance Use Disorders (scheduled January-July 2016)
  • Evidence-Based Therapies Delivered: Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy, Mindfulness Stress Reduction (group), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (group & individual), Anger Management (group), Support and Family Education for PTSD (group), Prolonged Exposure, Seeking Safety (group), SMART recovery (group)

08/2009–07/2014USC Psychology Services Center

Graduate Student Psychotherapist

Supervisors: C. Bailey, R. Chopp, S. Couture, V. Credidio, G. Margolin, B.-J. Shen, and S. Lopez

  • Format: Group, Individual Adult/Child, Couple/Family
  • Orientations: Behavioral/Cognitive-Behavioral, Family Systems, Interpersonal,Solution-Focused, and Strategic/Paradoxical
  • Presenting Concerns: Social phobia, panic disorder, major depression, PTSD, hypochondriasis, OCD, GAD, family conflict, stepfamily/post-divorce relationships

11/2013 – 04/2014 Immaculate Conception School, Los Angeles

Graduate Student Assessor

Supervisor: L. Macbeth

  • Psychoeducational testing in school setting
  • Referral question: Learning Disorders

07/2009-08/2013 USC Psychology Services Center

Graduate Student Assessor

Supervisors: C. Bailey, C. Delsol, and C. McCleary

  • Psychoeducational and neuropsychological testing (adult & child)
  • Referral questions: ADHD, Learning Disorders, post-stroke functioning

08/2010 – 04/2012 City Year Los Angeles Psychological Services Partnership

Graduate Student Psychotherapist

Supervisor: D. Saxbe

  • Services provided to City Year (Americorps) team members and leadership
  • Format: Individual therapy, outreach workshops
  • Presenting concerns: GAD, coping/stress reduction

01/2009 – 07/2009 Bienvenidos Children’s Center, Montebello, CA

Graduate Student Assessor

Supervisors: B. Rush (Bienvenidos), L. R. Gore (USC)

  • Psychoeducational/psychodiagnostic testing in community mental health center
  • Referral questions: ADHD/LD diagnosis, anxiety/mood disorders

Clinical Supervisory Experience

09/2015 – presentSouthern Arizona VA Health Care System

Therapy Supervision

Supervisor: D. Beil-Adaskin

  • Format: Video supervision of Social Work Intern
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression
  • Patient diagnoses: Major Depression with psychotic features, GAD

04/2013 – 07/2013USC Psychology Services Center

Child Assessment Clinical Supervision

Supervisor: D. Keenan-Miller

  • Format: Live and video-supervision of first-year graduate student assessor
  • Psychoeducational assessment of a teenaged client
  • Referral question: Specific Learning Disorder, Mood Disorder

10/2009 – 11/2009USC Psychology Services Center

Assessment Peer Supervision

Supervisor: L. R. Gore

  • Live supervision of a first-year graduate student assessor
  • Supervised administration of the childhood intelligence test battery

Other Professional Activities and Memberships

11/2015Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Translational Issues in Psychological Science

08/2013, 03/2015,Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Family Psychology


2012 –National Council on Family Relations

2010 –International Association for Relationship Research

2010 –Association for Psychological Science

2009 –Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology

2007 –American Psychological Association

Community Clinical Outreach Presentations

05/2013 “Common Childhood Behavioral Diagnoses: Detection and Intervention.”

North Terrace Elementary School, Oceanside, CA.

01/2013 “Top Tips for Teens: Banishing Bad Behavior & Building Bonds”

Valley High School, Escondido, CA.

09/2012 “Introducing a USC – City Year Los Angeles Partnership”

City Year Corps, Los Angeles, CA.

12/2011“Trauma: Definitions, Recognizing Risks, and Coping.”

City Year Corps, Los Angeles, CA.

05/2011“Endings: Reflecting on Experiences and Saying Goodbye”

City Year Corps, Los Angeles, CA.

11/2010 “Announcing a New USC – City Year Los Angeles Partnership.”

City Year Corps, Los Angeles, CA.

Aubrey J. Rodriguez1