“STRIDER No-Pedal Balance Bikes are designed specifically to help children learn balance and coordination BEFORE pedaling. The simple, no-pedal design allows children of all abilities to learn to ride on two wheels, instilling considerable confidence and bike handling skills. STRIDER bikes encourage the development of spatial awareness, balance and basic motor skills so all children can reach their maximum riding potential.”

WHO: Any member of DSANI, with Down syndrome, ages walking to 12 years old would be able to use the Strider Bike!

WHAT: A lending program, such as “checking-out”, for a Strider Bicycle for a month long trial period. This will allow your child to use the bicycle and gain a knowledge of the brand to make a decision on whether this is the right bicycle for your child!

WHEN: This lending opportunity will be a first come, first serve basis, and may require a waiting period until another bicycle is available. This is available starting now and is ongoing!! I have 3- 12” bikes and 3- 16” bikes.

WHERE: You can obtain your trial bike or be put on the waiting list by contacting Crystal Hunter in Columbia City. Cell phone: call or text 260-609-6919 Email: or on Facebook. These bikes will be used in your home at your convenience for the month long trial!

WHY: I (Crystal Hunter) have obtained several bicycles through a Strider Gives Back Campaign that I had entered, and I won them to help promote these awesome bikes to our children with low tone and balance issues! I would love to provide as many families as possible with the opportunity to try these amazing bikes! I will show you the basics and safety awareness for the bikes upon obtaining one. If at the end of your trial you are interested in purchasing a bike, I will be able to help you with a discount from the regular price! By trying this lending program you are under NO obligation to buy a bicycle!! I am only trying to spread the word and open doors for our kiddos to be able to ride with their peers!


  1. By obtaining a Strider bicycle for a trial use, I will not hold DSANI, Strider Bikes, Inc., or Crystal Hunter accountable for any injury occurring while having the Strider Bike in my possession.
  1. I will maintain and care for the Strider Bike in such a way that it can be reused in the lending program for other children within DSANI. If I damage the bike in any way or cannot return the bike at the end of my lending period, I may be subjected to replace the bicycle so others can still take advantage of the program.
  1. I promise to practice good bicycle safety while my child is using the Strider Bike, and follow all bicycle laws if riding in public.

By signing I agree to the above statements and am excited to start my child riding!!

X: Date:

Printed name______

Check out date:______

Return date:______