Appendix E - Academic Staff: Original Contributions to Research (January to December 2007)

Beck, Hans — “The Early Roman Tradition.” in John Marincola, ed. A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography, Vol. I, Oxford: Blackwell’s Publishing, 2007, 259-266.

— co-editor of vol. 9 of the journal Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft, 2007.

— co-editor of Brill’s New Jacoby. — Beck, Hans: #173 Polybios, #186 Archias,

#187a Aisopos, #212 Ephoros the Younger, #222 Kyllenios, #224 Khor’obout, #819 Kleinias, #826 Rufus.

— Review of A. Chaniotis, War in the Hellenistic world. A social and cultural history (Oxford 2005), in Canadian Journal of History 42, 487-489.

Boulle, Pierre — Race et esclavage dans la France de l'Ancien Régime , Paris: Perrin, 2007. (Prix Littéraire Fetkann).

— "Les Africains, les Orientaux et l'esclavage en France au XVIIIe siècle," Les Cahiers des anneaux de la Mémoire, no. 10, Déc. 2007: 213-216.

Campbell, Gwyn — “Slavery and the Trans-Indian Ocean World Slave Trade: A Historical Outline,” in Edward Alpers & Himanshu Ray eds., Cross Currents and Community Networks. The History of the Indian Ocean World, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 273-291.

— “Female Bondage in Imperial Madagascar, 1820-95,” in Gwyn Campbell, Suzanne Miers & Joseph Miller eds, Women in Slavery. Vol.1: Africa, the Indian Ocean World, and the Medieval North Atlantic, Athens OH: Ohio University Press, 237-257.

— “Islam in Indian Ocean Africa Prior to the Scramble. A New Historical Paradigm,” in Edward Simpson & Kai Kresse eds, Struggling with History: Islam and Cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean, London: Hurst, 1-50.

— “Domestic Demand and Export Imperatives for French and Australian Wines: A Historical Overview,” in Gwyn Campbell & Nathalie Guibert eds, Wine, Society and Globalization. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Wine Industry, New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 153-178.

— “South Africa: Wine, Black Labor and Black Empowerment,” in Gwyn Campbell & Nathalie Guibert eds., Wine, Society and Globalization. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Wine Industry, New York: Palgrave Macmillan: 221-240.

— “Slave Trades: Indian Ocean,” in John Middleton and Joseph C. Miller eds, New Encyclopedia of Africa, 2nd ed., vol. 4, Belmont, California: Scribners/Thomson Gale, 432-436.

— “Madagascar and Western Indian Ocean, History of (Early to 1500),” in John Middleton and Joseph C. Miller eds, New Encyclopedia of Africa, 2nd ed., vol. 3, Belmont, California: Scribners/Thomson Gale, 445-447.

— “Slavery and Other Forms of Unfree Labour in the Indian Ocean World,” in Fórum ‘As mil faces da escravidão,’ in Revista de História da Biblioteca Nacional, Brazil, 3.26, 74-75.

— with Suzanne Miers & Joseph Miller, Women in Slavery. Vol.1: Africa, the Indian Ocean World, and the Medieval North Atlantic, Athens OH: Ohio University Press.

— with Nathalie Guibert, Wine, Society and Globalization. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Wine Industry, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.

— with Edward A. Alpers & Michael Salman, Resisting Bondage in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia, London: Routledge.

— with Nathalie Guibert, “The Impact of Globalisation on the Wine Industry” introduction to Gwyn Campbell & Nathalie Guibert eds., Wine, Society and Globalization. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Wine Industry, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-15.

— Review of Sugata Bose, A Hundred Horizons: The Indian Ocean in the Age of Global Empire Harvard University Press, 2006), in the American Historical Review 112. 4: 1140.

Clarke, Paula — “The Villani Chronicles” in Chronicling History: Chroniclers and Historians in Medieval and Renaissance Italy, S. Dale, A. Williams Levin and D. Osheim eds., University Park, Pennsylvania, 2007, 113-143.

Cowan, Brian — “New Worlds, New Tastes: Food Fashions After the Renaissance,” in Paul Freedman, ed. Food: The History of Taste, (California Studies in Food and Culture Series vol. 21), Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press; and London: Thames & Hudson, November 2007, 196-231.

— “Publicity and Privacy in the History of the British Coffeehouse” in History Compass, 5:4, 1180-1213.

— Review of Linda Levy Peck, Consuming Splendor: Society and Culture in Seventeenth Century England (Cambridge University Press, 2005), in Journal of Modern History 79:3 664-666.

— Review of John Barrell, The Spirit of Despotism: Invasions of Privacy in the 1790s (Oxford University Press, 2006), in Journal of British Studies 46:2 393-94.

— “Author’s Response” to a review of The Social Life of Coffee by William Clarence-Smith in Institute of Historical Research, Reviews in History, (Aug. 2007):

Delbourgo, James — “Underwater-works: voyages and visions of the submarine,” in Endeavour 31: 115-120.

— with Nicholas Dew, “Introduction: The Far Side of the Ocean” in J. Delbourgo and N. Dew eds Science and Empire in the Atlantic World, New York and London: Routledge Press, 1-28.

— “The Electric Machine in the American Garden,” in J. Delbourgo and N. Dew eds Science and Empire in the Atlantic World. New York and London: Routledge Press.

— and N. Dew, eds Science and Empire in the Atlantic World, New York and London: Routledge. Hardback and paperback editions.

Desbarats, Catherine — and Allan Greer “The Seven Years’ War in Canadian History and Memory,” in Warren Hofstra, ed. Cultures in Conflict: The Seven Years’ War in North America, Lanham and Plymouth: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007, 144-174.

— “Le principe de consentement en Nouvelle-France.” dans Bulletin d’histoire politique 15, (entrevue avec Jean-Philippe Warren): 117-126.

— Reviewof De Castelnau-L’Estoile, Charlotte et François Regourd, dirs., Connaissances et pouvoirs. Les espaces impériaux (xvie-xviiie siècles), France, Espagne, Portugal (Presses universitaires de Bordeaux) dans Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 61, été 2007: 95–98.

Dew, Nicholas — “Vers la ligne: Circulating Measurements around the French Atlantic”, in J. Delbourgo and N. Dew eds. Science and Empire in the Atlantic World, New York and London: Routledge, 53-72.

— with James Delbourgo, “Introduction: The Far Side of the Ocean”, in J. Delbourgo and N. Dew eds Science and Empire in the Atlantic World, New York and London: Routledge, 1-28.

— and J. Delbourgo, eds Science and Empire in the Atlantic World, New York and London: Routledge. Hardback and paperback editions.

Echenberg, Myron — Plague Ports: The Global Urban Impact of Bubonic Plague between 1894 and 1901, New York: New York University Press, 2007.

Elbourne, Elizabeth — “Religion in the British Empire” in Sarah Stockwell, ed., The British Empire: Themes and Perspectives, Oxford: Blackwells, 2007.

— “Southern Africa: 1500-1900””, in Bonnie G. Smith ed., The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Women in World History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

— Review : “Missions, colonialism and indigenous agency” review of Norman Etherington ed. Missions and Empire (Oxford University Press, 2005), in Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 33,40, 876-878.

— Review of Deirdre Coleman, Romantic Colonization and British Anti-Slavery (Cambridge University Press, 2005), in International Journal of African Historical Studies, 2007, vol. 40, issue 2, 379-381.

Fronda, Michael — “Hegemony and Rivalry: The Revolt of Capua Revisited,” in Phoenix 61.1-2, 83-108.

— “Cultural Politics”, review article of Craig Champion Cultural Politics in Polybius’s Histories in Ancient History Bulletin 19.3-4, 181-187.

— Review of Sheila Dillon and Katherine E. Welch, Representations of War in Ancient Rome (Cambridge University Press, 2006), in The Classical Bulletin 83.2 , 306-308.

Gagné, Renaud — “Inherited Guilt in E. R. Dodds,” in Quaderni di storia 67, 16-33.

— “Winds and Ancestors: The Physika of Orpheus” in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 103, 1-24.

Hellman, John — “Pétain to Sarkozy”, on (May 10. 2007)

— Review of Mona T. Siegel, The Moral Disarmament of France: Education, Pacifism, and Patriotism, 1914-1940 (Cambridge University Press, 2005), in The Historian 69 (1), 171-172.

— Review of Paul Christophe ed. Les carnets du cardinal Baudrillart:1928-1932 (les editions du cerf, 2003), in Catholic Historical Review, July 2007, 684-685.

Hoffmann, Peter — Stauffenbergs Freund. Die tragische Geschichte des Widerstandskämpfers Joachim Kuhn. Munich: C.H.Beck Verlag, 2007, 246 pp.

— Revised and expanded edition: Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. Munich: Pantheon, 2007, 716 pp.

— Second edition: Stauffenberg und der 20. Juli 1944. Munich: C.H.Beck Verlag, 2007, 104 pp..

— “Oberst i.G. Henning von Tresckow und die Staatsstreichpläne im Jahr 1943", in Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 55, 331-364.

Hundert, Gershon — “The Importance of Demography and Patterns of Settlement for an Understanding of the Jewish Experience in East-Central Europe,” in Steven T. Katz ed. The Shtetl:New Evaluations, New York: New York University Press, 2007, 29-38.

Krapfl, James — “The Diffusion of ‘Dissident’ Political Theory in the Czechoslovak Revolution of 1989.” in Slovo (London) 19, no. 2, 83-101.

LeGrand, Catherine — Review of John Soluri, Banana Cultures: Agriculture, Consumption, and Environmental Change in Honduras and the United States (University of Texas Press, 2005), in The Americas 64:2, 300-301.

Lévesque, Andrée — "Trois Grèves de mineurs au Québec: 1932, 1949, 1957", dans Les Cahiers de la Fonderie, Bruxelles, Hommage à Jean Puissant, XXXVI (June 2007), 36-43.

—Review of: Micheline Cambron, ed La Vie culturelle à Montréal vers 1900 ( Fides, 2005), dans Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française.

Lewis, Brian — Review of Michael De Nie, The Eternal Paddy: Irish Identity and the British Press, 1798-1882 (University of Wisconsin Press, 2004), in Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 32, 1, 83-4.

Lüthi, Lorenz — "The People’s Republic of China and the Warsaw Pact Organization, 1955-1963." in Cold War History 7/4, 479-494.

— "Sino-Soviet Split, 1956-1966." in Spencer C. Tucker ed., Encyclopedia of the Cold War: A Political, Social, and Military History. Santa-Barbara: ABC-Clio, 2007, 1153-1155.

— Review of Nixon in China, by Margaret MacMillan. H-Diplo


Miller, Carman — “Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott” in Real Belanger et Ramsay Cook eds., Les Premiers Ministres du Canada de Macdonald à Trudeau, Les Presses de l’Universite Laval, Quebec, 2007.

— “Bringing Our Heroes Home: Resistance, Riot and Mutiny among Canada’s South African Warriors”, in Craig Mantel ed , The Apathetic And The Defiant, Dundurn, Toronto, 71-91.

— Review of Joshua Smith Borderland Smuggling Patriots, Loyalists and Illicit Trade in the Northeast 1783-1820. in The New England Quarterly, December, 2007, 715-717.

Morton, Desmond— 6th edition of A Short History of Canada, Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2007.

— 5th Edition of A Military History of Canada, Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2007, 369pp.

— 5th Edition of Working People: An Illustrated History of the Canadian Labour Movement, Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007, 416pp.

— "Canadiens autochtones à la première guerre mondiale" dans Les Grandes guerres et conflits modernes, Paris, M. Bodin, november 2007.

— "Adolphe, Caron: Canada’s Successful War Minister", in Bernd Horn and Roch Legault eds, Loyal Service: Perspectives on French-Canadian Military Leaders, Kingston, Canadian Defence Academy Press and Toronto, Dundurn Group, 2007, 125-165.

— “Regional Differences: Canada’s Enduring Reality”, Russian Association for Canadian Studies Canadian Yearbook, no. 11, 2007, 114-121.

— Review of James H. Wood We Move Only Foward: Canada, the United States and the First Special Service Force, 1942-1944 (Vanvell Press, 2006), in the International History Review, XXIX, June 2007.

Morton, Suzanne — with Natalie Cooke “About the Novel” in Phyllis Brett Young, The Torontonians, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press [1960] 2007.

— “Introduction” with Natalie Cooke in Phyllis Brett Young, The Torontonians, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press [1960] 2007: xiii-xxxi

— “People, Places and Things” with Nathalie Cooke in Phyllis Brett Young, The Torontonians, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press [1960] 2007: 321-325.

Parsons, Laila – “The Druze and The Birth of Israel” in the 2nd edition of The War for Palestine, Cambridge University Press, 2007. (My article appeared in both editions).

— “Soldiering for Arab Nationalism: Fawzi al-Qawuqji in Palestine” in Journal of Palestine Studies, University of California Press, 36/4.

Partner, Nancy

— “Foreword: Medieval Presentism Before The Present” in Eileen A. Joy, et al. eds, Cultural Studies of the Modern Middle Ages, Palgrave, 2007, xi–xiii.

— “Medieval Histories and Modern Realism: Yet Another Origin of the Novel” [reprinted article] in Eileen A. Joy, et al. eds, Cultural Studies of the Modern Middle Ages, Palgrave, 2007, 121–133.
— “Postmodernism and History” in Sue Stuard, Margaret Schaus, Tom Izbeki eds, Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, Routledge, 2007.

— “History and Psychoanalytic Theory” in Sue Stuard, Margaret Schaus, Tom Izbeki eds, Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, Routledge, 2007.

Richardson, Thomas Wade — “Petroniana,” in Mousaion (Journal of the Classical Association of Canada), 51, 1, 27-52.

Rudy, Jarrett — “La fabrication culturelle d’un cigare à Montréal au tournant du vingtième siècle” dans Catherine Ferland, dir Tabac & fumées. Regards multidisciplinaires et indisciplinés sur le tabagisme, XVe - XXe siècle, Quebec: Presses de l’université, 2007.

— “Introduction. Approches matérialiste et symbolique dans l’historiographie de la culture populaire au Québec” in special issue of Globe: Revue internationale d’études québécoise, vol.9 no.2.

Studnicki-Gizbert, Daviken — with Marcia Norton “Imperial Rivalries and Commercial Collaboration: Portuguese and English Merchants and the Formation of an Atlantic Tobacco Trade.” in Peter Mancall, ed, The Atlantic World and Virginia, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press – Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2007, 1550-1624.

Szapor, Judith — “From the private to the political sphere: The history of Hungarian women in politics, from the beginnings to 1945,” in Mária Palasik ed., Women in Public Life, Budapest: Napvilág, 2007, 227-259.

— with Andrea Petö “The state of women’s and gender studies in Eastern Europe – The case of Hungary” in Teresa Fernández-Acenes and Karen Hagemann eds, Gendering trans/national historiographies; Selection of papers for the History Practice Section of the Journal of Women’s History, Spring 2007, vol. 19, no. 1, 160-166.

— Review article: “A Modern-Day Antigone; Júlia Rajk and the 1956 Revolution,” in Hungarian Studies Review, vol. XXX, no. 2.

— Review of Rosemary Sullivan, Villa Air-Bel; World War II, Escape, and a House in Marseille, in Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Vol. 5, no. 1.

Tone, Andrea — “Tranquilizers on Trial: Psychopharmacology in the Age of Anxiety,” in Andrea Tone and Elizabeth Siegel Watkins eds, Medicating Modern America: Prescription Drugs in History, New York: New York University Press, 2007, 156-179.