AP Computer science principles
BobJonesHigh School / Teacher: / Jennie Rountree650 Hughes Road / Email: /
Madison, AL 35758 / Phone: / 256-772-2547 ext. 80216
I. Course Description: / This course is designed to introduce students to the central ideas of computing and computer science *, to instill ideas and practices of computational thinking, and to have students engage in activities that show how computing and computer science change the world. We will explore the history, impact and ethical implications of computing in today’s world. Students will develop critical thinking, logic and problem solving skills as they create computer programs and applications using a variety of tools.
NOTE: “Becoming an effective problem solver is an important skill for our students to master. And, just as important is developing strong interpersonal skills. Our students must be able to communicate effectively with human beings as well as with their computers. They should be able to effectively communicate with technical and non-technical colleagues.” (Computer Science Teachers Association) With this in mind, a significant portion of this course involves research and writing.
* The Seven Big Ideas of Computing:
1. Computing is a creative activity.
2. Abstraction reduces information and detail to facilitate focus on relevant concepts.
3. Data and information facilitate the creation of knowledge.
4. Algorithms are used to develop and express solutions to computational problems.
5. Programming enables problem solving, human expression, and creation of knowledge.
6. The Internet pervades modern computing.
7. Computing has global impacts.
Ia. Course Requirements: / Prerequisite: Geometry.
II. Course Objectives: / The student will develop a broader understanding of the value of computer science and computational thinking and its application in today’s world.
III.Classroom Expectations: / 1. Be in class on time, seated in your assigned seat, and dressed appropriately.
2. Do not bring food, drink, or gum into the classroom.
3. Keep your chair at your computer unless you have permission to move.
4. Turn around and pay attention during lectures and class discussions with monitors OFF.
5. Be respectful of the teacher, each other, and all classroom property.
6. Remain on task until your assignment is done and marked as complete.
If you break a rule or conduct yourself in a manner that disrupts instruction or is disrespectful, you will be disciplined according to the severity of the crime. Action taken will include but not be limited to verbal warning, parent phone call, parent conference, and/or discipline referral.
IV.BJ Grading Policy: / The nine-weeks grade will be based on the following:
1. Tests/Quizzes/Projects * 70%
2. Daily Exercises 20%
3. Participation 10%
* 3 major projects will be completed (1 in teams and 2 individually)
V. BJ Make-up Test Policy: / If you are absent, it is your responsibility to consult me to see what you have missed. All work missed on the day(s) of the excused absence(s) must be made up within three school days after returning to school. If you missed a test or quiz, see me to schedule a day at 7:30am for you to take the make-up test/quiz. If you need additional assistance, please see me ahead of time to arrange a time before school. ALL assignments are due within 3 days of the final deadline for any credit. Please refer to deadlines in Edmodo or ask Mrs. Rountree for specific dates.
VI. Text and Other Resources Used: / App Inventor website and resources
Snap! Website and resources
Dev-cpp software found at
Other online tutorials and readings as needed or assigned
VII. Materials and Supplies Needed: / Pencil, paper, inquiring mind
VII. AP Exam: / The written portion of the AP exam will be administered on Friday, May 5, 2017 at 12:00 pm. The two performance tasks for the portfolio will be completed and uploaded to the following site:digitalportfolio.collegeboard.org and sign in using your AP college board account. If you do not have an account, you can create one.
- Each student will be assigned to a computer on the first day of class. You may NOT change computers without permission from me or let another student access your computer. If your computer is not working correctly, you must inform me and I will reassign your seat until the problem is fixed.
- If any inappropriate activity or vandalism occurs at your assigned computer during that class period, it will be presumed that YOU are responsible.
- If, at the beginning of class, you discover a problem with your computer, you must immediately let me know. Otherwise, YOU will be held responsible.
- Any computer vandalism (software and/or hardware) will result in a loss of computer privileges for an indefinite period of time and a discipline referral will be issued.
- In the past, certain offenses that have been deemed by the administration and/or technical staff as harmful to the system network or as a potential security risk have resulted in removal of the responsible student(s) from the class and from ever accessing a computer at Bob Jones again.
- If you are not sure about what is considered appropriate, check with me BEFORE you act!
- The academic misconduct policy of the school will be followed in this course.
- The attendance policy of the school will be followed for this course.
- All requests for accommodations, for this course or any school event, are welcomed from students and parents.
- Any student who receives a failing grade during this course is urged to discuss this with the teacher.
Unit 1 - Introduction to CS Principles (Creativity, Global Impact, Algorithms, Programming, Abstraction, Data and Information)
Guiding questions:
- How has the amount of data that we have access to guided businesses and individuals when making decisions?
- How has social media affected our lives?
- How do we use algorithms to guide us in problem-solving?
- What are some abstractions that we encounter in our everyday lives and how are abstractions related to computer science?
- What is abstraction?
- Impact of computing innovations on our lives
- Impact of big data on our lives
- What is an algorithm?
- What is a program?
- Using Code.org’s Hour of Code to create a first program
Unit 2 - Global Impact and Ethics (Creativity, Global Impact, Abstraction, Data and Information)
Guiding questions:
- How do I identify credible online sources?
- What are the ethical implications of current technologies?
- What are the factors that make an Explore artifact effective?
- What are the positive and negative impacts on society of the computing innovation in the mock explore PT?
- How does this innovation use data?
- Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
- Effective research strategies and sources
- How to create an artifact
- Evaluation of artifacts
- Selecting a recent computing innovation
- Mock Explore PT
Unit 3 - Digital Information (Abstraction, Data and Information)
Guiding Questions:
- What are the major components of a computer?
- How does abstraction relate to computer hardware?
- Why do computers use binary to represent digital information?
- How can you convert numbers between binary, decimal, and hexadecimal form?
- What are some uses for binary and hexadecimal representations of numbers?
- How are digital images represented in a computer?
- What is the purpose of compression?
- What is the difference between lossless and lossy compression?
- How can text be represented in many file formats?
- What is metadata?
- How does a Computer Work?
- Hardware and Abstraction
- Introduction to Binary Numbers
- Number Conversions- Convert among Binary, Decimal, and Hexadecimal Number Systems
- Text Compression
- Image Representation
- BW vs. RGB Representation
- Data Compression
- File Formats- .txt, .PDF, .doc
- Metadata
Unit 4 - Explore Performance Task: Explore—Impact of Computing Innovations
After completing Unit 3, students will complete through-course assessment Explore—Impact of Computing Innovations (8 hours in class). [CR3]
[CR3] — Students are provided the required amount of class time to complete the AP Through-Course Assessment Explore - Impact of Computing Innovations Performance Task.
Unit 5 - Developing Algorithms (Creativity, Abstraction, Algorithms)
Guiding questions:
- How do computers put things in order and find things in a list?
- Why do we need algorithms?
- What are the key factors to consider when designing and evaluating an algorithm?
- How can pseudocode and flowcharts assist in problem-solving?
- Designing Algorithms
- Linear and Binary Searching
- Selection and Insertion Sorts
- Properties of an effective algorithm
- Pseudocode and flowcharts
Unit 6 - Block Programming and Abstraction (Creativity, Abstraction, Algorithms, Programming)
Guiding Questions:
- How do computer programs implement algorithms?
- What is block based programming?
- Which mathematical and logical concepts are fundamental to computer programming?
- How can we use of conditionals, loops, and variables to improve the design of a program?
- How do conditionals, loops, and variables allow for more complexity in programs?
- How do people develop and test computer programs?
- How do programmers collaborate?
- Intro to Block Programming in Snap!
- Creating a Maze Game
- Input & Output
- Conditionals and Boolean Logic
- Loops and Variables
- Partner Programming- Extending the Maze Game
- Program Presentations
Unit 7 - The Internet (Creativity, The Internet, Global Impact)
Guided Questions:
- What is the Internet, how is it built, and how does it function?
- How does communication occur over the Internet?
- What are the functions of the main network devices?
- How do the characteristics of the Internet influence the systems built on it?
- What is the relationship between the size and speed of a network system?
- What are the beneficial and harmful effects of computing?
- Why are data and messages broken into packets?
- How is cyber security impacting the ever-increasing number of Internet users?
- What are the major security concerns when using the Internet?
- What makes a good encryption algorithm?
- Introduction to the Internet
- Vocabulary Graphic Organizer
- What is the Internet?
- How the Internet Works:
- Packet Switching
- Protocols
- IP Addresses and DNS
- Levels of Abstraction
- Cybersecurity
- What is at risk?
- Security related to Hardware & Software
- Cryptography
- Caesar Cipher
- Encryption
Unit 8 - Creating Digital Artifacts with Code (Abstraction, Algorithms, Programming, Global Impact)
Guiding Questions:
- What are the similarities and differences of blocks versus text based programming languages?
- How is abstraction used in programming?
- How does the use of abstractions affect the program development process?
- What is the appropriate use of data types?
- What are data type limitations in programming?
- Abstraction in Programming- Draw a Square
- Block Programming vs. Text-Based Language
- Introduction to Text-Based Language
- Syntax
- Input and Output
- Compiler
- Guessing Game
- Data Types
- Operators
- Conditionals & Boolean Expressions
- Loops & Variables
- Guessing Game and Abstraction
- Strings and List
Unit 9 - Performance Task: Create—Applications from Ideas
After completing Unit 8, students will complete through-course assessment Create—Applications from Ideas (12 hours in class). [CR4]
[CR4] — Students are provided the required amount of class time to complete the AP Through-Course Assessment Create - Applications from Ideas Performance Task.
Unit 10 - Big Data (Creativity, Global Impact, Algorithms, Programming, Abstraction, Data and Information)
Guiding questions:
- How has the amount of data that we have access to guided businesses and individuals when making decisions?
- What opportunities do large data sets provide for solving problems and creating knowledge?
- What are the societal impacts of data collection and analysis?
- What is the connection between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom?
- What is big data?
- Data innovations and how they use data
- Visualizing big data
- Finding patterns in big data
- Correlation vs. causation
- Data breaches
- Crowdsourcing
- The data, information, knowledge, wisdom (DIKW) pyramid
- Data use in your school
- Privacy in the age of big data
- Downloading public data into spreadsheets
I ______, received a copy of Mrs. Rountree’s syllabus for the 2016-2017 school year. I understand the rules and expectations and will do my best to succeed.
Student SignatureDate
Parent SignatureDate
Plagiarism Contract
I acknowledge that I have been instructed on the definition of plagiarism and the different types of plagiarism. Plagiarism, the act of stealing someone else’s ideas and/or words, is a very serious offense. It can take many forms, including but NOT limited to the following:
-Submitting someone else’s work as your own,
-Copying word for word from text without quotation marks and proper citation,
-Changing one or two words in the text,
-Copying images into your document without citation,
-And submitting someone else’s code as your own.
I also understand that if I plagiarize on an assignment that I will receive a 0 for that assignment.
Student Name: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent Name: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______
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