Human Behavior
Mrs. O’Brien
Chapter 19 Project
Due: June9, 2017
Choose one of the following activities listed below. Read all directions thoroughly and complete all parts of the project in order to earn the best grade possible. This project will count as 1 test/project grade for the 4th marking period.
- Research the antidepressant drug Prozac, which has been prescribed for millions of Americans since the early 1900’s. In a 5 to 7 paragraph essay (including an introduction and conclusion), discuss the following:
- What is the drug prescribed for?
- What claims do people who support the use of Prozac make about the benefits of the drug?
- What claims do critics of Prozac make?
- Why is the drug such a controversial method of therapy?
- What other interesting facts have you uncovered in your research?
A good paragraph is 5 to 7 sentences. Include a separate Works Cited page for your sources.
- Scientists are influenced by the social and cultural conditions of their time. Research how the social and cultural conditions of Sigmund Freud’s time influenced his ideas about the causes of psychological problems. Consider the following questions while conducting your research:
- How did Freud’s era differ from the present?
- How did conditions then influence Freud’s ideas?
Summarize your findings in a 2 to 3 page report, following MLA format. Include a separate Works Cited page for your sources (not part of the 2 to 3 pages for the report.)
- In addition to person-centered therapy, there are other types of humanistic therapy. Three of these are existential therapy, Gestalt therapy, and transactional therapy. Research these 3 types of therapy and write a compare/contrast essay explaining the similarities and differences. Review the components of a compare/contrast essay (See link at the end), which includes 5 paragraphs and contains an introduction and conclusion. A good paragraph is 5 to 7 sentences. Include a separate Works Cited page for your sources.
- With a partner, write a skit showing how a client and a person-centered therapist might interact. First, select a problem suited for person-centered therapy, based on your reading of the text. Then prepare the skit, writing dialogue and descriptions for body language and facial expressions that illustrate active listening and unconditional positive regard. Rehearse the skit, and then arrange to present it to the rest of the class. After the skit has been performed, conduct a discussion with the class by asking the students to identify examples of active listening and unconditional positive regard from the skit.