Curriculum Vitae

Name Dr. Mary M. Jensen

Department: C&I Division of Special Education

Rank: Professor


Post Doc University of the Ozarks, Clarksville, AK 1992 Learning Differences

PH.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison 1990 Special Education, E/BD

M.Ed. Kent State University, Kent, OH 1977 Special Education

B.A. University of Utah, SLC, Utah 1976 Psychology

Cathedral High School, St. Cloud, MN 1973


1990-present Western Illinois University, Professor, Special Education

Courses Taught:

SPED 300 Characteristics of the Learner

SPED 310 The Exceptional Individual

SPED 320 The Learning Environment

SPED 400 Planning for Instruction

SPED 517 Behavior Intervention

1987-90 Student Teacher Supervisor/Teaching Assistant – Special Education Methods

classes, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1981-86 Sunburst Youth Homes, Neillsville, WI, Special Education Teacher

1979-81 CESA III, Gillette, WI, Special Education Teacher

1978-79 Shawano, WI, Special Education Teacher

1977-78 Duluth, MN, Special Education Teacher



Finson, K. D., Ormsbee, C.K., & Jensen, M. M. (2011) Differentiating Science Instruction and assessment for learners with special needs, K-8. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin

Jensen, M. M. (2005). Introduction to emotional and behavioral disorders: Recognizing and managing problems in the classroom. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Maroney, S. A., Finson, K. D., Beaver, J. B., & Jensen, M. M. (Sept./Oct. 2003). Preparing for successful inquiry in inclusive science classrooms. Teaching Exceptional Children, 36(1), 18-25.

Jensen, M. M., & Yerington, P. C. (1997). Gangs: Straight talk, Straight up. Sopris West: Longmont, CO.

Finson, K. D., Jensen, M. M., Powers, D. T., & Ormsbee, C. K. (1996). Science in the mainstream: Retooling science activities. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 8(3), 219-232.

Jensen, M. M. (1994). Instructor's Resources. Houghton-Mifflin: Boston.

Jensen-Wilber, M. M. (1994) [Review of The Gang Intervention Handbook]. Behavioral Disorders, 19 (4), 316-317.

Jensen-Wilber, M. M. (1993). [Review of the Tough Kid Book]. Behavioral Disorders, 19 (1), 79-80.

Jensen-Wilber, M. M. (1992). Three is a crowd? No way - Three is a team! Collaborative consultation techniques for educators. Western Illinois University, Macomb. Department of Special Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 346 661)


Jensen, M. M. (2008). Special Education 320: The Learning Environment. Instructional Methods for Positive and Proactive Behavioral Intervention (revised). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Custom Publication: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Jensen, M. M. (2005). Special Education 320: The Learning Environment. Instructional Methods for Positive and Proactive Behavioral Intervention. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Custom Publication: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Jensen, M. M. (2005). SPED 310: Course Handbook.. Supplement Package to accompany with Introduction to E/BD book. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Custom Publication: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Finson, K. D., Jensen, M. M., Powers, D. T., & Ormsbee, C. K. (1996). Science in the mainstream: Retooling science activities, Manual II. Macomb, IL: Western Illinois University.

Jensen, M. M. (1996). Producing and integrating instructional video. In Tools for teaching with technology: The WIU approach to integrating technology into teacher education (pp. 64-69). Macomb, IL: College of Education and Human Services, Western Illinois University.

Finson, K. D., Jensen, M. M., Powers, D. T., & Ormsbee, C. K. (1995). Science in the mainstream: Retooling science activities, Manual I. Macomb, IL: Western Illinois University.

Jensen-Wilber, M. M. (1990). Consultation skills for special education teachers. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51 (5), 1580A.


2011 Tech Fest Educational Technology Award / Faculty Award

2010 HOPE Award: Honoring Our Professors of Excellence, WIU Student Housing and Dining Services

2009 HOPE Award: Honoring Our Professors of Excellence, WIU Student Housing and Dining Services

2008 WIU Provost’s Award for Teaching with Technology

2008 WIU COEHS Award for Teaching with Technology

2006 Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, College of Education and Human Services, WIU

2006 First Annual Faculty Research Day Award, Using Technology to Enhance the Social Skills of 6th Graders with Learning Disabilities

2002 Golden Apple Award- Outstanding Teacher, WIU Student Alumni Council

2001 Most Inspiring Teacher - Honorable Mention: WIU Student Education Association (SEA)

1998 Region IV University Continuing Education Award, Creative Credit Program, SPED 431(G); Characteristics of Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Telecourse

1997 National University Continuing Education Award, Noncredit Program Presentation on Youth Gangs and Management Strategies

1995-96 Faculty Excellence Award, College of Education and Human Services, Western Illinois University (WIU discontinued award after 1996)

1994-95 Faculty Excellence Award, College of Education and Human Services, Western Illinois University

1994-95 Outstanding Teacher of The Year Award, College of Education, Western Illinois University

1992-93 Outstanding Faculty Mentor, Student Residential Programs, Western Illinois University


Tomlinson, T., & Jensen, M. M. (Submitted 05/10/02; State cut funding prior to reading applications/will be resubmitted at a later date). Higher Education Cooperative Grant (HECA) proposal for training law enforcement personnel and educators to interact effectively with persons with disabilities.

Finson, K. D., Beaver, J. B., & Jensen, M. M., & Maroney, S. A. (1999). Scientific Inquiry Retooling Project. Illinois State board of Education, Scientific Literacy Office. $74, 160.00.

Jensen, M. M. (1997). ISBE FY98 State Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention Initiative. Written and implemented for Knox Regional Office of Education, Galesburg, IL. $30,000.00.

Jensen, M. M. (1996). ISBE FY97 State Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention Initiative. Written and implemented for Knox Regional Office of Education, Galesburg, IL. $26,535.00.

Finson, K. D., Jensen, M. M., & Powers, D. T. (1996). Science Activities Retooling for Special Education Project III. Illinois State board of Education, Scientific Literacy Office. $58, 365.00.

Finson, K. D., Jensen, M. M., & Ormsbee, C. K.. & Powers, D. T. (1995). Science Activities Retooling for Special Education Project II. Illinois State board of Education, Scientific Literacy Office. $56,434.00.

Jensen, M. M. (1993). The "Sure I Will" Program: A Research Program on Compliance Training for Students with Behavioral Disorders. University Research Council Grant, WIU. $1220.00.

Professional Memberships

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

WIU CEC Student Organization Advisor

Consulting Projects

2010-2011 August – June: Met five days a week for 1-1 1/2 hours with a 16-year-old student with Asperger’s syndrome. Worked on study skills, application of graphic organizers, time management, organization, and social skills along with daily homework. In collaboration with the student, the family, the school district, wrote IEPs, transition plans, and adaptations / accommodations requirements.

2007, January-June: Creating iMovies to improve public speaking skills. The Pillars of Character was used for topics on which sixth graders with learning disabilities created speeches. Students created iMovies of their speeches culminating in a DVD of all of their iMovies. In collaboration with Ms. Mary McMahon, classroom special education teacher.

2006, Sept-December: Social Skills and Technology. Project to teach technology skills as a method for improving social skills with students who have learning disabilities. Project was chosen for presentation at the First Annual Faculty Research Day Symposium. In collaboration with Ms. MAry McMAhon, classroom special education teacher.

2003: Revised the Washington, Il, District 52 Teacher Evaluation Form. It had not been revised since 1987. Created a rubric evaluation format based on the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. Dr. Pat Grisham, superintendent.

2002-2003 and 2007: Expert witness for the Arnold and Porter Law Firm, 399 Park Avenue, NY, NY, 10022-4690 for a gang-related trial. Mr. Bruce Kelly, Lead Attorney.

2001: Regional Office of Education, Knox County, Dr. Robert Johnson, Regional Superintendent, Consulting Project to produce Manual for Behavioral and Academic Intervention in Alternative High Schools.

Professional and Academic Service


Various Committes



Undergraduate Academic Affairs


Search Committee


Various Committes




Selection Retention / Grade Appeals


Library Representative

Search Committee

Service Activities

2007-current Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Student Organization Advisor.

April 2010 TechFest Presentation

Created PowerPoint Presentation with multiple attachment to show applications to document the appropriate use of technology to enhance the mission of COEHS of Empowerment for Learning / Learning for Empowerment: Commitment / Action / Knowledge / Reflection.

August – October 2009

Volunteer tutoring two students for the two tests (155 and 163) two times weekly for two hours per session.

August – November 2008

Volunteer tutoring two students for the Basic Skills Test four times weekly for two hours per session.

March – May 2008

Volunteer tutoring three students for the Basic Skills Test two times weekly for two hours per session.

March 29, 2009: TechFest Presentation

SmartBoard display on Proactive Classroom Management for Tech Fest, 2009. The display included PowerPoint Programs designed for SPED 320 in addition to student created behavior intervention plan projects. Students from SPED 320 participated.

March 29, 2008: TechFest Presentation

SmartBoard display on Proactive Classroom Management for Tech Fest, 2008. The display included PowerPoint Programs designed for SPED 320 in addition to student created behavior intervention plan projects. Students from SPED 320 participated.

March 2007 – Tech Fest Presentation

Tech Fest Presentation with 6th graders from West Prairie Middle School. They presented their iMovies depicting their new social skills.

September, 2006- June 2007. Weekly technology/social skills research class project with 6th graders with LD and ADHD, West Prairie Middle School, Ms. Mary McMahon, teacher.

March 29, 2006: TechFest Presentation

Tabletop display on Proactive Classroom Management for Tech Fest, 2006. The display included PowerPoint Programs designed for SPED 320 in addition to student created behavior intervention plan projects. Students from SPED 320 participated.

February 23, 2006

WIU EIS Department/Teacher Education Program Diversity Field Trip. Chaperone and drove the 15-passenger van of students round trip to Peoria.

March 22, 2005: TechFest Presentation

Tabletop display on Proactive Classroom Management for TechFest, 2005. The display included PowerPoint Programs designed for SPED 320 in addition to student created behavior intervention plan projects. Students from SPED 320 participated.

Chicago Public Schools Recruitment Days

January 22, 2005 –and-- February 16, 2005

Presented a PowerPoint program on the Teaching as a Profession to Chicago Public School students who were visiting the WIU campus. The object was to present information on teaching as a career and highlight technology available at WIU as a means to enhance the curriculum. Following the presentation we had a question/answer session and a tour of Horrabin Hall.

WIU College of Education and Human Services Interview Team:

Spring 2005

Interview and hire Technology Resource Center Manager

Interview and hire Instructional Methods and Materials Lab Assistant

Friday Seminars for Block Students

October 22, 2004: Behavior Management Methods

December 3, 2004: Professional Job Interview Methods

Adult Corrections Graduation Speaker December, 2003

Jensen, M. M. (2003,December). Education is the Key to Life Success! Graduation Speaker, Illinois River Correctional Center, Canton, IL.


Jensen, M. M. (2011, October 21). Asperger’s Syndrome: Practical Ideas for Teaching and Charting Behaviors. Professional Development Seminar presented at the 20010 Illinois Council for Exceptional Children (ICEC) Conference, Lisle, IL.

Jensen, M. M. (2011, September). Professional Development program at Nauvoo-Calusa School District, Nauvoo, IL on ADHD 2-Year Update .

Jensen, M. M. (2010, November 5). ADHD: There’s a Reason for All Those Frustrating Behaviors! Professional Development Seminar presented at the 2010 Illinois Council for Exceptional Children (ICEC) Conference, Lisle, IL.

Jensen, M. M. (2010, February). Professional Development program at West Prairie School District,

Carthage, IL on ADHD 2-Year Update .

Jensen, M. M. (2009, November 6). Data Collection Methods in the Special Education Classroom. Professional Development Seminar presented at the 2009 Illinois Council for Exceptional Children (ICEC) Conference, Lisle, IL.

Jensen, M. M. (2009, October). Methods for Differentiating Instruction (4 ½ hour multiple sessions). Professional Development Workshop, Professional Development Workshop, ROE 3 Conference, Fayetteville, IL, Julie Wollerman. Assistant Regional Superintendent.

Jensen, M. M. (2009, April). Innovations in Teaching Panel Presentation, WIU CITR , Macomb, IL

Jensen, M. M. (2009, January). Proactive Behavior Management in the Classroom. Seminar for Spring 2009 WIU Student Teachers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL

Jensen, M. M. (2008, November 7). Social Skills: Use the Instructional Approach to Teach New Target Behavioral Skills. Professional Development Seminar presented at the 2008 Illinois Council for Exceptional Children (ICEC) Conference, Itasca, IL.

Jensen, M. M. (2008, October 10). Practical Data Collection Methods for the Classroom(4 ½ hour multiple sessions). Professional Development Workshop, ROE 3 Conference, Fayetteville, IL, Julie Wollerman. Assistant Regional Superintendent.

Jensen, M. M. (2008, September). Proactive Behavior Management in the Classroom. Seminar for Spring 2008 WIU Student Teachers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL

Jensen, M. M. (2008, February). The Instructional Approach to Proactive Behavior Management. Professional Development Seminar presented at the 2008 Cooperative Association for Special Education (CASE) Conference, Glen Ellen Illinois, James Nelson, Assistant Director.

Jensen, M. M. (2008, January). Proactive Behavior Management in the Classroom. Seminar for Spring 2007 WIU Student Teachers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL

Jensen, M. M. (2007, November 2). Teach students to be successful: Use instructional behavior management. Professional Development Seminar presented at the 2007 Illinois Council for Exceptional Children (ICEC) Conference, Itasca, IL.

Jensen, M. M. (2007, September 7). Proactive Behavior Management in the Classroom. Seminar for Spring 2007 WIU Student Teachers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL

Jensen, M. M. (2007, July 25). Using iMovie to motivate the production and use of new target social skills. Professional development program presentation for the Star On-Line Summer Experience Conference 2006, WIU, Macomb, IL

Jensen, M. M. (2004, April 26). Overview of ADHD, Conduct Disorder, and ODD. Professional Development Seminar presented for Illinois State Bar Association Update Conference. Judge Patricia Walton, coordinator (309-2216747)

Jensen, M. M. (2004, April 9). Instructional Methods for Behavior Management. Professional Development Seminar presented for Riverdale High School, Port Byron, IL, Mr. James Boyd, principal.

Jensen, M. M. (2007,March 21). Using Technology to Enhance the Social Skills of 6th Graders with Learning Disabilities. Table top presentation at Tech-Fest, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL

Jensen, M. M. (2007,January 26). Proactive Behavior Management in the Classroom. Seminar for Spring 2007 WIU Student Teachers, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL