Chapter 1 Section 4



Each property should have a bulletin board or other designated area for posting notices which are required by management, federal, state, and local authorities.


1)The following must be framed and hung so that they are clearly visible in the Leasing Office:

a)Equal Housing Opportunity Logo and Poster (Fair Housing Poster HUD 928.1)

2)The following must be displayed on the Bulletin Board in the leasing office or outside in common area near leasing area in visible view:

a)Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP)

b)Resident Selection Guidelines (form C-6)

c)Resident Grievance Procedure (form A-1)

d)504 Grievance Procedure (if applicable)

e)Rent Collection Policy (form A-3)

f)Current rent schedule (HUD 92458)

g)Community Rules and Regulations (form F-14)

h)TDD Relay Number

i)Cleaning & Damage Charge Guidelines (form F-15)

j)Current Area Income Limits

k)Business License (if applicable) or any State or Local Requirements (i.e., Brokers' Licenses)

l)Resident Rights and Responsibilities Pamphlet (form F-7)

m)Income and Rent Fact Sheet (form F-8 or F-9 depending project type)

n)EIV and You Brochure (form F-24)

o)Procedures for handling evictions

p)Copy of current lease

q)504 Self-Assessment Transition Plan (form A-2)

r)Resident Energy Conservation Tips (form M-9)

s)Notice of Occupancy Rights Under VAWA (Form C-18 program specific)

t)Emergency Transfer Plan for VAWA (Form H-8)

3)The following must be displayed on a professionally made sign outside the Leasing Office near the front door:

a)Sign stating NO CASH kept on property

b)Office Hours (form A-4)

c)Emergency Telephone Numbers

d)TDD Relay Number (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf)

4)The following must be displayed and accessible to all employees:

a)Minimum Wage Poster

b)OSHA Poster

c)Polygraph Protection Notice

d)Equal Employment Opportunity Poster

e)Worker's Compensation Poster

f)Unemployment Insurance poster

g)South Carolina Labor Law

5)A copy of the elevator license, if applicable, must be posted in each elevator cab or a statement referring to the license made available for review in the rental office.

6)Boiler certificates, if applicable, must be posted in the boiler room.

7)Outside the front door, prominently displayed will be a plaque that will read as follows:

This Property is Professionally Managed by:

NHE, Inc.

401 Harbison Blvd., Suite 3

Columbia, SC 29212


NHE, Inc. Human Resource person is responsible for ordering of the required posters and getting them to your properties. If you do not have a current poster please contact NHE’s Human Resource department. As a note, all federal and state required posters can be obtained from the South Carolina Department of Labor and Licensing by calling 1-803-896-4300 and requesting a complete set of labor law posters. These posters change as federal and state laws are updated.

Chapter 1, Section 4 Posting Required Notices May 2017

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