CAF Lessons Learnt
16. NHS Number, Personal Demographics Service & Demographics Batch Service
The NHS number provides a common identifier, which if held on individuals’ records in both NHS and Social Care systems, supports secure information sharing.The NHS number was considered a vital pre-requisite to sharing assessment information in the CAF Programme.
The NHS number can be obtained in two ways:
Using the Demographics Batch Service (DBS) and Summary Care Record Application (SCRA). The DBS involves submitting a file of client demographics for tracing against the Personal Demographics Service (PDS), providing back the NHS Number and most up to date demographics.SCRA enables stand-alone on-line access to the PDS to help find NHS numbers for records not traced using DBS.
Linking the social care system to the Personal Demographics Service (PDS), so that NHS numbers can be obtained and demographics data kept up to date in real time.
Key Principles and Learning
CAF demonstrator sites reported that acquiring NHS numbers resulted in improvements in data quality, through reduction of duplicate records and incomplete or out of date demographic data
Prior to connecting to the PDS, the DBS needs to be used for data cleansing, and to provide existing client records with NHS numbers (see Rochdale report in Examples section below)
Sites found that it took longer than anticipated to complete data cleansing work and that it helped to have a dedicated resource to complete this work
The business process(es) for which NHS numbers are requiredwill dictate whether there is a need for immediate access for NHS numbers or only for routine, e.g. daily, updates. This will determine whether batch (DBS) or on-line (PDS) services are required
Setting up on-line links to the PDS requires more time and resources than using the DBS
On-going use of the DBS or PDS requires an authority to have achieved the NHS Information Governance Statement of Compliance and have a connection to the N3 network. Both of these take substantial time and resources to get in place
Having a good partnership with NHS colleagues helps in obtaining advice and support regarding all aspects of DBS and PDS, as they will already have skills and experience in this area
Registration authority services are required to authenticate users and issue smartcards. In CAF demonstrator sites these services have generally been provided by the local PCT, but it may be possible in the future for local authorities to act as registration authorities in their own right.
Where an individual does not have an NHS number, allocation is generally arranged by the Primary Care Trust.This is because it needs to be done by trained staff to ensure that NHS numbers are not created unnecessarily. The PCT also usually deals with any issues that need resolving by the PDS National Back Office (NBO) on behalf of a local authority. There is therefore a need to set up arrangements with a local PCT for NHS number allocation and liaison with the NBO.
Formal death notifications are recorded on the PDS via the Registrar. ‘Informal’ death notifications are usually recorded on the PDS by the certifying doctor or their support staff. To record these notifications the user needs to have additional RBAC roles. Some social care systems, e.g. ShareCare and Paris, implemented informal death notifications, but in Cheshire East the decision was made not to use this function.
Examples from CAF Demonstrator Site Programme
The evidence documents shown below in bold italics can be found in the NHS Number PDS and DBS folder on the Common Assessment Framework for Adults Learning Network
Rochdale – report on the NHS Number Demographics Batch Service. This report sets out the process used by Rochdale to obtain NHS numbersfor 95% of all active clients. Rochdale accessed DBS via the N3/GCSX gateway(see document: Rochdale_NHS_Number_DBS)
Camden – DBS. Camden has been updating its social care database with NHS numbers using the NHS DBS and Migration Analysis Clearing Service (MACS). They now have NHS Smartcards and an N3 connection and are in the process of installing the Demographics Batch Service (DBS) software and using the Summary Care Record application (SCRa) to check individual records.
East Cheshire – PDS links. Cheshire East Council have gone through the NHS CFH Common Assurance Process and have linked their IBM/Esprit ShareCare assessment system to the PDS. The PDS is being used by around 50 staff in two social care teams, one hospital and the other community based, who all have NHS Smartcards. (See document: East Cheshire PDS Evaluation v1.1)
Barnsley – PDS links. Barnsley is linking their LiquidLogic IAS case management system to the PDS
Rochdale–Also uses Liquid Logic IAS and is joint First of Type site with Barnsley.
Greenwich – PDS links. Greenwich is linking their CoreLogic Frameworki case management system to the PDS
Southampton – PDS links. Southampton is linking their Civica Paris case management system to the PDS
Shropshire – PDS links. Shropshire is linking their OLM CareFirst case management system to the PDS
Stockport – using DBS as a temporary measure until PDS connection can be achieved (2nd of type with OLM CareFirst following Shropshire’s implementation.) They have NHS Smartcards for a designated number of users, with the health partner acting as Registration Authority.
Portsmouth – using the MACS service to obtain NHS Numbers on the Northgate Swift system.
Social Care PDS Early Adopter Lessons Learnt Report (see document: SCPEA_Lessons_NewFinal)
For further information see CAF Lessons Learnt
Common Assurance Process (CAP)
Options for information sharing
N3, GCSX and PSN
Useful Links and other Sources of Information
Department of Health - Use of the NHS Number in Social Care Policy Statement:
NHS Connecting for Health – Supplier documentation on the Demographics Batch Service and Personal Demographics Service:
NHS Connecting for Health – Social Care Data Quality Requirements for Interfacing to the PDS:
NHS Connecting for Health – Information Governance Statement of Compliance:
NHS Connecting for Health information on Personal Demographics Service:
Future considerations
The NHS Future Forum recommended that the NHS number be recorded at the point of data capture across the NHS and social care by 2013.
12.04.12 Find the complete version of the CAF lessons learnt at: Page 1