Stephenson Resource Centre (SRC)
Advice for Students
Opening Hours 8.00am to 5.00pm (Monday-Thursday) 8.00am to 4.00pm (Friday)
Areas R1 Resource= 24 Computers
Research Area = Study area
Fiction area = Reading area with comfy chairs and cushions
IT Assistance Mr Wiggs and Mr Ginaylo will assist with all IT issues. They are located in the office near the Fiction area.
AV Assistance Mr Cattafi will assist with all AV issues. He is located in the office near the Research area.
SRC Services to Students Mrs Hanna (Library Technician) will assist with catalogue, loans queries, photocopier, printing, stationery and general issues
Ms Parker (Teacher Librarian) will assist with classes, instruction in using SRC materials, policies, ordering and all other general issues.
Additional items Staplers, guillotine and private study carrels are available to assist with your projects. Chess, Scrabble, Rummy-O and UNO - games for relaxation. Tissues are available at loans desk.
Food policy Only Year 12 students may eat in the SRC. This is a trial during 2013.
Photocopying Students should bring $2.00 to add to their account to pay for private photocopying. Mrs Hanna will add this money to your account, and then you may photocopy using your student ID.
Printing Free. Print to the Library Xerox (for colour) and to the Library Kyocera (for black and white) located near central computers
School bags Please leave in front foyer on shelves.
Computers Computers are available for student use when not booked for classes.
Computer games Computer games are not permitted.
SRC Collections The SRC can be accessed through Kingsnet using the ipad or at home. You can also use the computers at the loans to access the catalogue if you are in the SRC.
The Resource listing (catalogue) is a one-stop shop to search for paper books (Fiction and Non-Fiction), Fiction ebooks, websites, clickview entries, DVD’s and Learning objects.
Other options on the SRC page are the Online bibliography generator, ANZRef Centre database of full text newspaper and magazine articles, ECHO database of points of view and newspapers references and Non-Fiction ebooks through EBSCO. These can be down loaded or browsed online.
Borrowing Paper Fiction and Non-Fiction and ebook Fiction can be borrowed for 2 weeks. Ebook Fiction automatically vanishes from the ipad. All items can be re-borrowed. ebook Non-Fiction is provided from a database and can be browsed or downloaded.