Student 1: Hey! So I just found this super cool dress. It’s all purple and sparkly.
Student 2: Oh my gosh, really?
Student 1: yeah.
Student 2: I reckon it’s gonna look beautiful on you!
Student 1: So, what did you find?
Student 2: I found this new blue dress with….
Student 3: Yeah it’s so pretty.
Student 1: What?
Student 2: Ahhh!
Student 1: She has two new voice messages. That’s weird even for me.
Off Screen: *Scream*
Student 1: That’s loud? go find her.
Student 3: Get down!
Student 2: Sorry! I don’t even know what you want from me!
Student 3: Well you see. I used to be a nice young one until you came along. Your parents took everything I have. Now I will take you. Muwahahahaha!
Student 2: You’re not getting away with this and you ugh… let me go! Let me go!
Student 3: Stop wiggling! Let me go get my knife. Bye-bye my pretty.Muwahahahaha!
Student 1: Where is she? I am so tired. Wait. What is that sound? Rai! Where’s the key?
Student 3: I’m coming!
Student 1: The door isn’t opening. I don’t know how to get you out. She’s coming in. I don’t know how to get you out!
Student 3: Where’s my key?Hmm… Hah!
Student 3: Hey give me back my knife!
Student 2: Get the piece of wood!
Student 2: Quick, untie me! Oh oh, that’s not good.
Student 3: Hey give me my key! Stop hitting me!
Student 2: Okay, come on let’s go.
Student 1: Bye-bye Mike! Ugly!
Student 3: Grrrr! Wait… really I’m a villain seriously, it’s the first trick in the book.
© School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 2017
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