A.Business Application Systems

Current Status:

October / November / Percentage Change
90% were signed off as ready / 98% were signed off as ready / 8% increase
10% work in progress for completion before year end / 2% work in progress for completion before year end / 8% decrease

B.Process Control/Embedded Chip Systems

Current Status:

October / November / Percentage Change
90% were signed off as ready / 96% were signed off as ready / 6% increase
10% work in progress for completion before year end / 4% work in progress for completion before year end / 6% decrease

C.Communications Networks

The corporate data communications network is 100% compliant.

The corporate telephone network is 95% compliant, and will be fully compliant before year-end.

D.Computing Infrastructure

November:UNIX systems – 99% signed off as compliant (87% last report).

NT systems– 93% signed off as compliant (82% last report).

E.Desktop Equipment and Software

November:95% of desktop workstations are ready for Year 2000 (84% last report).


Implementation of plans to address Year 2000 issues in internal systems is on schedule.


Of the 417 required contingency plans, 48 remain as work in progress (62 as of last report). These are anticipated to be completed before December 1, 1999.


A.Strathcona Industrial Association (SIA)

The Strathcona Industrial Association (SIA) and City Council met on October 15, 1999 to further discuss Y2K compliancy and contingency planning at SIA member industrial installations. All member companies present indicated that their Y2K plans are on target.

B.Edmonton Police Service

The Edmonton Police Service has its own ongoing Year 2000 project in place. Consultants have been hired to assist EPS personnel in their efforts. Work is in progress to make mission critical (those essential to the continued operations of the business) information and communication systems Year 2000 compliant by the end of the year.

These systems include the following:

  • Computer Aided Dispatch System. Upgrade completed 1999 October 04.
  • Mobile Data Terminals. Work completed 1999 November 15.
  • Records Management System. Upgrade completed 1999 June 10.
  • Network Infrastructure. Work in progress with completion expected in December 1999.
  • Public Safety Radio System. Upgrade completed June 1999.
  • Telephone System. Upgrade completed August 1999.
  • 911 System. Deemed compliant (awaiting letter of compliance from TELUS).
  • Work is in progress to ensure all desktops within the service will be operable in the New Year and beyond. Consultants have been hired to assist in the upgrading and replacement of PC’s and software as well.


Since September 1998 and to the present, the Y2K Consequence Management Group (comprised of City of Edmonton Departmental representatives and personnel from the Edmonton Police Service, EPCOR, ATCO Gas, TELUS and the Capital Heath Authority) has been meeting regularly and has identified and discussed potential impacts should any Y2K issues arise. The efforts of this group have either complemented the work performed by the City’s Y2K Task Force (information technology) or have resulted in plans for potential impacts in the community external to the Corporation.

A number of preventive measures have been identified and include:

  • Year 2000 risks have been identified, categorized and ranked in terms of likelihood of occurrence and impact.
  • Year 2000 contingency and consequence management plans include appropriate detection and/or monitoring measures. This was also extended for issues related to the celebratory side of December 31, 1999 (New Years Eve).
  • Due consideration has been given to legal, regulatory and industry requirements.
  • Consequence Management plans address relevant portions of the City’s Municipal Emergency Plan as well as linked with applicable external organizations.
  • A Y2K Final Checklist has been developed and will be used as a guideline in ensuring that all relevant and required information has been gathered and is current.
  • The Corporate Communications “Following the Sun” contingency plan identifies formal media monitoring mechanisms and linkages with established official agencies (i.e. Y2K Alberta), and will provide advance notice to identified City of Edmonton officials of any impending issues that need to be addressed, or existing plans that need to be modified. Applicable media releases and public communications will be issued at appropriate times.
  • A number of reception centres has been identified in various locations in the City. These centres will be activated and locations made known only if significant Y2K issues arise.
  • The EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) as well as various operational control centres will be minimally but applicably staffed on December 31, 1999. Plans for these facilities are flexible to provide expansion and inclusion of stand-by personnel should Y2K problems arise. They also include procedures to downscale staffing if the preliminary reports indicate minimal or no Y2K problems will occur.
  • These plans will be relevant for the post-millennium period transition to also address the February 29, 2000 leap year critical date.

Since the last reporting period, Y2K presentations have taken place with representatives from 65 invited social service agencies on November 2, 1999 and with approximately 100 City of Edmonton Management Association members on November 18, 1999. Presentations will take place with the Kiwanis Club of Edmonton and the Critical Incident Stress Peer Group in the latter part of November and early part of December.


Current Activities Update

Some communication activities taking place after submission of the October report were:

  • A 12-page information insert on Year 2000, prepared with Y2K Alberta partners, ran in the Edmonton Journal and the Calgary Herald on October 10. It was also advertised and made available in rural communities during the week of November 8.
  • Videon Cable Television taped the October 6 public information session and a summary has been aired several times in recent weeks as part of Videon’s community programming.

  • An information meeting was held November 2 with many of the helping agencies that work with disadvantaged groups in the community. The meeting included a discussion and sharing of support materials that would help agency clients prepare for emergencies.
  • On-request information sessions to groups continued, with a presentation to the Downtown Business Association.
  • The Citizen Action Centre continues to take calls, answer questions and make referrals for citizens with questions about Year 2000. Calls have been moderate but steady at about 30 per month since May.
  • The City's Internet Y2K site traffic has levelled off at approximately 1,500 per month since being launched in February this year.
Activities for November and December

The Communications Branch will continue to respond to and work with community groups and organizations that have information needs. Information will continue to be available through the Citizen Action Centre, the Internet and by direct response where required. The intent is to be actively responsive in the coming weeks.

Employee communication efforts will also continue. Information packages have been prepared and will be distributed shortly for City staff who are required to work or are on standby the evening of December 31, 1999.

Communicating to the public through the media will become more of a focus in the coming weeks. Media information needs will increase as the end of the year approaches, and the City will be working co-operatively with the media to provide timely and accurate information to citizens.

Arrangements are being made to link to international sources with the intent to “follow the sun” as midnight is reached around the world. Therefore, on December 31, 1999 starting at 6:00 AM Corporate Communications staff will be scheduled to work and remain on watch, ready to respond appropriately, until after the New Year arrives in Edmonton.