28th. A Happy New Year to you all and a reminder that the annual reunion is on May 10th 2004...details later.

12th. I just want to say a big thank you to everybody who took time to reply to the card I sent by e-mail. It was quite exciting opening them. I hope we can all keep in touch in 2004. If anyone knows Ollie Coker's new email address could you pass it on to me please.

6th. I see the Friends Reunited website has had a makeover and you can now tell everybody about your favourite music, sport and words as well as include a 'weemee' which is a cartoon which represents you. Get along there and update!

3rd. Ah...memories of the Snowball come back at this time of year.. although mine are distinctly indistinct due to the amount of Wadworths Bitter consumed. If you have any good memories let me know, as Pete Silcock has regarding the Medea mag, maybe we'll start a 'reminiscences' page!


11th. Just dropped in to let those who log on here know that the site isn't dead, it's just that I haven't got anything else I can contribute at present.


14th. It's all gone quiet again at present although I know that Kev Kibbey has organised a 'do' in Dublin and that the usual suspects will be in attendance, hope it goes well.


24th. Sad news I'm afraid, Had an e-mail today from Frank McDonald saying that he had heard through Phil Miles that Jock Gault ad passed away due to a heart attack. I'm sure that all who knew him will remember him as that rarest of breeds , a jovial Scotsman. He was craggy, funny and acerbic, spare a few moments for him! Jock...the lads salute you.

14th Received an e-mail from Beryl Bradshaw today, I hope to be able to include her e-mail address soon.

Meanwhile it's hospital time again, I'm back in for an op on my right foot to correct the toes, so I shall be spending a bit more time online.

6th. Well it's back to work again, it seems like I've never been away, still not too many years to go now! Tim Whiteford has kindly sent me his latest epistle from the states, I hope you enjoy reading it. Can I remind you to check the contacts page occasionally, people often change their e-mail addresses so I try to keep it updated.


21st. All's quiet on the old lags front at present, perhaps everyone's on holiday so I can't put anything new up at present although I am planning to write a further instalment of "Incoherent memories" so I'll be getting on with that for the meantime. To make things a little easier I've created a page for Incoherent Memories. It is on a sub-menu from This Old Lag so it no longer has to be downloaded.

9th. Just a note to let you know Tim Whiteford's email address has changed- .

1st. Wow doesn't time fly August already! I'm sorry I haven't updated recently but firstly I've purchased a new computer and I've been familiarising myself with it and then the family relocated to Port Isaac for a couple of weeks for some sun and surf, (unfortunately not too much of the former).

JUNE 2003

23rd I have recently been sent some photos of 'the lads' weekend so I decided to stick them on a new page called Reunion Pics. Catchy huh! You'll find it at the bottom of the menu. Thanks to Frankie McDonald for forwarding them to me.

6th At last something NEW.. I just hope it works. On the Musical Lags page I have added a couple of juke boxes and one them has a track, recorded by Jen Howson, of the Elsa Nunn Ensemble at their final gig. The file takes a little while to load but I hope you think it's worthwhile. It is 33 years old and a real miracle that it survived, so well done Jen!

3rd. Please note a change of Email for Howard Westlake. New address on contacts page.

MAY 2003

29th Contact from New Zealand! Liz Harris as was and hubby Roy Pigneguy emailed, as always address on contacts page.

28th. Had a nice email today from a Jacky Bond or Roberts depending whether you knew her during her first two years at St Matts or during the third.

I have put her address on the contact page, so anybody who remembers her please say hello!

26th Hope you like the changes to the site's appearance I thought it needed a facelift (like so many of us!)

Forgive a little self-indulgence but if you know me you will know that I am a rabid Wolves fan so well done on reaching the premiership!

19th. Right in the absence of anything better to do I've started on Lag's Gallery Ten, all I need now is some names.

15th. Sorry to be a bit of a bore but sadly I can't update the site without material from you guys..I'm sure there are some of you out there sitting on some old photos or tickets or other memorabilia. Why not put your skills to the test, scan them and then email

me with them, alternatively I promise faithfully to return any items you send me in good condition and by registered go on...what are you waiting for?

APRIL 2003

21st. Just an update to prove I'm still alive. Not much traffic of late but you may have noticed one or two new members on Friends Reunited so maybe they'll be in touch.

7th. As promised details of Reunion now posted on 'Reunion' page, link below.

6th. Tim Whiteford has e-mailed me to put out a request for any sport related anecdotes that you old lags may have lurking in your memories. He is currently writing another 'letter from America' and is hopefully basing it on the theme of sport so please e-mail him anything you have. Cheers!

MARCH 2003

26th. Nothing new to report at present but Andy Shapland has promised me pictures at Easter so with a bit of luck there will be something new to look at.

I have heard nothing about the reunion on May10th but will let you know the minute I get another e-mail from Tanya Keen. Meanwhile has anybody got a recent picture of themselves I can put on the 'then and now' page? Go on send me one, you can't look that decrepit can you?

17th. Stand by for a blast from the past.....Andy Shapland has been in touch and it was great to hear from him. He is in contact with Ian Longden, Mike Wenn, Nick Turner and Pete Wike. I'm certain he'd like to hear from one or two old lags so his, (and Ian's), email addresses are on he contact page. He has also promised me some photos!

14th. Ahhh...the weekend again, how I needed it! Had an email from Bert (Phil McLennan) to remind me to reply about the racing weekend, if you are interested in going drop him a line.

4th. Jane Dyer and Mike Bushell e-mailed to say that they had been in touch with Vicky Onslow and that the car in the JCR belonged to Juliet Hoskins. If you don't know what I'm on about... see Tim's article. I wonder what became of it?


28th. It always surprises me just how many old lags are computer literate. In the past week I've had emails from Janet Jones, Dominique Trembath, Dilys Williams, Ann Tandy (now Jessica Smith) and Judy Johnstone. Hope to put contact details up soon.

20th.Good news...Gerald 'Jugsy' Love e-mailed me with his address, as usual it's on the contacts page.

Last night the family and I went to see Fairport Convention in Derby and I have to say they were excellent. This is their 36th year together, they formed in 1967, a year before I went to college! There was a lovely atmosphere and we got Simon Nicol and Dave Pegg to autograph a poster for us. What really made the evening for us was an appearance, albeit in a wheelchair and accompianed by an oxygen cylinder, by Dave Swarbrick who rolled out a few good tunes on the fiddle. Although they are getting on agewise they can still play a bit! Anyway I bought the tour tee-shirt

even if it is a bit sad.

5th. February rolls round again and with it comes my birthday on the 21st, 53 this year, only a few years left to retirement! I have to say there are some days when it just can't come quickly enough and then I rebuke myself for wishing my life away. Anyway at least running this website gives me something to look forward to, I eagerly dip into my email each day to see what has washed up, usually several mails regarding viagra and those offering to increase the size of a certain part of my anatomy. However I got a nice surprise the other day when I received an email from Tim Whiteford (Blackmorris) containing an article written for the St. Matts newsletter. Knowing many of you don't subscribe I have sought and gained permission to reproduce it, so go on click the link below and wallow in nostalgia.


23rd Have updated e-mail addresses for Kev Kibbey and Dai Powell. You can now reach them (should you want to!)

7th Heard from Bryan Lowe! He wants particularly to get in touch with Nick Turner. Can anyone out there help. His email address is on contacts page

5th An email from Tanya Keen asking me to advertise a college reunion on Saturday May 10th. Check details by using the link at the bottom of this column.

2nd. A happy new year to all old lags out there. Unfortunately it seems people are running out of things to send so photo updates and memorabilia updates will be less frequent. Should you have anything please look it out .