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Human Resources / EFFECTIVE DATE:
Personal Cell Phone Use / SUPERSEDES NUMBER:


To ensure the highest level of service at BurgessHealthCenter to our patients, families and fellow employees we must ensure proper use of personal cell phone use while at work. This policy is intended to to limit the excessive use of and provide guidelines for the use of personal cell phones and other electronic communication devices while on duty.


Level 1 policy affecting all employees.


It is the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources to ensure compliance with this policy.


A.For employees working in public areas, personal cell phones must be turned to silent or on vibrate during an employee’s shift. Personal cell phone use, including texting,talking and texting is prohibited in and when:

  1. Employee is punched in and on the clock, not on lunch or a break.
  2. Public areas of BHC or areas with direct public observation, including any business offices, clinics and nurse’s station.
  3. Any clinical patient service area including lab, x-ray, physical therapy, cardiac rehab or any clinical exam rooms.
  4. There is not a legitimate business need.
  5. It is not approved by your immediate supervisor.

B.BurgessHealthCenter recognizes that use of personal cell phones and other electronic communication devices may be needed. Use of these technologies is restricted in the following circumstances and conditions:

  1. Technologies of any kind cannot be used for discriminating, harassing, or obscene communications, chain letters, solicitation for outside interests, or other purpose as this is illegal or against other hospital policies.
  2. Technologies cannot be used in any way that may violate the privacy of our patients.
  3. Camera phones may not be used to photograph, film or video any person, document, or activity that in any way involves BHC, employees of BHC, patients, visitors, or any other individual with whom BHC is doing or intending to do business in any capacity.

C.Cell phones may be used for personal business, only during breaks and lunch periods in designated break areas, including the nursing break rooms, clinic break rooms, outside the facility and other private areas not occupied by patients and/or families.

D.While driving a vehicle for work purposes, BHC discourages using a cell phone without a hands-free device . BHC prohibits sending or receiving texts while operating a vehicle for work purposes.

E.In the event of a serious situation that would warrant the availability of a cell phone, approval by your immediate supervisor, in advance is required.

F.When personal calls disrupt workflow and/or productivity of the department, disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including termination.

Policy/Procedure # 837.1295.0

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This policy is issued by the Human Resources Department and recommended for approval by:

Erin Brekke
Director of Human Resources
This policy has been reviewed by:
Lori Jensen
Admin/HR Assistant
This policy has been approved by:
Fran Tramp

Policy/Procedure # 837.1093.3