HAI e-bulletin – September 2015 Issue 10
E-bulletin sign up now made easier
Any colleagues interested in receiving the bi-monthly e-bulletin can now sign up using the facility on the HAI webpage. More information at
Reminder about changes to Decontamination e-learning programme
The current local and endoscopy decontamination e-learning programmes are set to close and will be replaced by one new national e-learning programme covering bothareas. The intention is for the programme to be available on learnPro NHS and community portals from 1st October 2015.
Important point: Learners working their way through the existing local or endoscopy programme are required to complete the programme(s) by 14th September 2015. Your assistance in reminding those in your health board would be much appreciated.
Further information about the changes to the programme can be found on the NES website.
NEW - Getting It Right: resource for the practical application of SICPs
This resource provides materials to support Infection Prevention and Control staff in the teaching of Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs). The resource is based on scenarios that reflect clinical situations that staff may find themselves in. The scenarios are ideal for incorporating into your local education and training provision. They are practical and allow staff to participate in active learning combining theory and practice.
For more information visit the NES website.
Helen’s Story – interactive storytelling improves practice across health, social care and education
People learn more effectively when they're able to engage emotionally and relate the learning directly to real life, everyday situations. Helen’s Story is a powerful example of how practice can be improved through storytelling. Helen’s story was first featured at the Strengthening our Defences HAI events in April and is now an integral part of the educational resource pack. Why not use Helen’s Story in your local training provision. For more information visit the NES website.
NEW – National Infection Prevention and Control Education Pathway
We are creating a new up-to-date National Infection Prevention and Control Education Pathway to align with the IPC Manual. It is anticipated that this new pathway will allow flexible access to learning materials for different staff groups, will cover championing and improving infection prevention and control, and allow staff to further develop their skills.
It is now time to contemporise the existing Cleanliness Champions Programme (CCP) to reflect current learning needs by rebranding, refreshing and re-designing the programme. The content of the former CCP will be completely re-designed to form different parts of the new overall pathway.
A three year programme of work is just about to commence. Updates about the new National IPC Education Project will be published regularly on the NES website and we will give further details in our October e-Bulletin.
Skin Tears: Prevention, Assessment and Management
Due to unforeseen circumstances, NES require to temporarily withdraw the Skin Tears workbook whilst necessary amendments are made to the assessment element. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. If you have received printed copies of the workbook, we will be happy to replace these once the amended version is available. We will endeavour to have the interactive and print version workbook available again by end of September 2015.
Listening to your feedback - educational resources on antimicrobial prescribing and stewardship
The gentamin and vancomycin online modules were launched in August 2013 and feedback on the whole has been encouraging. We do however acknowledge feedback from nursing staff who have expressed the view that the content level is not always appropriate for this group of staff. NES would encourage nursing staff to use the Antimicrobial Stewardship workbook, which contains information about gentamicin and vancomicin, as a learning resource. The workbook is interactive and has a series of reflective exercises. Completion of the workbook could provide useful evidence for KSF, e-portfolio and revalidation. Further information about the Antimicrobial Stewardship workbook is available on the NES website.
Quality Improvement in HAI Workshop
NES and HIS are hosting an event in Edinburgh on 2nd October 2015 with the aim of helping you to shape the future of quality improvement in HAI. There will be a mix of presentations, interactive discussions through 'World Cafe' sessions and plenty of opportunity to network. Places are limited so early booking is advisable. Closing date is 22nd September 2015. If you would like to attend, please book your place online via the booking link.
Listening and responding to your education needs around Indwelling Urinary Catheter Care in non-NHS settings
The HAI team are interested to hear your views about education needs around Indwelling Urinary Catheter Care of people living in care homes or in homely settings. We are particulary keen to hear about any aspects of personal care, taking urine samples and changing catheter bags that could be developed for use, but you may be able to inform us of any other gaps in education in this area of care. Please contact us
HAI education resource leaflet – do you find it helpful?
The HAI team recently updated the resource leaflet to include a matrix based on job roles to assist health and social care staff in identifying the education and training relevant to them. We want to hear your views on the matrix, whether it helps (or not) and what other changes we could make to the resource leaflet to help you to find the right learning materials for you. To get in touch with your views, please contact
Patient Safety and Clinical Skills
Find out more about patient safety workshops and educational resources to support healthcare staff improve patient safety – see NES website and keep up-to-date with the latest from the Clinical Skills Managed Education Network (CSMen) via their website and quarterly newsletters – see NES website.
HAI Team
Dr Gill Walker, Programme Director
Sarah Freeman, Educational Projects Manager
Dr Sabine Nolte, Educational Projects Manager
Christine Young, Infection Control Nurse
Elaine Boyd, Practice Education Co-ordinator
Lucie Page, Practice Education Co-ordinator
Lesley Armstrong, Project Co-ordinator
Elaine Thompson, Project Administrator