Folsom Middle/Vista del Lago
Naviance Family Connection
Naviance is a web-based college and career exploration tool. Naviance provides a number of resources in one place, including, but not limited tothe following:
§ Career and Personality Interest Inventories
§ Career Exploration including job descriptions, required education, salaries and skills.
§ College search options that can be tailored to your specifications (location, size, etc.), including links to college websites and information about admissions requirements and deadlines.
§ Tools for building your college list and managing your applications.
§ Scattergrams that show how you compare to other Vista students, in terms of GPA applying to a certain campus.
§ Searching for scholarships.
NAVIANCE FOR Incoming freshmen
START HERE: Once you have logged into your Naviance Family Connections account, you will see the “Courses Tab”. This tab will lead you to a task called Course Planner. This task will assist you in preparing for your four years as a Vista del Lago student.
o Log In/Click on Courses tab
o Click on: Manage my Course Plans
o Click on: Add a New Plan
o Click on: Create New Draft Plan
o Choose High School Graduation Plan
o Complete each graduation requirement
o Parent/Student Review, Print and Sign Plan
o Turn in with Registration Packet
Click on this link for additional assistance on completing the Course Planner.
IMPORTANT: The Course Planner is not a course registration form. The Course Planner is a tool to assist in planning your high school courses. You will have time to refine the plan throughout your four years. In addition, the “Scan your Plan” option is not yet functional.
Naviance can be accessed from the counseling home page by clicking on the Naviance icon.
Additionally, it can be accessed from the website:
Student Log in:
*Use current Powerschool log in
and password
Parent Log in:
*Click on “I need to register”
*Enter Registration Code:
Student ID# + MU for mother and DU for father (example: 111111MU or 111111DU)
what to expect from NAVIANCE at vista
Students will complete college and career inventories under the supervision of their advisory teacher. Students are welcome to explore all aspects of Naviance at any time.
and Counselors
The Counseling and Career Center will assign tasks through Naviance to assist students for course planning in high school and plans for their future. Counselors and teachers will use Naviance to write letters of recommendation.