OCTOBER 21-23, 2014
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Conventional Machining as a Special Process (CMSP) Task Group was called to order at 08:01, 21-Oct-2014.
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Chuck / Beargie / Goodrich (UTAS) / Acting Vice Chairperson
Robert / Cashman / Parker Aerospace
David / Day / GE Aviation
* / Philippe-Jacques / Durand / Airbus Helicopters
* / Vincent / Dutilh / SAFRAN Group
Mario / Enriquez / Honeywell Aerospace
David / Gil Alipi / Honeywell Aerospace
Joakim / Idetjarn / GKN Aerospace Sweden
Per / Ingemansson / GKN Aerospace Sweden
Erick / Javalera / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Yann / Jeffredo / SAFRAN Group / Acting Chairperson
Marc-Andre / Lefebvre / Heroux-Devtek Inc.
Marc / Montreuil / Heroux-Devtek Inc.
* / John / Pfeiffer / GE Aviation / Secretary
Michael / Riley / Goodrich (UTAS)
* / Doug / Webb / Honeywell Aerospace
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMESaid / Amegroud / Tecnickrome Aeronautique Inc.
George / Fry / Micro-Tronics
Bryan / Hebb / AMS Coatings Inc.
* / Jim / Jenson / Moeller Manufacturing
Richard / Lewis / PCC Carson City
* / Andrew / March / Hunting Dearborn
Deborah / Matuszek / Paradigm Precision
Andre / Mulyono / Absolute Technologies Inc.
David / Osenar / PAKO Inc.
John / Passmore / St. Louis Metallizing Company
Jinesh / Patel / Southwest United Canada Inc. - CEEL Limited
PRI Staff Present
Michael / GrahamAndy / Statham
Based on feedback from the Auditors during the Monday meeting, Appendix A will remain as currently formatted, in Excel.
A Supplier Representative for the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) is needed. Andy March (Hunting Dearborn) and Jim Jensen (Moeller) have both expressed interest.
Motion made by Doug Webb and seconded by Chuck Beargie that Andy March be appointed as the NMC representative for a one-year term, followed by Jim Jensen for a one-year term. Motion passed unanimously.
3.1 Paretos of recent audit findings were reviewed. The Task Group did not find anything unexpected and there were no proposals to modify any of the checklist questions.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will add a list of typical gages that are expected to be calibrated to the Handbook, based on Nai’s suggested list as modified during discussion during the Auditor Conference on Monday. (Due Date: 21-Nov-2014)
Auditor Performance: Auditor metrics were reviewed. No issues were noted.
Audit Review Cycle Time: The Task Group is currently RED on this metric. Two recent audits drive this issue (24 and 28 days). There are several root causes:
· The audits occurred during the Staff Engineer’s vacations
· One audit had several “Accept with Comments” which require additional action.
Ø Note to reviewing Subscribers: Only use the “Accept with Comments” Ballot option is there is some action required. The Staff Engineer is required to address any comments and this extends the cycle.
3.2 Scheduled Audits: With Goodrich mandating and with one Auditor medically unavailable for an unknown period, additional Auditors are likely to be needed. Potential names have been forwarded to PRI Staff, plus two that have applied in the electronic system. CMSP does not currently have a formal process for vetting Auditor candidates.
ACTION ITEM: Andy will schedule a teleconference to develop a process and begin interviewing additional Auditors. (Due Date: 21-Nov-2014)
3.3 Observation Audits: Will be discussed in Section 5.0
3.4 NUCAP: No Task Group member is currently using NUCAP for CMSP. NUCAP B (Nadcap checklist performed by an internal/Subscriber Auditor) will be re-branded, but will continue to be an option.
4.0 CLOSED NEW Business ItemS
4.1 Audit Ballot Comments – See guidance regarding use of “Accept with Comments”, above.
4.2 Handbook guidance for Major/Minor Nonconformance Reports (NCR) – see Task Group consensus from Dublin meeting.
4.3 NMC/Supplier Support Committee (SSC) Representative – see prior discussion.
NOP 007 Violation: There has been a violation of Nadcap Operating Procedure NOP-007 (Observation Audits). The audit was not properly scheduled/documented in eAuditNet. Andy reminded the Task Group to follow NOP-007 when performing an observation audit and demonstrated how to schedule an observation and how to review observation comments. (REF: Incident Report #820)
4.4 Establish Sub-teams to review specific Slash Sheets. The Task Group agreed to pilot this with a sub-team to work on AC7126/5.
ACTION ITEM: Andy will set up a separate series of teleconferences to work on AC7126/5, led by Chuck Beargie. All Task Group members will be invited to participate. (Due Date: 21-Nov-2014)
5.0 NOP-012 Data Review – CLOSED
Post-June Meeting Open Action Items:
· Develop proposal for a Communication Plan for Auditors – Complete. Reference Row 22 on the “operating” Tab of the NOP 012 CMSP Auditor Consistency Milestone Plan 21 October 2014.
· Proposal for initial training of Auditors - See previous action Item to set up a teleconference to develop training/qualification and proceed with recruitment.
· Annual Feedback for each Auditor – No feedback available at this point.
ACTION ITEM: Andy will provide individual feedback to each Auditor (annual requirement). (Due Date: 31-Dec-2014)
October Action Items:
· Auditor Consistency Sub-team briefs the Task Group on current status of all metrics. Complete (the Task Group is the sub-team and reviewed all metrics).
· Feedback to NMC. Scheduled for Wednesday.
· Auditor Training. Completed.
· Initial Auditor Training Program. Working. See prior action Item.
· Auditor Communication Plan.
Auditor Oversight: The Auditor Oversight calendar was reviewed. All Auditors have or will receive at least one oversight audit in 2014 except for one individual. An oversight audit was scheduled for December, but the Auditor is no longer performing the audit at that site. The team reviewed an August Nonconventional Machining (NM) oversight for this Auditor which was positive with no reported issues.
Auditor statistics for the prior year were reviewed. No action is required at this time. One Auditor has statistically lower NCR’s per day but the Task Group consensus is that the difference is not a significant issue at this point due to the small data set and possibility of confounding factors. This Auditor (and the others) will continue to be monitored through oversight audits.
6.0 CMSP Membership status – OPEN
The Task Group membership status was reviewed. No comments.
7.0 Closed Meeting Debrief – Open
Yann Jeffredo summarized the discussions of the morning’s CLOSED meeting.
Andy Statham presented the proposed changes to the Failure Ballot criteria.
8.0 Staff Report – OPEN
8.1 General Task Group Metrics were reviewed
· Audit metrics were briefly re-reviewed for the benefit of the Suppliers now present. The Task Group consensus is that no changes to the checklist questions are suggested by the data.
· Current audit load through 07-Oct-2014 is 47 (Americas / 17 Asia / 6 Europe).
· 73.1% of audits have a quorum of Task Group oversight.
8.2 Review of the Rolling Action Item List (RAIL)
The RAIL was reviewed and updated.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will re-forward the draft of the Handbook for AC7126 Rev B for concurrence. (Due Date: 24-Oct-2014)
For specific details, please see the current CMSP Rolling Action Item List posted at, under Public Documents.
9.0 Review pLANNING AND OPERATIONS (P&O), SSC, and TASK GROUP Chair Agendas – OPEN
The Agendas were reviewed. The CMSP Task Group have Red status on approval cycle time. Yann will convey that our immediate future will be spent completing Rev B of AC7126/1 and then begin revision of AC7126/5.
10.0 Referring a Supplier to the AQS Task Group - OPEN
David Day described the conditions to invoke and the process used to refer a Supplier to the Aerospace Quality System (AQS) Task Group for action when a CMSP audit identifies significant Quality System issues.
11.0 checklist and Handbook – proposed changes - OPEN
A proposed definition for “Hobbing” was reviewed and polished. The definition will be added to the Document Change Spreadsheet (DCS) for AC7126/4 (Milling).
The list of items requiring calibration, initially generated at the Auditor’s meeting was reviewed and polished. In the short term the list will be added to the Handbook, and eventually migrated to AC7126 as guidance within the checklist.
Currently some of the questions regarding tool definition and control are difficult to apply to grinding wheels or abrasive flow media. Consider modifying AC7126 to split the Tool Control section into two – one applying to traditional cutting tools and the other to abrasives. Each would have a “Section N/A.”
AC7126 requires calibration status to be visible on the machine. Consider updating AC7126 9.1.1 to mention that the Procedure should include requirements for identifying qualification status.
AC7126/1 - Need to add/clarify a definition of cutting fluid to address potential “non-fluid” products such as MQL, cryogenic, etc. Initially put it into the Handbook and then eventually into AC7126 (Base).
ACTION ITEM: John Pfeiffer will create a definition for “cutting fluid”. (Due Date: 30-Oct-2014)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will add the definition of cutting fluid to the Handbook and to the DCS for AC7126 (Base). (Due Date: 31-Oct-2014)
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will update the DCS to reflect include the (4) items listed above. (Due Date: 31-Oct-2014)
12.0 Meeting Reports - Review P&O and SSC Chair meetings – OPEN
SSC: Andy March gave and overview of the SSC meeting. One observation is that some Suppliers felt they would rather drop their accreditation for two years rather than go through the Risk Mitigation process. One Supplier expressed a concern that a Subscriber mandate also came with a requirement for eQuaLearn training and whether there is some conflict of interest.
Planning & Ops: Yann gave an overview of the P&O meeting. There was discussion of Observation audits – there are issues with cancellations and also with Observers not loading results into eAuditNet (the latter not an issue with CMSP).
NMC: The Coatings Task Group expressed an interest in establishing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CMSP for grinding of coatings. Chuck noted that UTC Goodrich’s expected mandates, only a few grind coatings that would fall within the prevue of the Coatings Task Group (most are chrome only).
13.0 Checklist Translation – OPEN
Vincent discussed some subtleties in the Spanish translation, where duplicates sentences in the English version are not translated exactly the same in the Spanish version. Discussion ensued as to whether these details need to be ironed out before releasing the translation, or whether there would be benefit to publishing it now.
Motion made by Doug Webb and seconded by Jim Jensen that the Spanish translation be released as-is. Motion passed.
GE has provided a Chinese translation of AC7126B.
ACTION ITEM: Andy will contact the PRI Chinese office to find someone to perform a one-over-one review of the GE Chinese AC7126 Rev B translation. (Due Date: 21-Nov-2014)
A question arose as to the status of a German translation offered by a German supplier for AC7126 and AC7126/1. The Task Group noted that given the small number of German-speaking Suppliers it is probably not worth creating a German translation, but if the supplier already has one it could be worth leveraging.
ACTION ITEM: Andy will contact the supplier regarding the status of their German translation. (Due Date: 21-Nov-2014)
14.0 PRocedure review – OPEN
14.1 NOP-003 (Delegation): The procedure was reviewed. No questions.
14.2 NOP-006 (Supplier Advisory): The procedure was reviewed. No questions.
14.3 NOP-007 (Audit Observers): The procedure was reviewed (again). There was discussion regarding the time frame during which the audited Supplier can reject the request for the audit to be observed. The Procedure gives 14 days, but in practice it can happen at any time – although data indicates that only about 9% of Observers are denied by the audited company. There were no specific questions.
14.4 NIP 6-01 Appendix (CMSP): The procedure was reviewed. Their Task Group affirmed that while desirable, a college degree is not required. For clarity, move the text in section B.1 into section A.1.
ACTION ITEM: Andy will adjust the text in NIP 6-01 Appendix CMSP (and also determine/advise whether this change needs to be balloted). (Due Date: 31-Oct-2014)
15.0 Open new business items – OPEN
15.1 Risk Mitigation: Discussed during Auditor training and the Supplier Support Committee (SSC). No additional questions/comments.
15.2 Coolant Storage: Based on an observation by Philippe and Vincent during an audit, the team accepted a recommendation to add coolant storage as one of the bullet items under the AC7126 Coolant Maintenance Procedure questions. At the next revision of the checklist, the bulleted list under question 8.2.1 will be updated to include Storage. In the interim, the handbook guidance for Question 8.2.2 (Compliance with fluid manufacturer’s recommendations) will be updated to address storage. Because this additional requirement is not associated with a revision change to the checklist, a Supplier Advisory will be required to assure that Suppliers are aware of the change.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will update the DCS (Document Change Spreadsheet) to add storage as a bullet item within AC7126 8.2.1. (Due Date: 31-Oct-2014).
Current Handbook guidance for AC7126 8.2.2:
NOTE: If the fluid does not come with specific recommendations, then a letter or email from the fluid supplier is acceptable to indicate their recommendations.Typical recommendations may include pH or concentration ranges and the use of deionized makeup water.