RP156 vol. 8
Ningbo Jiangnan Waste Water Treatment Plant & Supported Pipeline Network Project Resettlement Plan
June 2008
I. The objective of Resettlement Action Plan
1This Resettlement Action Plan is formulated on the basis of the laws, regulations and policies of the People’s Republic of China, and Local Government as well as the Guidelines of the World Bank (Operational Directive for Involuntary Resettlement OP 4.12). The purpose of this document is to set out an Action plan for the Resettlement and Rehabilitation of the Displaced persons (DPs) to ensure that they will benefit from the project and their standards of living will be improved or at least be restored after the project impact.
II. Definition of Relative Terms
2Criteria for Eligibility. Displaced persons may be classified in one of the following three groups:
(a)those who have formal legal rights to land (including customary and traditional rights recognized under the laws of the country);
(b)those who do not have formal legal rights to land at the time the census begins but have a claim to such land or assets—provided that such claims are recognized under the laws of the country or become recognized through a process identified in the resettlement plan; and
(c)Those who have no recognizable legal right or claim to the land they are occupying.
3Persons covered under 2(a) and 2(b) are provided compensation for the land they lose and other assistance. Persons covered under 2(c) are provided resettlement assistance in lieu of compensation for land they occupy and other assistance, as necessary, to achieve objectives set out in this policy, if they occupy the project area prior to a cut-off date established by the borrower and acceptable to the World Bank[1] . Those who encroach on this area after cut-off date are not entitled to the compensation or any other resettlement assistance. All persons included in 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c) are provided compensation for loss of assets other than land.
Compensation and Resettlement Measures
4In order to address the impacts caused by compulsive land acquisition resulting in (i) relocating or loss of shelter; (ii) lost of assets or access to assets; (iii) loss of income source or means of livelihood, whether or not the affected persons must move to another location, an RAP or Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) should be prepared that covers the following:
(a)The resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework includes measures to ensure DPs are
(i)Informed about their options and rights pertaining to resettlement;
(ii)Consulted on, offered choices among, and provided with technically and economically feasible resettlement alternatives; and
(iii)Provided prompt and effective compensation at replacement cost[2] for losses of assets attributable directly to the project.
(b)if the impacts include physical relocation, the resettlement or resettlement policy framework should include measure to ensure that the displaced persons are
(i)provided assistance (such as moving allowance) during the relocation;
(ii)provided with residential house, or house sites, as required, agricultural sites for which a combination of productive potential, locational advantages, and other factors is at least equivalent to the advantages of the old site.
(c)Where necessary to achieve the objectives of the policy, the resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework also include measures to ensure that displaced persons are
(i)offered support after displacement, for a transition period, based on a reasonable estimate of the time likely to be needed to restore their livelihood and standards of living;
(ii)Provided with development assistance in addition to compensation measures described in paragraph 4(a) (iii), such as land preparation, credit facilities, training, or job opportunities.
5cut-off date: the date in this project refers to the date that bulletin of land acquisition and house demolition is issued. DPs are not allowed to build new house, expand the building, rebuild, change the usage of house and land, lease land, or rent/bargain the house. Besides, persons moving into project areas after this date are not entitled to be compensated.
1Basic situations of the project
1.1Brief introduction of project
1.2Preparation and Progress of Project
1.3Areas Effected and Served by the Project
1.3.1Areas Served by the Project
1.3.2Areas Effected by the Project
1.4Total investment and Capital source
1.5Measures Taken to Decrease Affects
1.5.1Project planning period
1.5.2Resettlement action plan and implementation period
2Project Impacts
2.1Project Impact Survey
2.2Project Impact Scope
2.3Collective Land Acquisition
2.4Permanent State-owned Land Occupation
2.5Temporary Land Occupation
2.6Demolition of Rural Residential House
2.7Affected Population
2.8Vulnerable Group and Floating Population
2.9Affected Ground Attachments
3Social and Economic Survey Results
3.1Socio-economic Survey Results of Town, Street and Villages Affected by Permanent Land Acquisition
3.2Sampling Survey Results of Basic Conditions of Affected Rural Resident Family
3.2.1Distributing Condition by Age
3.2.2Distributing Condition by Educational Attainments
3.2.3Condition of Producing Material
3.2.4Acreage of House Construction
3.2.5Employment structure
3.2.6Family Annual Income and Expenditure
4Legal and Policy Framework
4.1Laws and Policies Referred in Resettlement
4.1.1State Laws and Regulations
4.1.2Local Regulations and Policies
4.1.3WB Policy
4.2Laws and Policy Items Involved in Resettlement
4.3Resettlement Policies of the Project
4.3.1Policy of Collective Land Compensation and Labor Settle
4.3.2Compensation Policy on Permanent State-owned Occupation
4.3.3Resettlement Policy on Rural Residential House Demolition
4.3.4Compensation Policy for Affected Ground Attachments
5Compensation Standard
5.1Compensation Standard for Rural Collective Land Acquisition
5.2Compensation Standard for State-owned Land
5.3Compensation Standard for Rural Residential House Demolition
5.4Compensation Standard for Ground Attachment
5.5Standard for other Fees
6Resettlement Scheme
6.1Resettlement Objectives
6.2Resettlement Principles
6.2.1Principle of Reducing Resettlers as much as possible
6.2.2Principle of Equally Compensating
6.2.3Principle of Focusing on Emphasis
6.3Resettlement for Permanent Land Acquisition
6.4Resettlement for Rural House Demolition
6.5Affected Infrastructure and Ground Attachment
7Public Participation
7.1Public Participation and strategy
7.2Public Opinion Survey
7.3Public Participation Process and Policy Disclosure
8Grievance and Complaint Procedure
9Institutional Arrangement
9.1Implementation Institutes
9.2Institutes Chart
9.3Responsibilities of Each Institutes
9.3.1Ningbo Urban Construction and Environmental Protection WB Project Leading Group Office
9.3.2Ningbo Municipal Engineering Prophase Office
9.3.3Beilun Demolition Management Office
9.3.4Beilun Land and Natural Resource Bureau
9.3.5Ningbo Municipal Drainage Company Ltd.
9.3.6Xiaogang Street Committee of Beilun District
9.3.7Designing insitution
9.3.8Independent Monitoring Institution
9.4Institutional Seniority and staffs
9.5Measures for Strengthening Institutional Capacity
10Implementation Schedule
10.1Principle of Progress Joint of Resettlement and Construction
10.2Timetable of Key Tasks in Resettlement Implementation
10.2.1Principles of Scheduling
10.2.2Overall Schedule of Resettlement
11Resettlement Cost
11.2Annual Capital Utilizing Plan
11.3Resettlement Capital Resource
11.4Capital Flow and Allocation Plan
11.4.1Capital Flow
11.4.2Allocation and Management
12Monitoring and Evaluation
12.1Internal Monitoring
12.1.1Implementation Procedures
12.1.2Monitoring Content
12.1.3Internal Monitoring Repor
12.2External Monitoring and Evaluation
12.2.1External Independent Monitoring Institute
12.2.2Monitoring Procedure and Contents
12.3Monitoring Indicator
12.4Post Evaluation
13Entitlement Matrix
Annex 1 Ningbo Jiangnan Waste Water Treatment Plant & Supported Pipeline Network Project Resettlement Policy Framework
Table 11 contents of the project
Table 12 Main social and economical index of affected area
Table 13 General resettlement effect
Table 14 Resettlement and social effect comparison between
Table 21 Affected villages
Table 22 villages effected by the project
Table 23 the construction situation of trunck sewage pipelines
Table 24 Affected rural residential houses
Table 25 Affected house attachment
Table 26 Affected population
Table 27 Affected Ground Attachments
Table 31 Basic economic and social situations of affected village
Table 32 Annual Income and Expenditure Structure of Surveyed Rural Households
Table 51 Compensation standard for permanent land acquisition
Table 52 Compensation Standard for Rural Residential House
Table 53 Compensation Standard for Affected Ground Attachment
Table 54 Standard for Resettlement Expenses of Taxation
Table 71 Public opinion survey
Table 72 Public Participation Process of Affected Population
Table 73 Policy Disclosure Process
Table 91 Staffs of the resettlement institutes involved in the project
Table 92 Training Plan for Resettlement
Table 101 Schedule for land acquisition and house demolition
Table 111 Budget for resettlement compensation
Table 112 Annual investment plan
Table 131 Entitlement Matrix
Figure List
Figure 21 Affected rural collective land
Figure 22 Affected rural residential houses
Figure 31 Distribution condition by age
Figure 32 Distribution condition by educational attainments
Figure 33 Employment structure
Figure 81 Grievance and Complaint Procedure
Figure 111 Capital flow
1Basic situations of the project
1.1Brief introduction of project
To raise the quality of water environment and wastewater treatment rate in the core urban area of Ningbo, improve the investment environment in Ningbo, lift the living standard of the citizens and beautify the image of Ningbo to the outside world, Ningbo City planned to conduct urban infrastructure construction with high standard and high starting point, build and form high effective modern city management system, keep city ecological balance and raise environmental quality. Waste Water Treatment plant and supported pipeline network project is an important component of urban construction, necessary measures for environmental protection and recover ecological balance, which is also prerequisite for the social and economical development.
The construction of Ningbo Jiangnan Waste Water Treatment plant and supported pipeline network project will improve the quality of surface water greatly, improve the water quality of Yongjiang watershed, greatly improve people’s living standard and achieve the goal of decrease the water pollutants during the Eleventh Five Years Planning, at the meantime it will improve city investment environment and promote the sustainable development of the society and generate immense social benefits and indirect economic benefits.
The contents of Ningbo Jiangnan Waste Water Treatment plant and supported pipeline network project include:
1)Jiangnan Waste Water Treatment plant subproject
Jiangnan Waste Water Treatment plant project belongs to WB financed project and will be implemented by municipal level. The short term disposal scale is 160 thousand m3/d, and 400 m3/d in the long run (considering the long term development of some buildings, the trunk pipeline to the plant and tail water drainage project is designed base on 400 m3/d). Service areas include some part of Sanjiang area and Beilun area. Of which, Sanjiang area consists of High-tech Zone, some part of eastern new city, Yinzhou central urban area (the area on the east of Tongsan national highway), East Qianlake area (include Dongwu town, Wuxiang township, and Hengxi township); Beilun area include Jiangnan area and Xiaogang area on the west of the hill body. The total service area is 230k m2.
The Waste Water Treatment plant planned location is 300m south of Jiangnan highway and on the west of Yubei city-circled Highway (Xinzhou crossroads). The long term planned total land acquisition of this project is 27.2hm2(401.1mu)and the land used in the near future is14.8hm2. Land acquisition in this project would be conducted according to the long term land use area.
2)Supported pipeline network subproject
Supported pipeline network consists of 3 components: trunkpipe (municipal city implementation), Primary and secondary pipeline (district level implementation) and sewage midway pump station. Pipeline network would use domestic supported capital.Supported drainage pipe network include:
As for trunk pipeline of Jiangan highway, south Waihuan, external city-circled highway and east waihuan, the planned newly-built trunksewage pipeline is 19.4km;
As for Primary and secondary pipelines of West Beilun district, high-tech district, east new city, Yinzhou district (the area on the east of Tongsan Nationalhighway), East Qian Lake, the total length of short term construction is 170km.
To match the construction and alternation of the pipeline network, 9 midway pump stations should build outside the plant.
Table11contents of the project
No. / Project name / Project contents / Project area / Resettlement effects / Remark1 / Waste Water Treatment plant / The short term disposal scale is 160 thousand m3/d, and 400 m3/d in the long run (considering the long term development of some buildings, the trunk pipeline to the plant and tail water drainage project is designed base on 400 m3/d). / About 300m south to the Jiangnan highway, the west of city-circled highway (Xinzhuang crossroad) / Permanent collective land acquisition 404.1 mu; state-owned land 3.3 mu; rural residential 10750㎡ / WB funds, municipal level implementation
Tail water discharge pipeline / Caliber size of tail water drainage pipeline is D2600 (pressure pipe), the length of pipeline is about1.6km / / / None
2 / Supported pipeline network / Trunk pipeline / Five trunk pipeline (caliber size is D1000~D2400,the length of pipeline is about19.4km / Jiangnan highway trunk sewage pipeline in Beilun district; Jiangnan highway trunk pipeline in high-tech zone; south Waihuan trunk sewage pipeline, city-circled highway trunk sewage pipeline and Dong Waihuantrunk sewage pipeline in Yinzhou district / Temporary state owned emptyland occupation and are involved. If land acquisition and house demolition is involved, it will be implemented in accordance with resettlement policy framework, implemented together with the road construction / Domestic counterpart funds, municipal level implementation
Primary and secondary pipeline / Primary and secondary pipeline (caliber size is D300~D1350, the length of pipeline 170 km) / Primary and secondary sewage pipelines in west Beilun district, eastern new city, Yingzhou district(to the east of Tongsan national highway), EastQianLake area / Temporary state owned empty land occupation and are involved. If land acquisition and house demolition is involved, it will be implemented in accordance with resettlement policy framework, implemented together with the road construction / Domestic counterpart funds, district level implementation
Pump station / East Waihuan1# / Junction ofEast Waihuan road, and Tongtu road / Temporary state owned empty land occupation and are involved. If land acquisition and house demolition is involved, it will be implemented in accordance with resettlement policy framework, implemented together with the road construction / Domestic counterpart funds, district level implementation
Beilun2# / West Beilun district
Beilun3# / West Beilun district
East new city1# / Junction of Fuqing Road and Jingjia road
High-tech zone 1# / Junction of Keyuan road and Binjiang Road
High-tech zone 2# / Junction of Jiangnan highway and DujiaqiaoRiver
Yinzhou 2# / Yinzhou Business establishing Garden
EastQianLake1# / East Qian lake township
EastQianLake2# / East Qian lake township
According to the fund source and implementing plans, the WWTP is to be financed by the WB, while the supported pipelines including truck pipelines, primary and secondary pipelines and pump stations will be constructed with domestic counterpart funds, which are linkage projects. Ningbo Municipal Engineering Prophase Office perpared the RAP for the WWTP and truck sewage pipelines. Meanwhile,since the resettlement impacts induced by the primary and secondary pipelines and pump stations Ningbo cannot be identified in this stage, Municipal Engineering Prophase Office designed a Resettlement Policy Framework for the potencial resettlement impacts . In the implementation of supported pipeline network, if land acquisition and resettlement are involved, the resettlement policy framework would be triggered. The resettlement policy framework is shown in annex 1.
1.2Preparation and Progress of Project
During Oct, 2007 Project proposal of this project has been finished by the entrusted institute,Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design General Institute.
On Oct 16th, 2007, Ningbo Development and Reform Committee has checked and approved the project proposal.
By the end of February, 2008, Environmental design and Environmental Effect Evaluation Report has been finished by the entrusted institute, Ningbo environmental protection science research & design institute.
During March, 2008 Project proposal of this project has been finished by the entrusted institute, Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design General Institute.
1.3Areas Effected and Served by the Project
1.3.1Areas Served by the Project
The main service areas of this project are Beilun district and Yinzhou district of Ningbo city.
Ningbo city Situated in the east of Zhejiang Province and the south band of Hangzhou Gulf, Ningbo is the second larges city of Zhejiang Province, which governs 3 county level city of Yuyao, Cixi and Fenghua, 2 counties of Xiangshan and Ninghai, 6 districts in urban area of Haishu, Jiangdong, Jiangbei, Zhenhai, Beilun and Yinzhou. The total population of Ningbo is 5.6 million and area of 9.365 square kilometers with urban area of 2.56 square kilometers. Ningbo is one of the 14 port cities opening to the outside world. In 1986, Ningbo was listed as National historical famous city, in 1987, independent city in the state plans and 1988, the “relatively big city” with the power to lay down regional laws and regulations.
Beilun District Situated in the east of Ningbo city and bordered on EastSea, Beilun district in enclosed by sea in three directions with Hangzhou gulf on the north and Xiang Hill harbor. District government was set up in 1984, with land area of 585 square kilometers and sea area of 258 square kilometers. In Beilun district, there are one administrative region and 4 state level development zone of Ningbo economic and technology zone, Ningbo tariff free zone, Ningbo export processing zones and Daxie development zone which are the area with earliest, highly extent and most functional openness to the outside in Ningbo as well as in Zhejiang province. Beilun district is close to Beilun harbor, which was knows as the best harbor of China, with coast line 173km, among which deep water coastline over 120km and 70km has been developed. Made the Beilun harbor as its main body, Ningbo harbor has305 production berths, among which 60 berth are deep water berth of ten thousand ton level. They are mainly 250 thousand ton level crude oil wharf, 200 thousand ton level metal ore transfer berths, 8 international container berths, special berths for liquid and chemicals, coals and general use berths, which can berth 300 ton level super cargo vessel and the 6th generation large container ship. It is the largest transfer base for liquid chemicals in the Far East and is open to navigation to 600 harbors in more than 100 countries.
Yinzhou District Located in the east in Zhejiang province offshore, which bored Ningbo urban area in the east, south and west, so it looks like a butterfly. It has an area of 1380.54 square kilometers with plowland of 570 thousand mu and coastline 26 km. It governs 17 townships, 1 town and 4 street committee. Machine building, clothing weaving and electric meter is the 3 traditional dominance industry of Yinzhou district, which are closely related and coordinated.