Curridge Residents’ Association
Open Meeting Minutes
8pm on Tuesday 21st October 2014
WI Hall, Curridge
Chris Cholmeley - Chair
Committee members present: Chris Cholmeley (Chair), James Pryor (Treasurer), Jenni Collins (Secretary), Diana ffrench, Kathy Titcombe, Rob Crispin, Kirsti Murray
• APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: June Friend, Janice Bridger, Cyril Wood
Apologies accepted
Chris Cholmeley outlined the aims, format, attendance and conduct during CRA Meetings.
Minutes were reviewed, agreed and signed off as a true and accurate representation of the committee meeting.
• Treasurer’s Report (James Pryor)
A) Current balance is just under £1100
B) The CRA has gratefully received a grant from Chieveley Parish Council, of £250
C) James has reviewed the costs of meetings, events and the website to understand more about how the previous (2013 & 2014) grants have been spent. Following this review it was agreed to apply for a reduced grant of £200 for 2015.
D) Ideas to spend the remaining grant including new website functionality, photography, a push to obtain more email addresses from residents and leaflets. ACTION JC to explore.
E) The new signatories form has now been approved by HSBC.
• Parish Council update – R Crispin
A) Winter Service Plan – This will be no different from 2013. Curridge Road is still not a priority but there are now two salt bins. No shovels are provided, and CRA should check the bins regularly and notify the Clerk of the Parish Council if they need refilling. ACTION All
B) HGVs on Curridge Road - There are still problems with HGVs using Curridge Road to gain access to Rookery Farm. If any resident sees HGVs using the road they should contact the Highways Department at West Berkshire Council.
C) Old Kiln Quarry Reinstatment – The Parish Council are still pursuing this, as well as the flooding on the footpaths.
D) Dog Litter Bin – This has been installed on Crabtree Lane near the Curridge Road Junction.
E) Super Fast Broadband – Hermitage Exchange is due to be upgraded within six months with super fast fibre optic broadband. Residents can check the BT website for further updates (
F) Consultation on Traveller Sites – The application for a Traveller site in Oare has not been accepted by WBC. The site at Furze Hill has not been recommended by the Planning Officer at West Berks Council.
G) Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment – One site in Chieveley has been recommended for housing. It is possible that the settlement boundary of Curridge will be reviewed in West Berkshire Council’s next DPD, changing the boundaries to make possible sites available for housing development. Residents and the CRA need to be aware of the upcoming consultation and respond appropriately.
H) Flooding – Rob Crispin met with a WBC Engineer and looked at flooding issues at Carbrook. The engineers have emptied the gullies, and cleared the pipes and soakaways. Another soakaway and drainage channel have also been proposed. The Engineer believed that the flooding at Curridge Piece could be due to debri in the culvert and felt a grating at the end of the pipe might help to alleviate the problem. The gulley leading to the culvert is also full of litter. However this is MOD property. WBC are pursuing this.
If residents do have a problem with flooding, or any Footways or Public Footpaths, they are asked to contact West Berks Council via the ‘Report a Problem’ facility.
I) Priors Court Road Crossing –The significant amount of work on the HSA DPD Consultation has taken precedence over this matter within the PC.
ACTION Jenni Collins to write to Clerk of the Parish Council of the following point – Priors Court Road Crossing - so it can be raised at the next meeting.
• curridge cheer – 14th December 11am – 1pm
A) Organisation for the Curridge Cheer Christmas Event was discussed
B) Possible activities include:
a. Mince pies and mulled wine
b. Icing biscuits
c. Santa wishlist – arts and crafts
d. Sleeping Santa Grotto
e. Competition for the best decorated Wishlist
f. Music
g. Craft Stalls
h. Mug Cakes
i. Fancy Dress
C) Chris Cholmeley, Jenni Collins, Kirsti Murray, Diana ffrench, James Pryor volunteered to run the event
D) A further meeting has been set for the 28th October
E) There was a discussion over whether an alcohol licence would have to be sought, and whether an entry fee would be required. It was decided that no entry fee would be charged, therefore a licence was not required.
F) Dates need to be confirmed with the WI and their involvement discussed ACTION CC/JC
G) A professionally printed leaflet was discussed to send to residents for the Curridge Cheer, Clean up and 2015 CRA Meetings. This could also capture email addresses ACTION JC/KM
• clean up curridge – 16th November 10am – 12pm
H) Dates need to be confirmed with the WI ACTION CC/JC
I) Litter pick kits need to be requested from Sue Tarn @ WBC ACTION CC
J) Disclaimer forms and village areas to be confirmed. ACTION CC/CW
K) Chris has offered to take all the rubbish to the tip at the end of the event.
L) A prize for the most unusual piece of rubbish was discussed.
M) Curridge High Vis vests could be a good incentive ACTION KM to investigate
N) Event needs to be publicised (via leaflets and website) ACTION JC
O) Bacon Butties/Refreshments were discussed. ACTION KM to purchase bacon etc
P) Volunteers are needed to stay at the hall on the day – Helen Cholmeley, Jenni Collins, Kirsti Murray
Q) ACTION DF to purchase bulbs to be handed out at the event. ACTION CC to order paper bags.
A) Andy Hanrahan has agreed to be the Clerk and Treasurer of the Trustees. Paperwork will be prepared for the meeting in January.
B) Trustees are aware of the state of the Playground, and are thinking about how to clean it up and sustain its uses as per the Management Plan
C) There is a willingness from District Councillor Hilary Cole to make a member bid for extra funding to be procured if there is a plan
A) School Lights – These are not working. Discussion centred over who raises this issue, and the history of the lights. ACTION – CRA to write to Curridge School, copying the WI, then follow up with WI and WBC if no action is taken.
B) Website – There is a need for all members of the CRA to notify Jenni of any events/local businesses to be added to the directory. ACTION ALL
C) Email list – COG list to be added email list ACTION KM/JC
• MEETING CLOSE – 9.30pm
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 17th March 8:00pm WI Hall
ACTION J Collins to book hall and publicise