The 2017 Ruth Bohan Teaching Professorship Award
Nomination Packet
Awarded by the Executive Dean of theUniversity of Kansas School of Medicine
Award Description
An award of $5,000is available for eligible School of Medicine faculty in recognition of demonstrated excellence in teaching medical students, graduate students, residents and/or fellows in the School of Medicine. Applications are encouraged in support of outstanding basic science and clinical educators on the Wichita, Salina and Kansas City campuses of the School of Medicine. Two awards are given each year.
Nominees for this award must meet the following criteria:
- Nomination by one or more KU School of Medicine faculty colleagues.
- A member of the KU School of Medicine faculty for at least five years.
Nominees may NOT be:
- Members of the Kansas City or Wichita Dean’s office staff.
- Previous winners of the Bohan Award (list of previous award winnersis providedonline).
Advisory Committee
The Academy of Medical Educators (AME)will review all nominations and make their recommendations to the Executive Dean. The Executive Dean will select the final awardees.
Deadline for All Nominations
Monday, May 1, 2017.Late nominations will not be accepted.Please submit nominations by email to Faculty Affairs and Development ().
Save the Date!
The winners of this year’s Ruth Bohan Teaching Professorship Award
will be announced at the Annual Medical Education Retreat
on June 9, 2017.
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The 2017Ruth Bohan Teaching Professorship Award
Nomination Form and Letter
Deadline May 1, 2017
*This form is a required part of the nomination packet.
I would like to nominate: Click here to enter text.
From the Department of: Click here to enter text.
The Guidelines and Criteriainclude detailed information regarding the review committee’s criteria. Please read before proceeding.
I believe that the above named KUMC faculty memberis an exemplary medical educator and qualifies as a nominee for the Bohan Award for excellence in teaching.
Nomination Letter:Add your testimonial in the box below or add a separate letter of nomination.
Explain why you believe this faculty member should receive this award, including examples of his/her demonstrated excellence in teaching.Additional instructions and required documentation providedon page three.
Nominated by: Click here to enter text.Date: Click here to enter a date.
Thank you for taking the time to nominate your colleague for the
Ruth Bohan Teaching Professorship Award.
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The Ruth Bohan Teaching Professorship Award
Nomination Documentation Details
Deadline May 1, 2017
Nominators should work closely with nominees and department chairs to optimize the completeness and accuracy of the nomination.
Required Documentation
- The nomination form and letter.Nominations may be made to the Executive Dean by any faculty member of the School of Medicine.
- Three or more letters of support from School of Medicine faculty colleagues. May be requested by the nominator and/or nominee.
- A letter of support fromthe nominee’s Chair.
- Letters of support from medical/graduate students, residents, and fellows, as appropriate. Requested by the nominator.
- The nominee’s current Curriculum Vitae. The CV in the SOM Format is preferred in order to highlight the nominee’s teaching accomplishments, however other CV formats are acceptable.
- Letters of support from faculty outside of the nominee’s department.
- Letters from former students, residents, postdocs, mentees, etc.
- Evidence of excellence in teaching, such as:
- Teaching Evaluations. (Departmental, Peer, Office of Medical Education and Student Voice evaluations.)
- Previous awards for teaching.Include details of the awards (how chosen, how many presented each year, and so on). A link to the award site is acceptable.Some examples include:
- Student Voice Awards
- Executive Dean’s Mentoring Awards
- Chancellor’s Award
- Kemper Teaching Fellowship
- Jayhawker Award
- Resident’s Award
- Any departmentalteaching awards
- National or specialty recognition in teaching
- Highlight specific teaching innovations by the nominee (e.g. web based learning programs, module reorganization, course/clerkship development, new evaluation tools, etc.).
- Highlight education-related activities outside the classroom (e.g. developing laboratory exercises, computer software, authoring textbooks, education research articles, education-related presentations, educational committees).
- Quantify time spent on teaching, including the number of students, residents, and/or fellows, to help provide a specific idea of the individual’s involvement in medical education and overall teaching responsibilities.
The Ruth Bohan Teaching Professorship Award
Checklist for Nomination Packet
Deadline May 1, 2017
Nomination form and letter from a faculty member in the KU School of Medicine.
Current curriculum vitae of the nominee.
Letters supporting the nomination from at least three faculty members of the KU School of Medicine.
A letter of support from the nominee’s department chair.
Letters of support from colleagues outside of KUMC.
Letters of support from students and/or residents.
Results of student evaluations and other evaluations performed by other departments or peers.
Other data: documentation of previous awards, teaching innovations, educational activities and/or time spent teaching, along with numbers of learners.
To Submit the Nomination Packet
Create a single PDF file that includes the nomination form, letters of support and all other documentation.
A separate PDF of the nominee’sCV.
Email both PDF files to FADby May 1, 2017
Contact Teresa Beachamin FAD.
Late nominations will not be accepted.
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