NEW DELHI-110 002
(Please Use Additional Sheets Wherever Required)
I. General Information
1. Name of the University/Institution: ______
2. Type of the University/Institute: (please ü)
2.1. Central [ ] 2.2. Deemed [ ] 2.3. Institute of National Importance [ ]
2.4. State (a) Self Financing [ ] (b) Public Funding [ ] 2.5.Conventional [ ]
2.6. Medical [ ] 2.7. Technical [ ] 2.8.Language [ ] 2.9. Agricultural [ ]
2.10. Law [ ] 2.11. Open University [ ] 2.12. Any Other (Please Specify) [ ]
3. Year of Establishment of the University: ______
4. Address: ______
4.1. Telephone: ______4.2. E-Mail: ______
4.3. Fax: ______4.4. Web Site: ______
5. Name of the Vice Chancellor: ______
6. Name of the Registrar: ______
7. Librarian’s Name with Educational & Professional Qualifications:______
8. Year of Establishment of the Central Library: ______
9. Address for Communication: ______
10. Annual Budget of the University/Institute (Rupees in Lakhs):
10.1. 2002 – 2003: ______10.2. 2003 – 2004: ______
10.3. 2004 – 2005: ______10.4. 2005 – 2006: ______
11. Budget Allocated to the Library (Rupees in Lakhs):
11.1. 2002 – 2003: ______11.2. 2003 – 2004: ______
11.3. 2004 – 2005: ______11.4. 2005 – 2006: ______
12. Annual Intake of Students:
12.1. Undergraduate Level: ______
12.2. Integrated Master’s Degree Level: ______
12.3. Postgraduate Level: ______
12.4. M.Phil. Level: ______
12.5. Research Level: ______
12.6. Any Other: ______
13. No. of Schools / Deptts. / Centres / Units: ______
14. No. of Departmental Libraries : ______
15. No. of Library Holdings as on March 31, 2006:
Holdings / No. / Holdings / No. / Holdings / No. / Holdings / No.Books: / Journals
Subscribed (Current): / Standards & Specifications: / Databases
Reference Books: / Journals
(Received on Exchange Basis): / Technical Reports: / VideoCDs:
Bibliographic Works: / Back
(Bound): / Microfiche : / AudioCDs: Cassettes:
Theses: / Manuscripts: / Microfilms : / Others
16. No. of Registered Library Users as on March 31, 2006:
16.1. UG Students: ______16.2. PG Students: ______
16.3. Research Scholars: ______16.4. Faculty: ______
16.5. Admin. Staff: ______16.6. Supporting Staff:______
16.7. Others: ______16.8. Outsiders (No connection with Institution): ______
17. Space available for the Library (in Sq. Meters): ______
18. Space for graduate, postgraduate students and staff reading room: ______
19. Does the Library Provide Following Services:
19.1. Abstracting Service: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.2. Inter Library Loan: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.3. Lending Periodicals: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.4. Ready Reference Service: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.5. Accessibility for non members: Yes [ ] No [ ]
(i) Through Phone: Yes [ ] No [ ]
(ii) Through Post: Yes [ ] No [ ]
(iii) Through e-mail: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.6. Bibliographic Services on Demand: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.7. Current Awareness Services: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.8. Citations: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.9. Selective Dissemination of Information: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.10. Reprographic Services: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.11. Photocopying Services: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.12. Translation Services: Yes [ ] No [ ]
19.13. Book Exhibitions/ Fairs etc.: Yes [ ] No [ ]
20. Is there any provision for any special facility/service/assistance for physically
challenged readers?
Yes[ ] No [ ]
20.1. If ‘Yes’ (Please specify )______
20.2. Visually Impaired: Yes [ ] No [ ]
i) Brail printing facility Yes [ ] No [ ]
ii) Sound & Computer recording Yes [ ] No [ ]
iii) Brail Books/Journals Yes [ ] No [ ]
iv) Latest Software available for them Yes [ ] No [ ]
a) JAWS (developed by Freedom Scientific Group, USA)
Yes [ ] No [ ]
b) Kurz Veil-Educational System Yes [ ] No [ ]
Any other (Please specify briefly)______
20.3. Hearing Impaired: Yes [ ] No [ ]
If ‘Yes’ (Please specify )______
20.4. Locomotors: Yes [ ] No [ ]
i) Ramps
ii) Specially designed toilets Yes [ ] No [ ]
iii) Specific services to help them Yes [ ] No [ ]
Any other (Please specify briefly)______
(Please Elaborate) ______
II. Intranet and Internet Infrastructure
1. Does your Institute have Campus LAN? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If yes, equipment /cabling used? (Please specify Ö)
Cabling: CAT 5 [ ] Enhanced CAT 5 [ ] Fiber optic cable [ ]
Hub: Manageable [ ] Unmanageable [ ] Cisco [ ]
Router: Motorola [ ] Any other (please specify)
Bridge: LAN bridge network interface cards: 32 Bit / 16 Bit, PCI
Switches: 10/100 MBPS
Any other (please specify): ______
2. Spread of Campus LAN: How Spread out Your Campus LAN is? (please ü)
2.1. Restricted to Computer Centre [ ]
2.2. Restricted to Computer Centre + Library [ ]
2.3. Restricted No. of Connections in Departments / Centres / Labs. / Units [ ]
2.4. All Deptts. / Centres / Labs. / Units [ ]
2.5. All faculty residences [ ]
3. Whether the library has an independent Library Network? Yes [ ] No [ ]
4. Whether the library is part of Campus Network? Yes [ ] No [ ]
5. Does Your Campus LAN / Library Network is Compatible to the Internet (does it follow
TCP / IP protocol?) Yes [ ] No [ ]
6. Bandwidth of the Institute / Library Network: ______
7. Is your Library a member of a Library network? Yes [ ] No [ ]
8. If yes, please ü
8.1. INFLIBNET [ ] 8.2. DELNET [ ] 8.3. BONET [ ] 8.4.ADINET [ ]
8.5. MALIBNET [ ] 8.6. PUNENET [ ] 8.7. CALIBNET [ ] 8.8. MYLNET [ ]
8.9. MANLIBNET [ ] 8.10. Any Other [ ]
9. Is your Campus Network / Library Network connected to INTERNET? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If yes, please specify your Internet Service Provider (ISP) (please ü)
9.1. ERNET [ ] 9.2. VSNL [ ] 9.3. NICNET [ ]
9.4. Other Private ISP (please specify) [ ]
10. Type of Internet Connection (please ü)
10.1. Dial-up [ ] 10.2. Leased Line [ ] 10.3. V-SAT [ ]
10.4. Radio link [ ] 10.5. Cable Network [ ] 10.6. Any Other [ ]
11. Internet Connection Speed: ______
12. No. of PCs having Internet connections: ______Version of PC : ______
12.1. In the Library: ______12.2. In the Computer Centre: ______
12.3. Total No. Internet-enabled PCs in the Institute: ______
13. Does your Institute have a Web Site? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If answer to Question 13 is yes:
13.1. Is Library represented on the Institute Web Site: Yes [ ] No [ ]
13.2. Do you host your web site on your own server or is it hosted by a hosting
service / Your ISP? ______
III. Library Automation
1. Does the library subscribe to abstracting services on line
1.1. Physical Abstracts: Yes [ ] No [ ]
1.2. Chemical Abstracts: Yes [ ] No [ ]
1.3. Biological Abstracts: Yes [ ] No [ ]
1.4. Medline: Yes [ ] No [ ]
1.5. Science Direct: Yes [ ] No [ ]
1.6. Dissertation Abstracts: Yes [ ] No [ ]
1.7. Any other: Yes[ ] No [ ]
2. Is your Library Using a Integrated Library Software for Computerization of Library?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
3. If the answer to Question 2 above is No, what steps are you taking to get the Integrated Library Software (please ü):
3.1. In-house Development [ ]
3.2. Purchase from Commercial Software Vendor [ ]
3.3. Approach Your Library Network [ ]
3.4. Any Other (Please specify) [ ]
4. If the answer to Question 2 above is Yes, which Library Software is being used? (please ü):
4.1. CDS/ISIS / WINISIS [ ] 4.2. Libsys [ ] 4.3. SOUL [ ]
4.4. TRIM [ ] 4.5. TLMS [ ] 4.6. Suchika [ ]
4.7. Librarian Suite [ ] 4.8. LIBRIS [ ] 4.9. NIRMALS [ ]
4.10. PALMS [ ] 4.11. TROODON [ ] 4.12. SANJAY [ ]
4.13. SLIM++ [ ] 4.14. ALICE [ ] 4.15. TECHLIB PLUS [ ]
4.16. Others (Please specify)______
5. Whether the Library Software is a Network version? Yes [ ] No [ ]
6. Whether the Library Software has online help for Users? Yes [ ] No [ ]
7. Level of Library Computerization (please ü)
7.1. Fully Computerized [ ] 7.2. Partially computerized [ ]
7.3 In the process of computerization [ ] 7.4 Not known at this point of time [ ]
8. Which sections are computerized (please ü) (If yes, please specify %)
8.1. Acquisition [ ] 8.2. Cataloguing [ ] 8.3. OPAC [ ] 8.4. Serials [ ]
8.5. Circulation [ ] 8.6. Stock Verification [ ] 8.7. CAS [ ] 8.8. Others [ ]
8.9 SDI [ ] 8.10 Digitization [ ] 8.11 In dest [ ]
9. Whether your library has introduced barcode technology? Yes [ ] No [ ]
10. If yes, mention the functions activated using barcode technology (please ü)
10.1. Annual Stock Verification [ ] 10.2. Circulation [ ] 10.3. Any Other [ ]
11. Do you use any other technology (like smart card, magnetic strips for theft detection, etc)
(Please specify)______
12. Did you receive financial support form the following funding agencies for Library Computerizations. If “Yes”, mention the amount received:
12.1. AICTE [ ] 12.2. INFLIBNET [ ] 12.3. MHRD [ ]
12.4. UGC [ ] 12.5. DST [ ] 12.6. DBT [ ]
12.7. Any Other (Pl Specify) [ ]
13. Budgetary Allocation for IT Applications:
Please indicate the amount spent on IT applications in the library during the last five years:
Year / Amount spent on IT / Total Library Budget2005-2006
14. Do you feel that the amount given for IT applications in the library is sufficient?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
If no, please specify briefly the alternative sources being explored by you to meet
your requirements and your plans for implementation (Please use separate sheet, if required).
15. In your opinion has the automation brought any savings in the library? ( Please√ )
15.1.Automation helped to manage the library with limited manpower [ ]
15.2. Able to provide better services [ ]
15.3. Saves lot of time, both of user and staff [ ]
15.4. Able to generate funds through the library service, etc. [ ]
15.5. Any other savings (please specify briefly)……………………………….
IV. Services
The following questions are asked to find out the extent of new service introduced in your library using IT tools.
1. Do you provide following services using the state of-the-art Information Technology tools?
(Please √)
1.1 Provide access to library OPAC [ ]
1.2 Generate reminders for books overdue [ ]
1.3 Provide recent additions list [ ]
1.4 Provide individual alert services [ ]
1.5 Provide Users information on the status of issue/return date etc. [ ]
1.6 Provide CD – ROM database services [ ]
1.7 Provide Contents page service [ ]
1.8 Provide Electronic Reference Service [ ]
1.9 Provide Online access to databases [ ]
1.10 Provide Access to Internet in the Library [ ]
1.11 Provide Access to other library databases [ ]
1.12 Provide Access to electronic journals service [ ]
1.13 Provide Access to Internet resources through Library portals [ ]
1.14 Provide Access to metadata repositories [ ]
1.15 Any other services (Please specify)______
2. With the introduction of new services using IT in the library, the overall library services have ( Please√ ):
Improved [ ] No change [ ] Decreased [ ]
V. Library Digitization Programme
1. Size of collection available for digitization (where the copyright is held by you and the collection is used extensively; please indicate in terms of numbers)
1.1. Ph.D. Theses ______
1.2. M.Phil Theses ______
1.3. Masters Degree Dissertations ______
1.4. Technical Reports ______
1.5. Journal published In-house ______
1.6. E- Journals ______
1.7. E-Books ______
1.8. Other Collections proposed for Digitization______
2. Is your staff familiar with the steps involved in the process of digitization from data capture to making them available on the web? Yes [ ] No [ ]
3. Is it mandatory for research students to submit a copy of their thesis to the Library?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
4. Does the Library receive the copy of all the theses? Yes [ ] No [ ]
5. No. of Ph.D. Theses/ D.Litt/D.Sc. / L.L.D. / M.Phil./M.Tech. Dissertations submitted to
your Institute annually:
Year / No. of Ph.D. Theses / No.of M.Phil./M.Tech Dissertation / No.of D.Litt./ D.Sc./ L.L.D. Theses2001-2002
5. Do you have plans for getting your current theses submitted in electronic form?