Tuesday 23rd May 2017

Who was here:

Ian Penfold (co-chair, carer rep) / Marcia Lawman (co-chair, PB rep)
Linzi Holt (Liaise Loddon) / Kate ford (the care division)
Amanda Kent (Speakeasy) / Richard Dean
Anthony / Tania Peckham (HCC)
Stuart Vail (HCC) / Alison Cooper (Parity for disability)
Ann Barker (Parent/carer) / Geoff Belsham (Basingstoke Mencap)
Jo Willis (HCC) / Laura Timms (HCC)
Rosemary Goodrich (parent/carer) / Melissa Kerwood (HCC)
Maria Wells / Krista Duke (Launchpad)
Kevin Millard / Kevin Gubbins
Ian Purves / Nicola Bishop
Florence Garland (minuting)

Apologies:Carl Manning, Marta Coates, Helga, Bernard, Cathy, Mo, Lee, Fi

Notes of the last meeting and matters arising

Page 8: short term team in addition to the CART Team in Fareham.

New contact number for CART: 0300 555 1386

Alison said that she had to wait 45 minutes. This is not acceptable.

Speakeasy has experienced some difficulty getting through the number and has fed back through the contract monitoring. There is also limited information on the referral form. Reports of 30 minutes wait. The duty email address has also gone.

Laura took notes.

LIG reps update – Marcia and Leon

more news needed in this area for this sort of meeting

LIG reps elections

LD plan review – looking at promises

Farnborough Launchpad – helping the LIG

Launchpad update

Launchpad is a model of day care provision, which was initially aimed at getting more able service users, from in-house day services, to being supported in the community by external provider services.

This process is part of the Hampshire’s Transformation agenda and in established Launchpad areas, new service users can be referred to Launchpad directly, or by the service user themselves using Direct Payments, instead of going via day services.

See Tania’s Launchpad guide circulated before the meeting.

Runways End:

Subsidised activities using funds from the Mallards Charity which is closing down. Please speak to Stuart or Tania for further information.


  • Working with Loddon Enterprises, Aldershot Enterprise centre. Buildings links and developing further.
  • Garden activity – Alton services
  • Working with health/education to access services/courses through library. Note that Basingstoke does not fund courses any more. Yellow Space came to an end some time ago.
  • Trying to develop volunteering opportunities with HCC (casual position for people with learning disabilities to clean sensory room as an HCC employee)

- Kate Ford

The Care Division has been supporting people with learning disabilities in our local community since the year 2000 (Care Providers in Dorset, Southampton, Hampshire, Surrey and Kent). They have also taking a lead to innovate and use assistive technologies and are developing their own IT software solutions to ensure the quality of the service and the safety of clients and staff.

My Diary System Computer allows anyone supporting someone in real time. Service users can check systems, planning the week, records incidents, supports medication, allows to send notes to supervisor. There is also a video link. it is an interactive system which supports 350 people.

It is not fool proof but allows things to happen quickly. Staff and service users get trained. If the package for a service user is small, it can be added to own ipad or computer of they have one.

For more information, please email

Chapter 3 “Staying Healthy” – Ian Penfold

Ian has the task to review the Staying Healthy Chapter for the LD plan review. (Amanda has the task of reviewing the relationship chapter).

Ian has some notes and will report to the LD plan review meeting at half term.

We have added STOMP which is a health campaign to stop the over-use of psychotropic medication to manage people’s behaviour. An average of 30,000 to 35,000 people with a learning disability, autism or both are taking prescribed psychotropic medication without the appropriate clinical justification.

Other things:

Krista – bus passes Hampshire – Surrey. No coordination

Health – body image. Contact Public Health at HCC

Laura – due to restructure, the service manager for this area will from now on be Stuart Outterside who will also come to the LIG meetings from July. Laura will go to the Yellow LIG.

Are people aware of general elections? (Flo has since sent some information)

Amanda: no SAIL drop in North Hampshire/Andover. She has raised this issue with the commissioning team. The nearest ones are Winchester and Petersfield.

Dates for your diaries: 20 June 2017

The next meeting will be on 20 June2017Elizabeth Hall, Hook, 10.30 am to 12.30 pm latest


20 June (amended)

18 July (amended)

12 September

10 October

14 November

12 December

Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road, Hook RG27 9HH (room 4).
10.30 am to 12.30 pm
free parking