9405 MacCorkle Avenue, P.O. Box Dawer D

Marmet, WV 25315

(304) 949-5456

Request for Quotations

Re:Provide & Install a New Generator for the Marmet Fire Department

Date:March 9, 2009

Bid Opening:Bids must be received on or before Thursday, March26, 2009, at 7:00 the

Marmet Fire Department, 9405 MacCorkle Avenue (P.O. Box Drawer D), Marmet WV 25315



1.Bids must be received in a sealed envelope with the date and time of the bid opening on the outside of the envelope. Faxed bids will not be accepted.

2.Bid must be F.O.B. Delivery Point, unless otherwise indicated in proposal.

3.All bids should be signed and in ink, showing all facts and the total amount of the bid.

4.The Marmet Fire Department reserves the right to accept or reject, in part or in whole any bid submitted, whichever is in the best interest of the Marmet Fire Department.

Item No. / Description / Amount
1 / Provide & Install a New Generator for the Marmet Fire Department per the Attached Specifications / $______
Bid Amount in Words: ______

Vendor Name: ______Signature: ______

Address: ______Date: ______


E-Mail: ______Fax: ______




ITEM:Provide & Install a New Generator for the Marmet Fire Department

LOCATION:Marmet Fire Department

9405 MacCorkle Avenue

P.O. Box Drawer D

Marmet, WV 25315

CONTACT:Jerry McGhee, Fire Chief

Marmet Fire Department

Telephone (304) 949-1503

BID OPENING:Bids must be received in a sealed envelope, with the date and time of the bid opening on the outside of the envelope, on or before Thursday, March 26, 2009, at 7:00 p.m., at the Marmet Fire Department located at 9405 MacCorkle Avenue (P.O. Box Drawer D), Marmet, WV 25315. Faxed bids will not be accepted.

SPECIFICATIONS:The following specifications are intended to describe a new generator for the Marmet Fire Department and the details contained in these specifications are not designed to exclude any vendor from bidding, but are offered as a means of describing the needs of the Marmet Fire Department. Where brand names may be used, the words Aor equal@ are assumed to follow. All specifications are minimum requirements.

  1. Provide & install a new 40kW diesel generator for the Marmet Fire Department as follows:
  1. 40kVA, 240/120 volt, single phase 60 Hz with a 400 amp automatic transfer switch in a 3R enclosure
  1. Minimum specifications to include standby power 60Hz 1PH 240/120v, standby power application 02, 40 KVA W/Fan, NFPA 110 upgrade, UL Certification, 120 volt shore power, 60 Hz, 1800 RPM, 5 year/2500 hour standby ESC, weatherproof enclosure, common control panel, battery charger UL 10A, UL Listed fuel tank 24Hr, single 3 pole UL breaker, voltage adjust potentiometer, local alarm horn c/w mute, low fuel level alarm, low coolant temperature alarm, low coolant shutdown circuit, mech non-adjust gov, coolant heater, anti-condensation heater, 50% antifreeze mix, canopied silencer system, factory test report, 400 amp ATS, 2-year PM agreement, start-up by a certified technician
  1. Installation
  1. Include warranty details with bid documents

2.Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes:“No bid will be accepted or opened on any County contract if the vendor is listed on the last published list of delinquent real or personal property taxes in KanawhaCounty. However, the Commission will accept bids by vendors who provide satisfactory proof of payment of current taxes or

a certification from the Sheriff that no taxes are due prior to submission of said bid.”

3.Required Forms: Vendor shall complete and submit, or have on file with the County, a Vendor Registration and Disclosure Statement Form.

4.Once bids are unsealed, all bid documents become Public Record. The Marmet Fire Department reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any informality in bidding.