- Format the following text and create a table
- Use your STATUS BAR to locate what line/column you should start on!
- Begin on line 5; column 1. (Hint: Status Bar gives you detailed info about line#, col#, etc.
- TABLE Notes: Each column should have a category name or heading (of which are listed and are identified in boldblue font color below). Categories should appear in the first row of your table.
- Show category headings in bold font style (use, Calibri, Comic Sans, or Times New Roman-size 14) Change the font color to your choice.
- Don’t worry if you have more items under one category versus another. When you are done center the table in the middle of the document.
- Your listed items are not bolded but are Font sixe 12. Meaning: Items describing categories are not in bold, but font size 12. Center, all categories and text in your table.
- Fill your CATEGORY headings in with a color shade. Make sure they contrast so that the words are legible and one can read them. They are not overpowered by a similar color where one cannot make out the heading. Ex. Animal.
Animal / Vegetable / Mineral and Computer
Hippopotamus / Potato
Corn / Emerald
The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business--or almost anywhere else for that matter. Lee Iacocca
- After the table Hit enter two times. Insert a Clip Art image that represents one of the categories or description of an item listed in your table. Hit enter one time.
- From the Paragraph Group on the Ribbon locate the icon /command to place a Bottom Border after the Image. Hint:______. Not Underline
- Hit Enter two times.
- Turn OFF: Bold, Italics if they are on. Change your font to Bookman Old Style and size to 22. Type the following: The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business--or almost anywhere else for that matter. Lee Iacocca
- Select the word ability. Format it with a wave/wavy underline from the Underline drop down menu. Hint: Font Group from the Ribbon.
- Select the word concentrate, then from the Font Group click on the Text Effect Icon and apply this effect(inside of the 1st dialog box that appears once you click on Text Effects command: “Outline – None- Accent 2”, Add the Glow effect and change the color (to your choice).
- Next select the word Time and apply a Reflection effect.
- Finally, select the word “SUCCEED” and apply a double underline feature.
- Go to line 7 Change the font to Arial and font size 14. Select the Center alignment from the Paragraph group and type the following word – COURAGE. Press tab twice (should be approximately column 10) now type the word ELEVATE.
- Press Enter twice which should put you on line 9 (approx.) From the View Tab, check the Ruler.
- Click on Align Left. Now you will create a bulleted list. (Bullet styles your choice). Change the font to Comic Sans -14 and Type the names of people that have been an effective or positive influence to your life.
- Press Enter twice: Type the phrase “Coming Soon!”Hit Tab 1 time, Add your name and profession or degree option: Font Style and color –your choice. (NOT too Big )
- Press enter twice. (You might have to readjust the margin-just move the tabs on ruler. Turn numbering on: List your (top 5) favorite person(s) of inspiration/influence, favorite TV series, Movie(s), or vacations taken (location) in order of significance. *Note: you can mix-match or choose one category (theme) with 5 items.
- Press enter twice.
- Tab twice between each entry to record the following document statistics: Word count, number of pages, #paragraphs, # of lines,Section, and Column#you have in document. Press Enter 1 time.
- Using the command from the Ribbon Insert the CURRENT Day, date, and time in this format: 7, February 2016. Now add the day and time: Tuesday 6:55 A.M, include two spaces between each entry or use the tab key for spacing. Now Highlight both 18 and 19 information and change to Font size 12.