Market Trading Terms & Conditions
Trader Membership Form 2017
Carefully read through this essential paperwork. You can scan and e-mail the completed form (the final page) and supporting (insurance) information to post to the Park Lane Centre address below.
We pride ourselves in quality control and our lease states we are to provide a ‘professional quality offer’ selling original hand crafted arts, crafts, home wares, clothing and produce at our markets. The first stage of being able trade involves completing the form below and sending it with evidence of your insurance (and, if a new trader, images of your work) through to us. Please note, unless you request otherwise, we may use these images for promotional purposes on our website, Facebook etc. We then confirm that it is ok for you to book on the markets and on the day of your first market will check the products you are selling are in-line with images supplied and as stated on this form, confirming that your goods are indeed original, hand-crafted/designed and are of the appropriate quality. In some cases we may ask to meet with you first to see some samples of your work.
To meet the trading approval criteria all traders need to fulfill the following:
- You have designed and created the product/produce yourselves or, you can prove you have designed the product yourselves.
- You are selling products on behalf of the original designer and have provided their clear written authorization to sell their original products to Artsmix Directors. Bought stock cannot be traded on our market.
- The products/produce meet any health & safety standards that Artsmix asks to be complied with, including CLP labelling for candles & melts and appropriate food hygiene certification for produce traders.
- What is being offered for sale is not likely to cause offense and does not promote or support any political cause.
- You have provided evidence of an in-date certificate of insurance.
Many traders use and have the ‘artist & air membership’ which provides adequate insurance cover and is currently under £40 for the year; we would however recommend you shop around for the insurance that is right for you. Food traders will need to have different adequate insurance and must forward food hygiene certificates.
Data Protection
- Any personal information we collect from you will be stored safely and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other applicable laws, it will solely be used to contact you regarding Artsmix Leeds Ltd events and will not be passed to any third party.
- You may ask us to cease sending marketing information at any time by e-mailing
- We reserve the right to cooperate with law enforcement officials in the investigationof alleged unlawful activities of our customers or relating to our customers. We will have no legal liability for such disclosures.
Market Trading Conditions
- Traders must provide evidence their Product Liability Insurance and must have this with them whilst trading.
- Traders must report to the Market Supervisor on arrival, who will confirm your stall allocation.
- Traders should arrive between 8:00 & 9:30 and must unload (from the left) and remove their vehicles from site promptly showing consideration for other traders and other vehicles needing access.
- Trading time is from when you are set up until 18.30. Traders must be set up and ready to trade by 10.45 and must not start packing up before 18.00. The market is held on a pedestrianized area in Leeds City Centre and vehicles are not allowed in this area between 10.30 and 19.00, this Traffic Restriction Order is enforced (through fines) by the Police and Council Officials – though if you can ‘hand-ball’ your stock off site you may depart by 6.30. Please note this Traffic Restriction Order does not fluctuate or change in the event of bad weather.
- Traders must contact the market supervisor in the event of absence or lateness, though please note the Council’s strict restrictions in terms of access times for the site, over which we have no control.
- Traders must display their company name and additional information such as your Returns Policy.
- Traders must clearly label and price all products, including CLP labelling for candles & melts.
- All products must meet Artsmix Leeds Ltd.’s quality standards and be a true representation of examples submitted to us for approval. Please inform us of any variations or new products prior to markets and take care not to in anyway replicate work being produced by fellow traders. We reserve the right to ask traders to remove any products not in keeping with the images sent to us, not of a high standard or products likely to cause offence. Please note ‘bought stock’ cannot be traded, unless it obviously compliments and is sold only with produced items, i.e. bought-in frames are fine for pictures, oil burners may be sold with self-produced scented oils, but could not be sold on their own. Please check first if in doubt.
- Traders must ensure a clean, tidy and well-presented stall is maintained at all times and must remove all litter/mess from their trading area before leaving.
- Smoking and the use of unsociable language are strictly prohibited whilst on your stall or in the immediate vicinity of other traders on the market. You must move off Albion Place to smoke.
- All electrical equipment used at events must comply with current legislation and have a valid Portable Appliance Test (PAT) Certificate. All equipment will be checked, and Artsmix Leeds Ltd. reserves the right to confiscate any equipment (for the duration of the market) that is found to be (or appears to be), defective, unsafe or disruptive. Please note, there is no access to on-site electricity, though silent generators can be used, as long as they are silent, do not give off fumes and do not get in the way of other traders or visitors.
- Traders must adhere to all health and safety regulations. Any trader refusing to comply with Health and Safety regulations will be asked to leave.
- Traders are wholly responsible for the safety and security of their own stock and personal possessions at all times – care should be taken with cash handling [money belts tend to be much safer than cash tins] and mobile phones.
- Traders are expected to treat each other and the market supervisor with respect at all times. Any disputes are to be strictly directed to the market supervisor.
- Artsmix Leeds Ltd reserve the right to refuse traders or their goods at any point if it is considered they are not being compliant with any of the above. In the unlikely event of this happening you have the right to ask for a director’s e-mail address, though for operational reasons it is unlikely any such dispute will be able to be resolved on the day of the actual market. All serious disputes will be investigated thoroughly and taken to a board meeting where the decision of the board will be final.
Bookings Terms
- Bookings are only confirmed upon receipt of payment, at which stage confirmation invoices are raised.
- Payment should be made by transfer to our account (Artsmix Leeds Ltd., Sort Code: 40-13-41, account No: 70088412), please do not post cash.
- A non-refundable, non-transferable deposit must be paid to reserve your stall if booked more than 4 weeks in advance; within 4 weeks’ full payment will be required (see membership table below for deposit details).
- Balances must be paid 3 weeks prior to the event. If payment of the final balance is not received by the due date, we reserve the right to terminate the booking and your deposit will be forfeit, please quote the reference (date of market) when paying your balance.
- Should you need to cancel a booking please let us know as soon as possible. The deposit is non-refundable and cancellation charges will be applied for any stalls cancelled less than 2 weeks before the date of trading (see table below). Any unadvised no-shows on the day may also result in suspension from future markets.
- If forces beyond our control cause us to cancel a market, such as severe weather or other circumstances that are deemed unsafe, we reserve the right to cancel markets at short notice. In this eventuality you will be offered a future market at a discount or a partial refund/credit, as we still have to cover our operational costs(see membership table below for details).
- If the market day wind speed gusting is forecast by the Leeds Met Office as being in excess of 30mph, on the Tuesday evening preceding the market, you may cancel off the market at a reduced rate as long as your cancellation is advised by e-mail, not later than 12 noon on the Wednesday (see membership table below).
- If a market is ever cancelled for operational reasons you will be offered a full refund, or can have all money paid transferred to a future market.
- Stall sharing is permitted though only if both parties have submitted membership forms and pay their half in full at the time of booking, which will be non-refundable in the event of cancellation.
- Charity stalls (once evidenced and approved) will receive a discount of £20 per stall and will automatically qualify for ‘Enhanced Trader’ cancellation charges.
Membership Types
We have three different levels of membership, ‘Standard’, which is free as well as ‘Enhanced’ and ‘Platinum’, which cost, but bring with them a range of additional and money saving benefits, which includes an enhanced listing on our new website where you’ll be able to place 3 images of your work as well as links your own social media platforms. Please note you must stipulate (and if necessary pay for) the type of membership you require before placing any bookings.
Memberships / Standard Trader Membership – Free / Enhanced Trader Membership - £50 / Platinum Trader Membership - £100Discounts / None / £5 off all April, May & June markets / £5 off all April, May & June markets
Priority on Waiting Lists / None / Yes / Yes
Deposits Payments
(Non-refundable) / £10 in April-October
£20 in November & December / £10 for all markets / £10 for all markets
Cancellation of market by Trader (% of total cost) / 1–2 weeks £35
1 week to 2 days 75%
48 hours or less 100% / 1–2 weeks £25
1 week to 2 days 50%
48 hours or less 100% / 1–2 weeks £20
1 week to 2 days 50%
48 hours or less 100%
Bad Weather Market Cancellation by Trader* / £25 would be retained / £20 would be retained / £20 would be retained
Bad Weather market cancellation by Artsmix* / £25 would be retained / £20 would be retained / £10 would be retained
Enhanced listing on Artsmix Website / No / Yes / Yes
Key stall supplement / £10 / £10 / £5
Early Booking / Bookings Open Wednesday 01.02.17 / Bookings Open
Monday 30.01.17 / Bookings Open
Monday 30.01.17
*If winds are forecast as gusting above 30mph 4 days prior to any market (according to the Met Office Website) those with potentially vulnerable stock can cancel off the market at this reduced rate. If winds are forecast to gust above 40mph the stalls can become unsafe, in line with health and safety, we may have to cancel, normally this is the day before.
Once you have read and are confident you have understood the above please complete and return the 2017 trader details form below.
If you have any further questions please e.mail:
Trader Details
Please note we can only accept traders who design and/or produce what they sell, bought goods cannot be traded on our market. See the ‘criteria’ section of our terms and conditions above for clarification.
Trader Name(s)Trading (Company) name
Tel No(s)(including mobile)
Insurance valid until (Please send a copy)
Twitter Feed
Type of Membership (please highlight) / Standard / Enhanced £50* / Platinum all sold
Product Type (e.g. Clothing, Jewellery, Food, Candles, Fabric Homewares, etc.)
Details of product(s)being sold
Please state the range of products you intend to offer for sale and attach images with this application. (If you have traded with us in the last 2 years, you only need to attach images of anything new or significantly revised that you are producing and hoping to sell)
Additional Information
Add any other information you feel may be relevant, which should include and details of special needs/consideration/support.
Please complete the aboveand e-mail it to to confirm you have read, understood and are happy and able to comply with all our terms and conditions.
Please do not place any bookings or transfer any money until you have confirmation that your membership has been approved.
*Enhanced membership (£50) must be paid prior to making bookings (all available Platinum Memberships have been sold)
Artsmix Leeds Limited, Park Lane Centre, Park Lane, Bradford, BD5 0LN. Company Number: 07760803