Winmau World Masters
Procedure for England Play-offs
The England Winmau World Masters Play-offs will be held in four locations in the North and South of England.
The competition will be for Men, Ladies, Boys and Girls
All local play-offs for this event must be completed by the 1st July . In response to request from counties we have organised that the regional play-offs will be carried out over the weekend 21st /22nd July 2012 in the North , Midlands , South East and South West Venues for these events will be communicated shortly.
The Finals of the Wimau World Masters will be played in Hull 12th to 14th October 2012.
All Counties must send in the draw sheets for your play off’s
Each County is entitled to hold a play-off for all its members
Each County may send up to 4 Men, 4 Ladies, and 4 Youth Girls and 4 Youth Boys to the England National Play-off Finals which will be sponsored by Winmau and England Darts
The cost of entry for 2012 is as follows: -
Youth events: £3 (it is at the counties discretion if they charge more than the £3 entry fee required to cover any costs they may incur).
A £5 entry fee for Men’s and Ladies events will be charged ( per player playing in the County play off), payment and draw sheets should be forwarded to the EDO (it is at the counties discretion if they charge more than the £5 entry fee required to cover any costs they may incur).
The Four Venues for the England National Play-Off Finals will be published as soon as they are known.
Playing Format:
501 best of 3 sets 3 legs a set for the Men.
501 best of 7 legs for the Ladies.
501 best of 5 legs for the Youth
All draws for the England Play-offs will be carried out in the following way:-
The four regional play-offs will provide the number of qualifying players allowed by the British Darts Organisation from the England Darts Organisation.
1) Each county taking part will supply a list of the players for each event (Men’s, Ladies Girls and Boys) in random order and numbered them from 1 to 4) on the draw entry forms supplied by England , see appendix A
All late entries and entries sent without correct entry fee will be declared Void
Play-off information will be issued to officials and posted on the England Web Site @
2) There will be a random drawn, where players from the same county are involved they will be split into separate groups to ensure that the players cannot play each other until later stages of the competition..
4) England will make a contribution towards the travelling and an accommodation cost for qualifier’s who reside more than 100 miles (by the most direct route) from the Venue of the Winmau World Masters Finals. (This contribution may not cover the total travel cost)
Contact Name:-…………………………
Phone Number: - …………………………E-Mail:- …………………………………
Number of Entries in County Play-Offs. Men’s………. Ladies……… Youths……….
Entry Fee enclosed: - £…………….
Please make payable to England Darts Organisation Ltd
Please List County Play-off Qualifiers:-
Men’s / Name / Telephone No.Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Ladies / Name / Telephone No.
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Boys / Name / Telephone No. / Date of Birth
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Girls / Name / Telephone No. / Date of Birth
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Completed Form and entry fees must be sent to:
Vic Sexton - 5 Newfield Road, Newhaven, Sussex. BN9.9ND.
Tel/Fax: 0127-351-5749 Mob: 0771-324-9155
Contact Name:-…………………………
Phone Number: - …………………………E-Mail:- …………………………………
PLEASE LIST County Players previously qualified through other events:-
Name / MALE FEMALE YOUTH / Telephone No. / Qualifying EventCompleted Form and entry fees must be sent to:
Vic Sexton - 5 Newfield Road, Newhaven, Sussex. BN9.9ND.
Tel/Fax: 0127-351-5749 Mob: 0771-324-9155
EDO PRO 04Page 1 of 3
Issue Date: February 2012
Issue No. 5