"The developmentof eco-tourism
in theareaPudozh"
The authors:
2013Pudozhgorsky school area Pudozh regionKarelia
1.1 Goalsand Objectives
1.3 Information-analytical reportabout school
1.4Stagesof the project
1.5Expected Results
1.6 Applications
The Republic of Kareliaisa great opportunityfor the development ofdifferent types of tourism, hunting and fishing,holiday cottagesandcamp sites,treatment in sanatoriain the summer andwinter season,outdoor activities,raftingand kayaking,meeting the interests oftravelers andconnoisseurs: the state accountismore than four thousandcultural, historical andnaturalmonuments and sites.
Kareliais oneof the most famousRussian territoriesin international tourismdue to the presencehereof unique architecturaland cultural andhistorical siteson the islands ofKizhi, Valaam andclose to theadministrative border ofKareliaSolovetsky Islands.Historical andcultural identity ofKarelia, which distinguishes it from otherparts of Russia, is also determined bythe fourcultural heritageof indigenous peoples,historicallyliving in this region- Karelians, Finns, Veps,Russian,createdten centuriesof living togethera unique anddistinct culture.
Leadingamongthe main reasons forthe birthof eco-tourism- isincreasingdue tothe loadof mass tourismon the natural, cultural and historical resources. This loadincreases in directproportion tothe growth rateof touristvisits. The contradiction becomes apparentbetween the satisfactionof tourism demandand management oftourist resources.
Ecotourismfacilitiesare not onlynatural but alsocultural attractions, natural and anthropogenic (generated by human) landscapes, where the traditional cultureis integral withthe natural environment.
The purposeof the project:
We want showtouristpotential of the region, to assess the problems and prospectsof development of tourismin the area,toidentify possibletypes of tourismorganizations.
1. To identify the typesof practice-oriented work on environmental educationof students
2. To awake the interestof the youngergeneration to thehistorical and cultural heritageof the village,the district, the Republic through the variety ofeducationalandextracurricularactivities.
3. To expandthe children's knowledgeof the nature ofPudozh regionand itsfauna, flora,natural resources andthings to do.
4. To create conditionsfor the development oftourismin paragraphPudozhand overallarea.
The relevance
Ecological tourism is one of the most dynamic and promising forms of tourism activities. Provided literacy development, it can play an important role in resolving the current socio-economic crisis, as well as contributes to the protection of nature and traditional cultures. In many areas ecotourism can be a branch of specialization, introducing a competitive alternative to destroying the nature of business.
Ecotourism - this is one way of knowing oneself and the world, a trip to unspoilt places where you can see our planet for what it was hundreds and even thousands of years ago.
Basic principles of ecotourism:
• travel in nature, the main content of which is to see wildlife, as well as local customs and culture;
• minimize the adverse effects of environmental and socio-cultural, ecological sustainability environment;
• Promote conservation and local socio - cultural environment;
• environmental education and awareness;
• participationof local peopleand the receipt ofincomefrom tourism, creating economic incentivesfor them toenvironmental protection;
• economicefficiencyand promote sustainable developmentvisited regions.
Targeted programs for developmentof tourism in Kareliasuggest the developmentof tourist areasthrough the developmentof non-traditionalforms of tourismbased on the useof natural resources,diversity of climateand relief, historical and cultural heritage.Ecotourismcancapitalize oncurrent trendsin the globaltourism marketandattract foreign touriststo Russia.
Unfortunately, in the area of Pudozh main official site for the development of eco-tourism is the only national park "Vodlozersky" although great natural beauty near enough, only investments for development of the area yet. Pudozh district administration has made great efforts to find investment for the development of tourism in Pudozh region, including environmental.
Rating tourism potential is on three points: the cultural-historical basis, the main attractions, and infrastructure. Pudozh is designated as a historic Russian city. There are only 5 inKarelia. District ranks third in the republic in the number of cultural and historical monuments, including a total of 348, including 152 monuments of architecture, 13 - Art and History, 181 - archeology. This is a huge asset that, until recently, virtually no demand. The greatest tourist interest are: Onega petroglyphs, the National Park "Vodlozersky" ensemble Ilinsky churchyard, Murom monastery. In Pudozh there is LocalHistoryMuseum of name Korablev and the church of Alexander Nevsky, which also have a tourist attraction.
At 15 km from our villagethere is the historic village Pyalma, where it is actively began to develop rural tourism. Overall prospects for the development of tourism in the district looks bright - a rich historical basis, the presence of unique objects. Constraints are lack of development of tourism infrastructure in Pudozh and other towns of the district, the difficulty of transportation, as the city and the main attractions. There is an opportunity for ecological and nature-based tourism, adventure tourism, cultural tourism, religious tourism and others. The development of tourism in the region will contribute to its economic growth. Now area on this parameter is in last place. Creation of tourist infrastructure, the construction of hotels, cafes and restaurants to help solve the problem of unemployment. Well as the organization in the area of environmental and nature-based tourism will contribute to conservation land.
Historic villagePyalma
Pyalmavillage is located in the north-west Pudozh district, one kilometer from the shoreof Lake Onega. It is anintergrowngroup systemof three villagesPyalma, andNewDistrict, located on both banksof the riverPyalma. Tothe villageisa dead-endroad of10kilometers,the roadbranches offfrom the transitMedvezhyegorsk -Pudozh.
Residential zonesettlements is dividedPyalmariverinto two parts, connected in the center ofthe oldwooden bridge.Right-bank part, called the District, has coastalgrassrootsplanning structurewith orientationfacialfacadesof the river.The left bank ofthe settlement (DD News andPyalma) has a streetplan structure, consisting of two perpendicularstreets,crossingthe bridge.
At a turn inthe road at thebend of the riverthere is a cemeterywith a chapelof Elijah the Prophet(18 th century.), surrounded by a fence withcarved gates. Kletskayachapel, its frameis made ofroundpine logs andconsists of achapel, and the passageover whichisoctagonalbelfry.
Development of the village dates from the late (nineteenth-century beginning 20 century). House N.P. Sokolova and M. Aleshin (19-20 centuries) is located on the western edge of the village on the left bank of the river Pyalma, plays an important role in the building of settlements. Previously was a house-type complex "timber." Now lost-yard shed. Remained outside the house decoration: carved pricheliny partially lost towels, window frames.
House A.F. Potashev (the beginning of the twentieth century) is located in the center of the village. It is a house complex with a two-story residential and part-yard shed. Remained outside the house decoration: window frames of two types, single-stage arms.
House E.L. Potashev (early twentieth century) is located in the center of the village and serves as a local accent in her building.It is a house complex with single serial communication a two-story living area and yard-barn with living quarters. On the main facade remained balcony with a rectangular base and four columns supporting the three-lobed arch. The picturesque natural surroundings, the well-preserved planning and building, house Pyalma is history, architecture, scientific and artistic interest.
Village Museum
In oneof the houses there isa museum.Here you canget acquainted with thelocal folklore, visit an exhibition of drawings, explore uniquelifePudozhskyland.The museum containsa collection ofstonesof different shapes, woodworks. Works hereNational Library.Restoredin the villagechapel: puta fencearound it, correct steps,restorediconostasis.
PotashevPeterwas oneof the pioneersin Kareliarural tourism.Hereguests fromthe Baltic states,Finland and Sweden so was once afamily ofdistantTaiwan.Touristsgo fishing,goto the forestto pick mushroomsand berries,enjoy the silence, breathe fresh air.
From St. PetersburgsomehowcameDirectorof Architecture andrestoration workshop. He wentto the museumand said, "You take care ofthe glass, it is the old, hand». Indeed,glassvials,withgrains ofsand.This is rarelywhereyou can meet.
The greatest wealthof the villagePyalma-old houses. They were put on stilts.If the lowerlogsrot,they will be easyto replace.From every windowoverlooking theriver, forest. Man livesin communionwith nature.
InPyalmastill findpottery shardsthat had lainin the ground4 -5000years.Here was thesite of ancientman.
Pricelesswealthof Eliaschapel
A very interestingset oficonsin thethird quarter of theXVII century was Elijahchapelin the villagePyalma, which is located in the north-eastern coast of Lake Onega.It is worked bymaster,who had a relationshipas "tubozerskoy" and to "Zaonezhskoe" workshop,which will be discussedlater.
InPyalmasurvived twodatedicons"FieryAscent of the ProphetElijah," identical incompositionandiconography. In turn, they both faithfully replicate thecompositionof guttericonsIgnatiusPanteleyev(orback tothe sametracings, which used the wizard).
The first ofthem - thesubscriptioniconMocaPanteleyev1652.It has the featureswriting andcoloring.Thispainteris less thanIgnatius, tends to the beautifulbuild-up.In a letter tothe faceson the iconMocagrowingdryishgraphically. In a rathermodestcoloringcombinesdark blue, light orange, ocher color.Attention is drawn tothe lack ofa brightred pigment, so characteristic of the iconIgnatius.
The second ofpyalmskihiconsrevealeda quarter,butthat does not stopan ideaandcoloringtechniquesandwriting.Poorlypreservedinscription inthe lowerinsetboxstill allows thedateicon1660
SamePyalmaoccur "Vernicle" loose-marked 1660onthe bottom fieldand the "Prophet Elijah waist." WithiconMoCAPanteleyevtheirparticular systembringsnumerousdvizhekonfaces.Thus, the chapel in Pyalmawas thetemple,where there was acrossing of"tubozerskoy" and "Zaonezhskoe" lines of development.
Tourismin the national park"Vodlozersky"park
At 45km from ourvillageis a NationalPark "Vodozersky."
Organization oftourism andcognitive restof peoplein the wildis oneof the priorities ofthe Park.InVodlozerskyparkfirst in Russia todevelop a master planand a businessplan for the developmentof ecotourism,put into practicethe principles ofinternationalecotourism.
InVodlozerskyparkwere developedfollowingecotourism: traveling the rivers and lakes, natural and ecological trails, specialized scientific and educational programsfor professionals,students and pupils.For visitorsand touristspark providesrental services ofboats and equipment, maintenance, route andcatering, sightseeing and transportation.To serviceforeign touristspark hastour guideswith knowledge of foreignlanguages.
Of the manyislands in Lakeit isworth visitingSmallKolgostrovwhere there isIlyinsky-XVIIIcenturywooden church.
In addition tothe natural beauty ofyourimaginationwonderVodlozeryeOrthodoxshrines.Here, on the small island of LittleKolgostrovinaccessible, is an outstandinghistorical and architectural monument-Ilyinsky. For many centuriesitremained the spiritualcenter and themain shrineVodlozerie.
In theXVIcentury, TsarIvan the Terribleorderedto foundon an island inthe middle ofthe vastwaters of LakeOrthodox church-in a placewhere there wasoncean ancientpagan temple. Initialensemblechurchyardwas createdby monksmarchingto Solovki,butwooden churchand bell towertwiceburnt outashes.
Modern lookarchitectural complexIlinsky churchyardwasin 1798, when it was finishedbuilding a newwooden church.Unusual inthe dome-instead of the usualforZaonezhjatentset herebushel: the complex curvedtetrahedralcoatingresemblinga widedome.The reliability ofthisbarrieris comparable tothe fortress wall.InsidearesolidplankGates, tight on both sidesof the framework.Previously,almostall of the northernmonasteries andchapels weresurrounded by suchfences.
Pudozhsky Territory was inhabited by people in ancient times. This is evidenced by cave paintings - the so-called petroglyphs eastern shore of Lake Onega (Devils Nose) left by people who lived here 4-6 thousand years ago. Pudoga as they called this land in the XIX century,was located on the eastern shore of LakeOnega. Now it is Pudozh district of Karelia, which takes its eastern borders with Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions.
Russian colonization of the region led to the formation of villages, graveyards along the small and large rivers, lake shores, and brought into the everyday life of people who have mastered these areas, agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and culture of the time, to establish transport links - the fairway on the rivers and lakes.
In the XI-XIV centuries all over the route of Novgorod Russian settlements arose. At the edge of the area took place Pudozh waterway from Novgorod in the White Sea. Karelia was part of the Novgorod Republic and called Obonezhskoy. Pudozhsky edge - forest, edge, particularly rich folk world.
1.1Informational and analyticalnote about school
There was a schoolin the villageof Rome. But in 1960they began to builda new settlement- a settlement of loggers.StateForestsis requiredmore andmore.From different republics ofthe Soviet Union,people cameto worktherein the village ofnew streets.The schoolin the villageof Romewas not ableto meet the needsof the population.And they builtin the centerof the villageschool.Childrenin the early yearsthere were aboutfour hundred men.School- a personof the village.The school buildingstands out againstour settlement.Schoolchildrenpainta smile, scenic areas, andespecially ourbirch grove.How manychildrengot theirstart in life! Our school is 50 years, andshe is young.We, the childrenand teachers whocome hereas home.The schoolwas transformed.New furniture,computer and multimedia classes, gym, lovely breakfastsin the dining room...The state takes careof the schooland, therefore,about the future.
For integrated development ofthe individual, hiscreativityand informedchoice of the futureof education,the schoolcreated a systemthat encouragesresearch and developmentof teachersand studentsthrough collaboration andco-creation. Studentsgrades 8-9are taughtwritingand protectionpapers,participate in theschoolscientific conference. Each year,the schoolhosts a variety ofcompetitions, case In-schoolcompetitions.
The mainaim of the school- training,development-oriented, a school ofequal opportunitiesthat teachgifted andnormal childrenas well aschildren in need ofcorrection -developing training. The most importanttask of the school- to teachstudentsto learnon their own.
Features ofthe learning process
Educational institutionimplements educational programsof preschool education,primary general,basic general education.In theOCfor the deliveryof educational servicesto all students, regardless of their social status, national origin, deviations fromthe standards of conductfor studentsbelonging togroupsIandIIfocused on thehealth andlevel of development ofthe necessaryteachingskills anda high level ofcognitive interest.For students ofIII, IVhealth groupsprovideindividualmedical and psychologicalsupport, and various forms of individual trainingroutes.Responsibilities and rightsspecified in the charterschoolunder the Charterand otherlocal acts.
Most of thestudentsenrolled in the programof masssecondary schoolin aclass-lesson system.
Now our school hasan elective course"Ecological tourism-as a way ofbusiness."
Main workof the teaching staff
Availabilityof computer equipment andtrained teachersto successfullyimplementICTin the educationalprocess:
• Schoolmultimedia collection is used bysubject teachersin the classroomto learnnew material,the control of knowledgeof students,students of the school- forindependent work onthe consolidationof the material studied(work with theCDin the office andat home).
• Conductclassesand extracurricular activitiesusing multimediapresentations.
•To monitorstudents' knowledgeon computer science, physics, life safety, biology, social studiesusedcomputer testing.
•The school administrationandspecialists createthe databasefor specificareas of work.
•Using e-mailand the Internet.
2.Stages of the project
№ / name of event / Dates / funding1. / Educational personnel training(seminars, workshops, trainings, conferences) / 2013 г.
2. / Cooperation withKSPA, PSU,Youth Union "The Road" / 2013-2014 гг.
3. / The involvementof students inthe eventof an educational nature / 2013 – 2014 гг.
4. / Organization and holdingof the circle"Youngethnographer" elective course"Worldtouristinterest" / 2013-2014 гг.
6. / To basicknowledgeingeography lessons, social studies, life safety, history, science,English, and biology. / 2013-2014 гг.
7. / Creatingecological trailalong the coastof Lake Onega. / 2013 – 2014гг.
8. / Search for partners / 2013-2014 гг.
9. / Involvement of localentrepreneursas consultants / 2013-2014 гг.
3.Expected results
-create an innovative learning environmentaimed atthe formation ofentrepreneurialpersonality traits;
-Establishment of a frameworkof interaction of allparticipantsexperimental work;
-Create a modelschool"successfulchildren";
- The orientationof studentsto choose a professionof "man-entrepreneur"
- Development ofscientific andeducational materialsas part of theexperimental work;
This project was discussedspecificsof eco-tourism.
This project was made by our pupils and teachersfor improvingthe shoreof Lake Onega,and the places ofburialof soldiersof Patriotic War. Our villageand the areain generalhave uniquenatural, cultural and historical resources, which can provide recreationaland tourismneeds of not onlylocal residents, but also visitors from all parts ofRussia.In addition, thearea is interestingandPudozhskyinto perspective, because in its territoryof the programsfor tourism development.
Our projectwill contribute tothe development of ecologicaltourism in theregion,tourists canlearnabout the unique monumentsof nature.
Our schoolis one of thebestschools in the district, who are active inenvironmental workwith students.
From primary schoolchildren areinvolvedin the circleof local history,where he studiedthe ancientcustoms ofthe indigenouspeople, rituals, beliefs, get acquainted with the architectural monumentsPudozh region, as well as historical.Witholderstudentsperformedthe Tourist-local historyclub,wherechildren learnhow to survivein field conditions, how to knitthe various nodes.
Life safetythrough lessonsat schoolchildrenlearn the rulesof behavior in nature, as to kindlea fire,how to providefirst aid,how to navigate inthe woods, if you get lost, etc. Insocial studieslessonschildrenlearn the basics ofthe law, how to build your business,how to create andwhereadvertise mycompany.Onscience lessonschildren learnto createtheir own websites,and inthe English language lessonslearning to maketourist destinationsfor foreign tourists.
For several years, being in close contact with the National Park "Vodlozersky" our students each year participate in the international event "March for Parks". Pupils of our school, the winners of environmental actions, went to National Parks USA and Finland. Recently, students with school teachers organize environmental action in cleaning the village and the river flowing through its territory. Our settlement Pudozh quite small, and the dirt and debris abound, given that in our settlements in recent years built a sawmill. The local administration has no money even to take the garbage that students gathered in the spring. This garbage and lies on the banks of the river in the bags. With the arrival of spring, birds and pets (dogs) again take this garbage on the village.
Due to the fact that our school is concerned about the environmental situation in the village, we have made a small program to clean up debris from the village, and the shore of Lake Onega, where the locals love to relax, as well as visiting tourists.
At 3 km from our village is a picturesque corner of nature, a good place to relax in summer and winter. This place is located on the shore of Lake Onega, but unfortunately, after the rest of tourists and locals on the beach is a lot of debris, dirt, glass. No one wants to clean up after themselves garbage. So goes the whole summer, and when the next summer season, repeated the same picture. Very painful to look at how people are destroying the nature of the native land. But you can think about - why they throw garbage anywhere? Yes it is easy to find the answer: no lakeside no garbage containers, which could throw the garbage, not equipped places to stay - no places for fireplaces or arbors, or vacation homes. But a lot of passing tourists stopped to rest in this place, and sometimes they can be seen sleeping on the ground in the summer. Some people are traveling families, with their children, they sleep in a stuffy car. A place-what beautiful!
Pupils are ready to make our forces to beautification of the beach to relax, only to finance they have not.