Phone (931) 484-9454
P. O. Box 671
Crossville, TN 38557-0671
Contact: Everett 931-265-4491
Outside Exhibit Space Date:
It is hereby mutually agreed the Cumberland County Fair Association herein after referred to as the Fair and ______herein referred to as Exhibitor as follows: Said Fair leases to Exhibitor space to be used during the 2017 Cumberland County Fair upon the following conditions.
Exhibitor must provide their own tent, awning, covering, etc. All shelters, tents, awnings, etc. must be approved by the Fair Commercial Exhibit Committee.
All specialty food concessions must provide proof of product liability acceptable to Fair requirements, and will be limited to 3 items. This can be two food items and a beverage or two beverages and one food item. This will be strictly enforced according to items designated on this contract. Please identify items to be served:
Exhibit space is for the exclusive use of the party with whom the contract is made and is not transferable or subject to sub-lease without the approval of the Commercial Exhibit Committee.
It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to furnish an attractive exhibit space which will be a credit to the Exhibitor as well as the fair. The Cumberland County fair reserves the right to remove any exhibit and/or exhibitor which may be considered objectionable by the Fair’s Exhibit Committee. Items must be family oriented. Anyone not abiding by the rules and regulations set forth by the Fair must vacate the premises immediately if requested to do so by the Exhibit Committee.
The Fair reserves the right to reject any lighting display considered hazardous. All lights shall be connected so they can be switched off at closing each day.
No loud speakers, microphones or any other sound producing apparatus allowed unless the volume is kept at a minimum. Exhibitor’s signs cannot project out over the aisle, walkways or streets.
No person will be permitted to distribute advertising matter upon the grounds except from their place of business or exhibit space. Soliciting outside the rented space, including walkways, streets, etc. is prohibited.
The Cumberland County Fair will not be responsible to any person, individual, corporation, or association for any loss by fire, theft, damage, or personal injury sustained by anyone or any person or group of persons, exhibits or exhibitors. The Fair shall be indemnified by the exhibitor against all legal or other proceedings related thereto.
If the exhibitor desires protection against loss, damage, or injury from fire or any other cause, they must make their own arrangements and pay for such insurance.
Every possible protection and courtesy will be extended exhibitors at the Cumberland County Fair. Security will be on the grounds, however, the Fair Association will not be responsible for any loss of exhibits or equipment in case of fire, theft, or loss from any other causes.
All exhibits must be set up and ready for operation with all charges paid by 3:00 p.m. on Monday, August 28thand be in operation by 5:30 p.m. each evening thereafter. ABSOLUTELY NO TEAR DOWNS BEFORE 10:00 P.M. ON SATURDAY, September 2nd.
Exhibitors must adhere strictly to the parking regulations and remove vehicles, both personal and commercial (not a part of the exhibit itself) to the parking lot for exhibitor’s parking.
Each exhibitor will be given 2 exhibitor passes as a part of their paid space. Additional season passes can be purchased at a rate of $20 each.
Company Name______Basic 10' space charge $ __
Address ______Additional Space @ $10 per ft. _$______
City, State, Zip______Additional Passes @ $20 each $______
Phone Number______Insurance Rider @ $120 each $______
______Exhibit Committee Signature Purchaser Signature