
Mr & Mrs. Bachman, Cathleen Summers, Elizabeth Lynch, Cathleen Summers, Mrs. Kiefer, Steve Hoy (Access for All), Pat Veesart (Coastal Commission), MRCA staff, City of Malibu Planning Dept. staff

MRCA presented proposed plans and alternatives for three areas: Lot I; East Sea Level Drive and the West Sea Level Stairs. All of their plans were limited to areas where they have clear legal rights and were designed to achieve the goals of meeting building code standards and achieving ADA compliance.

The plans were emailed out in advance, let me know if you did not receive them.

Lot I improvements:

MRCA proposes to replace existing stairs in place, same footprint. SCC easement would be used for landscaping only install a new gate, with a time lock – it would be open from sunrise to 1 hr past sunset and could be opened from the inside.

East Sea Level Drive:

MRCA presented three alternatives for ADA parking. All of the alternatives involve four parking spaces at the end of East Sea Level Drive. Given the physical constraints of the easement, the need for the fire trucks to have a 20’ wide drive and the requirements for the size for ADA spaces and associated walkways – all of the options involve relocation of some encroachments in the easement area.

Mr. Bachman raised the idea of having 2 ADA spaces on ESL and 2 on WSL. The problem with that approach is that it will be impossible to build ADA accessible access to the beach from the end of West Sea Level Drive.

There was no specific discussion about this, but the idea of periodically relocating the spaces also seems infeasible given the constraints of finding space to put the spaces at all.

MRCA is also proposing an overlook platform to be built on top of the riprap within the easement of East Sea Level Drive.

MIG (MRCA’s consultants) sent a letter telling MRCA that they thought they should provide access to the beach to comply with ADA. Future development of a ramp or lift that would allow disabled visitors to get to the sand will be investigated and proposed as a later phase project. MRCA will look into options.

West Sea Level Drive

MRCA is proposing improvements to the stairs at the end of West Sea Level Drive, in the same footprint, although there is about 7’ extension at the end to get a grade that complies with building codes.

The MRCA proposals do not deal with access to West Sea Level nor with parking along Broad Beach Rd.

There was an opportunity for all the parties to comment. MEHOA representatives did not have any comments at the time of the meeting, since this was their first opportunity to see the plans.

MRCA hopes to submit this to the City of Malibu to initiate the Coastal Development Permit process soon. There will be additional comment opportunities as that process unfolds. The City of Malibu confirmed with the attendees that MEHOA’s CDP application covers the gates but not Lot I and that MRCA’s application will not cover the gates – so the applications do not directly overlap.

I expect that MEHOA will have some concerns and comments about the parking on East Sea Level, but there really are serious constraints on what is possible given the requirements for those spaces.